Wastewater Committee Meeting Minutes 9.5.24

Arlington Wastewater Committee September 5, 2024 Minutes

Members Attending: Steve McClafferty, Jamie Paustian, Andrew Rodriguez, Dan Harvey,

Members absent: Cynthia Browning, Andy Curtis, Matt Bykowski

Others present: Nick Zaiac, Robert Clark (Otter Creek Engineering)

1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:02 pm


3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Tabled to next meeting


4.1 Review of 60% plans: The group reviewed the 60% plan provided by Otter Creek Engineering and began discussion with Robert. Members briefly discussed the status of the Yellow Barn site, which the Town Administrator agreed to discuss briefly in Executive Session as part of this item. The group noted a missing table as Table 10 in the document duplicated Table 9. The group generally agreed that the larger, more central potential land-based wastewater field on the Mack Molding property likely is the best overall solution, potentially supplemented by the east and west field sites. The group agreed that the approach to Mack should be as soon as possible, with Robert agreeing to prepare a test pit proposal to bring to them in the coming weeks.

The group discussed whether the proposal should build in the capacity to provide regular low-cost septic pumping for all town residents to facilitate the community engagement process prior to any bond. The group agreed that this would provide a generally comprehensive wastewater improvement for all town residents through any project of the scale being proposed.

The group discussed the potential length of the proposed bond, likely 30-40 years to match the average life of system assets. They discussed the rate of capital savings, with Robert recommending that there be a capital savings rate of 3% of operations and maintenance expenses. He noted that future inflation can decrease the relative burden of bonds.

The group discussed the connection process, the incentives around the process, and how the wastewater ordinance should be designed to encourage connections at the startup of the system. Robert noted that the goal is 60-70% of potential connections on the system at the outset. All agreed that fully mandatory connections should not be in the plan.

The group agreed to begin substantial public outreach at the 90% mark. Robert noted that full build out would take about 3 years to complete for the most-centralized plan. The Town Administrator noted that he is working to secure EPA technical assistance to further enhance the design of the proposed Mack Molding site.

Andrew Rodriguez made a motion to accept the 60% design and submit to the state with minor corrections noted earlier. Seconded by Jamie Paustian. Approved 4-0 unanimous among members present.

Steve McClafferty made a motion that premature discussion of a property matter would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage, seconded by Jamie Paustian. Approved 4-0 unanimous among members present.

Steve McClafferty made a motion to enter Executive Session for discussion of a property matter and to invite Nick Zaiac to remain in the room, seconded by Jamie Paustian. Approved 4-0 unanimous among members present.

Session entered at 8:02, exited at 8:07 without decision

Next meeting set for October 3rd at 7 PM.

5. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn Jamie Paustian, Seconded by Steve McClafferty, approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Nick Zaiac

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