Firehouse Site Plan RFP

Town of Arlington, Vermont

Request for Proposals

Firehouse Engineering Site Plan

Proposals due by 2:00 PM September 6, 2024

The Town of Arlington (the Town) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to create a site plan for a proposed Town of Arlington firehouse to be located on a currently-owned town property.

Funding Source

This work is funded by federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Background and Scope of Work

The Town of Arlington Select Board set up a subcommittee, the Arlington Firehouse Committee, to consider a proposed replacement for the existing East Arlington firehouse located at 184 Old Mill Road in Arlington VT. This 7-member firehouse subcommittee includes 2 firefighters, 2 members of the Select Board (one a firefighter), and 3 members of the general public.

The group reviewed designs for previous proposed projects on the property, and consulted with the Fire Department about current and potential departmental needs in a new facility, as well as reviewing this RFP. The location for the proposed project is 4866 VT Route 7A Arlington VT.

The Town seeks the following work:

  1. Review of past plans and permits for the property.
  2. Preparation of a site plan for the property that includes
    1. Location of water well, septic field, state highway right of way, and any other relevant utilities
    1. Design of parking and outdoor space
    1. Determination of the maximum size building that the site allows
    1. Confirmation that the site would support a building with a minimum size of 8000 square feet
  3. Drafting of permits for wastewater, water, and state highway right of way access
  4. At least 2 meetings with the firehouse subcommittee

The intention of this work is to provide the Town enough information to allow voters to consider a bond for the project that would fund the final design and construction of the facility. Architectural work is outside the scope of this project, which will be funded at a later date under any approved bond.

Contact Persons

The Town will use a municipal employee to fulfill its responsibilities with regard to project management and has designated Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac as the staff contact for the project. The Municipal Project Manager will be the contact for all aspects and questions related to this request for proposals and the development of the project. Mr. Zaiac can be contacted at 802-379-9916 or Arlington Town Hall 3828 VT Route 7A Arlington VT 05250,

Deadline for Proposals

Proposals must be received by 2 pm on September 6, 2024 by email to, or by mail to PO Box 268 Arlington VT 05250, or by depositing the submittal in the drop box located in the foyer of Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A Arlington VT 05250. In the event the Town does not receive any proposals by this date, the proposal deadline shall automatically be adjusted to 2 pm on October 4, 2024.


The Town endeavors to make this proposal process straightforward as possible. Proposals should include the following (some may be answered within the standardized response form as appropriate):

  1. The consultant’s all-inclusive cost of the project, itemized with appropriate detail.
  2. Completion of the attached standardized response form
  3. A brief description of the firm’s qualifications.
  4. Helpful examples of related work that could include any work on firehouse design, work on public facilities, work on similar-looking buildings which include garage bay space and office/meeting space.
  5. Timeline for the work
  6. Payment schedule example
  7. Any additional addendums as appropriate

Evaluation of Proposals

The Town’s selection of a firm will be based on the written proposal received and:

Documented experience

Technical staff capability

Experience with working with local, state, and/or federal government

References of past work



Ability to meet RFP specifications

Proposals will be first reviewed and evaluated by the Arlington Firehouse Committee, who will make a nonbinding recommendation to the Select Board for approval. The Select Board reserves the right to award the project to firms not recommended by the Committee and otherwise overrule the committee in any way.

The Town of Arlington reserves the right to seek clarification of any proposal submitted and to select the proposal considered to best promote the public interest. The Town retains the right to reject any and all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP as in the best interest of the Town. This solicitation in no way obligates the Town to award a contract.

Contract period

The Arlington Firehouse Committee will gather to review proposals shortly after the submittal deadline, and Select Board will act to award the project at its earliest convenience after recommendations are made, with intention this be completed by the end of the month in which the proposal deadline falls.

Download link for Questionnaire

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