Special Select Board Meeting Agenda 10.15.24

Agenda for Special Select Board Meeting Arlington Select Board Special Meeting Tuesday, October 15, 2024 7 PM This meeting will be held in the secondary meeting room of Town Hall while the ZBA is in the main room. Join Teams Meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a9c902533170d4b6294941c9c9352b64b%40thread.tacv2/1729030120351?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e6afc8d2-35b4-4f6f-b707-b4a7dba85e4d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223c13094a-eecd-4bcb-9670-4097c4148acf%22%7d Please note this link has been updated from the original warning Select Board Agenda 1. CALL TO ORDER …

Select Board Meeting Minutes 10.7.24 (draft)

Minutes   ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD  October 7, 2024  Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman,  Jamie Paustian and Matt Bykowski  Members Absent:   None  Also Present:    Don Kealon, Steven McClafferty, John Toth, Tim Williams, Ron Weber, Anne Weber, Christopher Hawley, Chris Barlow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Park Supervisor-Willy Knight,   and Janet Barry- via Zoom   The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM, …

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 9.26.24

TOWN OF ARLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Minutes of Meeting – Thursday September 26, 2024 Members Present: Garret Siegel, Sebastian Massey, Jonathan Murray, Tom Williams, Michael Murno Other Attendees: Joan Nash (Land Use Administrator) Attendees from the Public: Attendance Formats: Town Hall, Zoom Video Conferencing or Phone The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chairman Garret Siegel. Public …

Arlington Energy Committee Minutes

Arlington Energy CommitteeMinutes12 September 2024 6:30 – 8:00 PMIn-person at Town Hall and online Present: in person: Karen Lee (Temporary Chair) , Jenny Murtaugh, Mary Anne Holmes, NickZaiac (Administrator); online: Joan Nash, Alexandra Ernst, Garret Siegel (alternate)Call to order: 6:34 PM New Business

Arlington Select Board October 7 2024 Agenda

Monday, October 7, 2024 7:00 PM Town Hall and Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86840938747?pwd=9RUsU5paG31Mfnkaeik5QJBibUoIAM.1 Meeting ID: 868 4093 8747 Passcode: 105471 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86840938747#,,,,*105471# US (New York) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS FROM THE AGENDA 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5. NEW BUSINESS 5.1 Budget by Australian Ballot (Tim Williams) 5.2 Park update …

Select Board and Water Board Meeting Minutes 9.30.24

Arlington Select Board Special Meeting and Water Board Special Meeting  September 30, 2024 Minutes Select Board Special Meeting Members Attending: Jamie Paustian, Glenn Sherman, Matt Bykowski, Cynthia Browning, Dan Harvey Members absent: Others present: Nick Zaiac, Mark Robinson, GNAT 1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 pm Additions and Deletions to the agenda: Matt Bykowski made a motion to add “highway …

ZBA Warning

TOWN OF ARLINGTON ZBA – Zoning Board of Adjustment WARNING Public Hearing, Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Arlington Town Hall,  3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont Zoom meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81264027637?pwd=GfV36aSF405GUbaKdbrQTQ7Ij8IqHJ.1 Meeting ID: 812 6402 7637 Passcode:     181233 Warned Item: 107 Colbrook Drive: Remodel/ Addition and Garage. …