Select Board Meeting Minutes 11.18.24 (draft)


November 18, 2024  


Members PresentCynthia Browning, Jamie Paustian, Glenn Sherman, and Matt Bykowski 

Members Absent:   Dan Harvey 

Also Present:    Don Keelan, Steve McClafferty, Andrew Rodriguez and  Jessica Rizio – MSK ,Brian Hawley-AFD,  John Toth, GNAT-TV, Kyana Frost and Janet Barry (via Zoom) 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM, by Ms. Browning. 

Additions or Deletions from the Agenda:  Mr. Sherman made a motion to add playground fence, to 5.6 of New Business to the agenda. Mr. Bykowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey absent. 

Public Comments:  None 

Minutes of the Meetings of November 4, 2024: Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 4, 2024. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent. 

New Business:    Internal Controls Presentation:  Mr. Keelan and Mr. McClafferty were at the meeting with an internal controls presentation to continue the discussion of how the Board can stay informed of the Town’s finances throughout the year. A balance sheet, receipts, revenues, and expense by fund, monthly cash flow, list of unpaid invoices, balance sheet with what is owned, owed and net equity, net worth and liabilities were discussed and showed to the Board. It was discussed that the Board should get a balance sheet from the treasurer and auditors monthly, with total liabilities and fund balances. Mr. Keelan said the Board could consider investing savings in a treasury bond for long-term savings. Ms. Browning said in the past the Board has borrowed from the Town’s savings for large purchases instead of needing a bank loan, as a cost saving measure. Mr. Zaiac said monthly expense reports and cash activity reports should be available from NEMRC. Mr. Keelan spoke of the need to have an Internal Financial Controls Checklist for Municipalities completed by the Treasurer. Mr. Zaiac explained that the Town currently does a similar checklist from the VT League of Cities and Towns, and he will address this with the Treasurer. Once completed it can be sent to the Board.  

Benedict Crossing Study Presentation: Jessica Rizzio and Andrew Rodriguez from MSK were at the meeting with a presentation of the Benedict Crossing Bridge study.  It was discussed that the bridge has been closed following a negative inspection in 2020. Ms. Rizzio said they had worked with Fitzerald Environmental Associates and SLR Consultants in conducting the study. It was discussed that there are rotting members and rust at connections, and additional investigation of more involved penetration/ultrasonic testing is needed and may reveal more significant issues. Abutment conditions are still unknown. They presented seven different alternatives with varying cost estimates. It was discussed that they give the Town the facts but the Town makes the decision. Alternative #1 is rehabilitation of the super structure for approximately $800,000. Alternative #2 is historically sensitive structure replacement for approximately $900,00. Alternative #3 is super structure replacement, single lane, same span for approximately $1.2 million. Alternative #4 is full bridge replacement, historically sensitive. No amount was calculated because there is no real benefit to the Town from this alternative. Alternative #5 is full bridge replacement with two lanes and longer span for $2.6 million. Alternative #6 is no build. Alternative #7 is removal of structure with no replacement for $250,000-$425,000. The scoping study focuses on alternatives 1, 2, 3, and 5. It was discussed that the State now requires a longer bridge span. It was discussed that steel replacement would last 80-100 years. It was discussed that there is currently $240,000 in the bridge sinking fund and the State grant would offer an additional  $200,000 maximum. The study had to be done in order to qualify for any State assistance. It was discussed that the cost to replace the bridge would mean other projects could not be done and there would not be money to repair other bridges if needed. The grant deadline is 12/31/2024, and all paperwork and invoices would need to be submitted to the State before that date.  Most of the Board is considering Alternative #3, but it was decided the full Board would need to make this decision and it will be decided at the next meeting on 12/2/2024.  

Awards: Fire Equipment and Park Border:  Reappraisal award was tabled at this time.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the purchase of Fire Department turn out gear and associated items from the general budgeted line for $14,480.00. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent.  

MERP: The Municipal Energy Resilience Program, MERP, was discussed. The State grant offers $115,976 to the Town in order to do insulation, window replacement, HVAC heat pump and thermostat replacement at Town Hall and the garage.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve applying for the Municipal Energy Resilience Program grant as presented and to authorize Ms. Browning, as Vice- Chair to sign the agreement. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey absent.  

APRA Update and Awards:  Purchasing Park borders, plastic edging for the playground to hold in the mulch, and bathroom stall partitions was discussed. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize purchasing bathroom partitions with ARPA funds, from Brady Plus for $4,314.00. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey absent. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the purchase of playground border, with ARPA funds, not to exceed $2,500, from Pettinelli Associates. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey absent. 

Park Fence Donation:  Mr. Paustian said he has a donor willing to donate chain-link fence for three sides of the playground at the Park at no cost to the Town.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the acceptance of the generous donation of a playground fence. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey absent.  

Town Administrator Report: Mr. Zaiac did not have any major updates to discuss.  

Warrants and Orders:    Mr. Sherman made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #22, dated 11/18/24, in the amount of $4,323.82, with biggest items being Blue Cross insurance and GMP payments.  Mr. Paustian seconded.  Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent. 

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve Warrant #23, from the General Account, dated 11/19/24, in the amount of $74,771.70, with biggest items being HY tires, FD pump maintenance, GMP payments, HY truck undercoating, MSK bridge study payment, and playground equipment. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent.  

Executive Session:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to that premature discussion of  a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue and to allow Nick Zaiac and Mr. Hawley to remain in the room. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 9:08PM.  The Board exited Executive Session at 9:49PM.  No decisions were made  as  a result of the Session. The Board noted that Andy Griffis has been hired to join the Highway crew, and welcomed him to the team.  

Any Other Business:  None 

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50PM. 

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Barry 

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