Minutes of Regular Meeting
MAY 18, 2020
Board Members in Attendance: Dan Harvey, Matt Bykowski, Tim Williams, Todd Wilkins, Cynthia Browning
Members of the Public in Attendance: Jason Green (in person), Darren Marcy reporter (phone)
Mr. Harvey called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the minutes of the May 4, 2020 regular meeting as presented. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the minutes of the May 11, 2020 special meeting as presented. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.
1 Softball League at the Park.
The Board heard a presentation from Jason Green of Manchester about his proposal for a coed softball league to play at the Arlington Recreation Park this summer. He described how the league would be run. He asserted that team captains would be tasked with preventing and policing any drunkenness and profanity that has arisen to cause problems with mens’ softball leagues in the past. This is the only issue that concerns the Board about this proposal.
Mr. Green said that if possible they would want to begin playing in mid-June, if the restrictions on gatherings are lifted as expected. He said that in the meantime teams would like to practice there, which is allowable. He said that the league will have insurance. The schedule will have to work around the AFD July carnival. He would like to hold a tournament to raise money for the park.
The Board discussed the condition of the netting around the softball area and the fact that the scoreboard is not working. The Board suggested that Mr. Green obtain a form for using the Park from Select Board assistant Janet Berry and submit it. The Board members were satisfied with his commitments to ensure that the games would occur safely and appropriately.
Mr. Harvey reported that cleanup continues from the storm on Friday, but things are well under control. Mike King has started work. There was discussion of ordering cotton uniform shirts or T shirts for the road crew for summer.
1 Status of Review and Adoption of the Town Plan.
Mr. Harvey suggested deferring this topic to the next Board meeting. This was agreed to.
2 Dietrich’s Trailer Park
Mr. Williams inquired after the status of the proposal for Habitat for Humanity to use the former Dietrich Trailer Park, now owned by the Town, for affordable housing. Mr. Harvey reported that it turns out that there is a complex history or liens on that property, and these issues became impossible to research during the COVID19 restrictions. His understanding is that H4H continues to be interested in the pursuing the property.
3 Yellow Barn Community Garden
Ms. Browning raised the topic of the proposal from a community group for creating a new community garden in the Yellow Barn field. A letter from the group was included in Board materials. This was already being planned before, but now the COVID19 may give some extra impetus for “Victory Gardens”.
Following some discussion, Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of the proposal for a community garden at the Yellow Barn from the Yellow Barn Community Garden as described in the letter dated 4/30/20, with the conditions that there be no garden plots or parking in the fenced grassy paddock. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.
The Board briefly discussed how to extend a water pipe out to the field. In the meantime, Ms. Browning will ask Burr Snow to turn on the water at the fixture on 313.
VII New Business again
1 Tractor Payment
Mr. Harvey reported that the new mowing tractor for the Park has been delivered. The payment of around $12,000 is in tonight’s warrant order. But the Board needs to authorize overspending the Park Equipment purchase line #1576074000. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize overspending of the Park Equipment Purchase line by about $7,000. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed. The expectation is that other funds will ultimately help to cover this purchase, but it makes sense to put the cost all in one place.
2 Re-opening the Town Office
The Board discussed protocols for re-opening the Town Office when state restrictions ease further. A VLCT message was reviewed. We must have clear signage.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the policy allowing appointments with Town Hall officers with the following requirements: face covering, social distancing, hand sanitizer, a visitors registering in a log book. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.
3 New Town Administrator
Mr. Bykowski reported on the hardware and protection software he proposes to procure for Mr. Zaiac. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the purchase of a laptop computer and software for a total of $2,185.08. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.
The Board discussed a press release announcing the hiring of Nick Zaiac as the new Town Administrator. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the Press Release dated 5/18/20 for Nick Zaiac. Mr. Williams seconded. The motion passed.
There was also discussion of the plans for the office Mr. Zaiac will use.
4 Select Board Compensation
Mr. Harvey reported that due to the extra hours he has been putting in since becoming chair he will follow Mr. Squires previous example by submitting for compensation of a portion of his hours. This cost will be on the Interim Administrator line and will cease when Mr. Zaiac begins work.
5 Arlington Recreation Park Matters
Mr. Harvey reported that he is getting bids for taking down four trees and clearing dead limbs at the Rec Park. Mr. Naatgeboorn of the Rec Park committee reports that the work on the trails is completed and they are awaiting the final bills. Mr. Wilkins reported that he communicated with Chris Taft of VT AOT, and VTrans is fine with the ditching project that Mr. Woodard would like to do near 7A.
1 Arlington Water Department
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of WD#10 for $123,353.82. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed. This includes the $121,073.18 payment on the loan for the purchase and repairs of the AWD.
2 Town of Arlington
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of CWR#20-02 for $271.97 to BCRC for project management on the Rec Park Sidewalk Project. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of CWR#20-5 for $5,200 to NEMRC for the re-appraisal project. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of CWR#10 for $27,702.81. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed. This order includes $12,300.04 for the new tractor mower for the Park.
Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn at 9:11pm. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.
Minutes taken by Board Member Cynthia Browning.