Arlington Energy Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
7:00pm Town Hall and Zoom
Present: MaryAnn Carlson, Mardi Crane, Bryan Dalton, Alex Ernst, Karen Lee, Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Garret Siegel, Jenny Murtaugh, Nick Zaiac
Call to order at 7:00 pm
Old Business:
Window dressers update: Chairperson Moffett-Hynds gave an update on the preparations for the upcoming Window Dressers event the committee is hosting. Member Dalton gave an update on the countywide meeting he attended that included the organizers of the Northshire and Southshire events. The committee noted that Arlington’s event is fully subscribed for windows, with slots available at the Southshire building event. The next effort is to fill volunteer slots, which remain available at both locations. The group discussed Covid-19 protocols for the Arlington event, how lunches are to be eaten, and efforts to make the building room as safe as possible. The group has arranged to borrow tables from a local institution and will need to transfer them to the property.
Select Board update: The committee was updated by Member Siegel and Chairperson Moffett-Hynds about their briefing to the Select Board in September. The update received a warm welcome from the Board.
New business: None
Events updates
EV Drive in: Was successful event in Manchester recently. A couple members of the committee demonstrated electric devices to members of the public including electric yard tools, bicycles, and vehicles.
VT Climate Council: Update from Chairperson Moffett-Hynds, members Lee and Murtaugh. Were generally hoping the event would have been more traditionally participatory rather than the group activities the event hosted. The individuals suggested future events should have a moderator for each small group.
Other business:
Climate mitigation fund: Town Administrator Zaiac updated the committee on how private citizens outside the committee could offer Town Meeting articles related to climate (policy, or budget) for consideration
Web page: Group discussed updates to the website to include member names, links, and links to the town report
Committee logo: The group discussed branding of the committee, and the want for an official logo. There was a suggestion to offer the project to school students, with a member offering a private cash prize for a winning entry. Town Administrator Zaiac offered to allow use of the existing Town logo with the committee name appended.
There was a brief discussion by the group of the idea of a more robust town climate plan than what is in current documentation.
Motion to adjourn by MaryAnn Carlson, Seconded by Garrett Siegel, adjourned at 8:02