Selectboard Minutes 1.23.17

JANUARY 23, 2017

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Timothy Williams, Cynthia Browning,
Reggie Jennings, Jr.
Also Present: Obrian Ellis-GNAT-TV

The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Minutes of Meeting of January 9, 2017 & Special Budget Meeting of January 17, 2017: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 2017 and the special budget meeting of January 17, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

Highway: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew has been busy with the recent storms, and have been drawing and stockpiling gravel. Sidewalk Machine Invoice: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Capital Reserve Fund Order CR #1 dated 01/20/2017 for the amount of $46,536.08 to Deere & Company for Invoice #115580049, Reference # 2617378, Purchase Order # VT00007 for the new John Deere Tractor – the money to come from the Capital Reserve Sidewalk Line. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. Berwal Road Issue: A representative for Berwal Road resident Denise Watts called today to ask if the Town was going to cover any expenses incurred by Denise after flood/wash-out on Berwal Road as previously discussed at the August 22, 2016 Selectboard meeting. Mr. Squires reported that the Board had discussed this and felt this was an “act of God”. He noted that he had also briefly talked to a representative from the Town’s insurance company-who stated that this would not be covered by the Town’s insurance policies. The Board was in favor of having Mr. Squires contact the Town’s insurance company and get a written statement on this issue.

Water Department: Policy Update: Board members reviewed and discussed the changes in the Water Department Policy regarding charges for multi-unit dwellings, rental properties, special ‘requests’, non-profits, etc. Board members felt that this change should be acted upon at tonight’s meeting.. Mr. Williams made a motion to accept the change/addition on Page 11, Section 21 of the Water Department Policy as presented to the Board tonight. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the Community Club’s written request dated January 3, 2017 – asking for an exemption – per the policy revision as passed tonight (01/23/2017). Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. The Policy change/addition and the Community Club’s request are attached to these minutes.
Warrants & Orders: Bond Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Bond Bank Account Order # B-14 dated January 23, 2017 – with $10,777.56 to Aldrich & Elliott for Invoice #76725 for engineering services from November 27, 2016 through December 24, 2016, $929.67 to Bank of Bennington for interest on loan, and $330,000.00 for a repayment on the principal – for a grand total of $341,707.23. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried.
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Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of the Water Department Operating Account Warrant # WD #2 dated January 23, 2017 for $10,551.73. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

Old Business: Camping on the Battenkill-Update: No new information on this issue at this point in time.
Battenkill North Housing Agreements: Mr. Squires reported that there were two (2) agreements – one with the Shires Housing, one with BCRC. Joe O’Dea reviewed them and found no problems with them. Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize Mr. Squires to sign the contract between the Town of Arlington and BCRC, and the contract between the Town of Arlington and Housing Vermont/Shires Housing. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried.
Dog Park-Update: Mr. Harvey read a letter from the Dog Park Committee members suggesting putting up a temporary fence with signage to stimulate usage of the proposed dog park area, and to continue to fund raise.
Blair Court Trailer: Mr. Williams questioned if there was any new information on the issue of the Blair Court burned out trailer. He stated that he felt the Board should help with information as to who could remove this trailer for the owners. The property owners had emailed the Town asking for possible answers or help with this. Other Board members did not feel the Town should be in the position of ‘recommending’ any contractors. The Board was in favor of responding to the owners’ email and encouraging them to move forward as fast as possible.
Yellow Barn Farm: Board members reviewed recommendations for Yellow Barn Farm activities for 2017 as proposed by Ms. Browning. Ms. Browning recommended getting started with work on the windows as a priority, the drainage, and possibly some work on the roof. Funds for some of this work could come from the Yellow Barn Fund with possible help from the Highway crew if they have time. There was discussion of this issue. Mr. Harvey will take a look at the windows and take some measurements.

New Business: Cemetery Commissioners-Policy Update: There was discussion on the updated policies of the Evergreen and West Arlington Cemeteries. Board members requested time to review this policy and to check with a Cemetery Commissioner regarding the changes made.
Community Meeting: Mr. Williams commended those who put together the community meeting regarding the recent events on buck Hill Road and surroundings. He and Mr. Harvey both were present at that meeting, and noted that it was well attended.

Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $600.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrative for the period of January 10, 2017 through January 21, 2017 as noted on Payroll Order # 4B dated January 23, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Jennings, Mr. Williams, Mr. Harvey, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order #2 dated January 24, 2017 for the
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amount of $26,186.64. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. In discussion, Mary noted that some of the larger invoices included- a payment to BCRC for the last invoice for the 7A Sidewalk Scoping Study, as well as salt, gravel, and equipment for the new tractor. Motion carried.

Budget 2017: Board members reviewed the 2017 ‘Budget Summary’. Ms. Browning asked for clarification on the minutes from the Fire Department Budget Meeting of January 17, 2017. Mr. Squires reviewed the discussion on the ‘command vehicle’. Ms. Browning was provided with a copy of the Fire Department’s prioritized ’wish list’ for her review. Budget 2017 Motion: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the 2017 budget at $1,364,062.00 as presented. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Town Meeting Warning 2017: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the Town Meeting Warning for Monday March 6, 2017 at 7pm at the AMHS Performing Arts Center as corrected. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

All Other Business: Legislative News: Ms. Browning reviewed some of the issues that the State Legislators are and will be working on as the session gets underway in Montpelier.

Executive Session: Mr. Harvey made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. Mr. Harvey made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. The board entered into Executive Session at 9:03pm. The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:30 pm. There were no motions or decisions made as a result of the Executive Session.

Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn the meetings. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:31pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
cc: files, Town Clerk

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