Select Board Meeting Minutes 9.23.24 draft



September 23, 2024 

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, and Jamie Paustian  

Members Absent:   Glenn Sherman and Matt Bykowski 

Also Present:    Dottie Sundquist, Peggy Hanson, Mary Squire, Julie Hutchinson-Smith, Roger Hanson, Steven McClafferty  and Janet Barry- via Zoom  

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM, by Mr. Harvey. 

Addition or Deletions from the Agenda:  Ms. Browning made a motion to add Appointments to 5.4 of the agenda. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent. 

Public Comments:  Mr. McClafferty asked if he could get a copy of the previous solar agreement with Lederlee and a financial analysis of any potential savings with the solar agreement. Mr. Zaiac said he has the original agreement, but there had been more pressing things, so the analysis is not yet available. It will be completed soon.  

Minutes of the Meetings of September 9, 2024: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2024 as presented. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Select Board meeting of September 16, 2024 as presented.  Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

New Business:  Gardens at Yellow Barn:  Dottie Sundquist and the other members of the Gardens at Yellow Barn Farms members were at the meeting to discuss their need for insurance coverage. Ms. Sundquist spoke of the original agreement with the Town that stated the group had a “hold harmless for unexpected injury” clause. The group had been working with UVM Extension Master Gardener program but is transitioning to the Arlington Food Shelf, who have requested they have their own liability insurance. Mr. Zaiac explained the Town’s insurance currently would cover them as it would anyone that got injured on Town property, but not as a separate 3rd party group, although VLCT did also suggest the best practice would be if the group had their own insurance.  It was agreed that the group offers a lot of value to the community, and that Mr. Zaiac will meet with the Food Shelf representative to see if they are comfortable with the Town’s liability insurance, and not the group being covered on their own.  

Committees; Structure of Firehouse and Wastewater Committees:   Mr. Paustian said the Firehouse Committee had dropped from seven to six member group, with a member resigning. It was decided that this is an advisory group that has been working together for a long time, and it would be best to leave it six instead of trying to find a new member. Mr. Paustian said he had spoken to Todd Wilkins, who said he would be agreeable to becoming a member of the Wastewater Committee as a School Board representative. Mr. Wilkins has good connections and has worked with Mr. Paustian regarding the wastewater project since 2016. This would increase the committee to eight members.  

Appointments:  Mr. Paustian made a motion to have the Firehouse Committee be a six member committee, and to add one new member to the Wastewater Committee. Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ms. Browning made a motion to appoint Todd Wilkins, as a member of the School Board, to the Wastewater Committee. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Ms. Browning made a motion to appoint Joan Nash, and Nick Zaiac as alternate members of the Planning Commission.  Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Budget and Finance Update: Mr. Zaiac circulated  Budget Status Reports and shared his screen with the Line Overrun Memo. The memo also included the need to create a new budget line for the Town Administrator health insurance, in the amount of $10,000 for the remainder of the budget year, to be paid from the Town Hall repairs line. Town Hall fuel line would increase from $5,300 to $7,300, due to higher oil costs, to come form the Town Hall repairs line, and BCSWA would increase from $10,507-$13,507 to come from the Recycling line, and Class 3 Chloride from $6,400 to $16,400, to come from the Class 3 Rebuilding line, due to chloride prices increasing and that the crew has done 30%  more grading this year, and also were not applying enough chloride in the past.  Mr. Zaiac said it is a record low year for road complaints and Mr. Paustian said the roads are in much better condition now. The Fire Department medical line needs to increase from $6,000 to $9,000, due to increased number of firefighters being tested, which will come from the unused training budget line. Golf Course Grass Seed/Fertilizer line will go from $500 to $1,500 due to increased greens care, and will come from the Golf Course Supplies budget line.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the overruns listed as presented. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Highways: Technical Assistance Agreement; Grants in Aid 2025:   The Board reviewed the Grants in Aid Technical Assistance Scope of Work from BCRC, who will perform pre and post construction assessment of roads to be repaired, with all work needing to be completed by September 30, 2025.  The Town would be billed $1,500 or 10% of the grant, whichever is less.  Ms. Browning made a motion to authorized Dan Harvey to sign the fiscal year 2025 Grants in Aid Technical Assistance Scope of Work with BCRC, dated June 7, 2024. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Covered Bridge Repair Discussion: Mr. Zaiac and Mr. Paustian had met with the bridge inspectors recently and shared the results and photos with the Board.  While the bridge did currently pass inspection, there are rotting boards underneath, due to salt, that needs to be replaced, as well as some beams.  Joe Poston from Wright Construction estimates repairs will cost $110,000-$120,000, and take 4-6 weeks to complete. Mr. Zaiac said the work may be partially covered by grant money in the spring.  

WD Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #18, dated 9/20/24, in the amount of $4,992.09, with key elements being  GMP payments for $1,177, $1,309 for VLCT insurance, and $1,902 for supplies.  Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent. 

Warrants and Orders:   Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #18, from the General account, dated 9/19/24, in the amount of $81,112.77, with key elements being ARPA funds used for the FD side by side for $35,170.10, Firelite Transport for the side by side for $7,475, and  FD trailer for $10,906, and quarterly insurance payments.   Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.   

Town Administrator Report:  There were no questions of the report, which is posted on the Town’s website.  

Executive Session:  Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of personnel, and legal issues would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Paustian. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of personnel, and legal issues, and to allow Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac to remain in the room.  Seconded by Mr. Paustian. The Board entered Executive Session at 8:17PM. The Board exited Executive Session at 8:33PM.  

As a result of the Session Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Sidewalk Maintenance Agreement as presented. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  Ms. Browning made a motion to create a new budget line for Town Administrator’s insurance coverage, with the $10,000 coming from the Town Hall Repairs line. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Sherman and Mr. Bykowski absent.  

All Other Business:   None  

Mr. Paustian made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35PM. 

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