Water Board Meeting Minutes 2.24.25

Arlington Water Board Special Meeting  February 24, 2025 Minutes

Members Attending: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Matt Bykowski, Jamie Paustian

Members absent: Glenn Sherman

Others present: Nick Zaiac, Josh Brace, Mark Robinson, Kendell Jennings

1. Call to order at 6:35 pm

2. Additions or Deletions: None

3. Public Comments: None

4. New Business

4.1 Well House drainage issue: Josh Brace explained the drainage issue going on at the well house, with a pipe from the well pit 6 feet subsurface being blocked by roots and with an ambiguous end point near the neighboring property line. Members discussed approaches to the solution but agreed that we won’t have full details until excavation has taken place. Mr. Brace explained his conversations with the neighbor toward which the drainage extends, who hoped for as little disturbance of lands immediately on the property line as possible. Mr. Robinson, having done extensive excavation nearby, has no knowledge of the underground conditions associated with this drain. The Board agreed that all repair work associated with this project should involve repairing any damage to the boundary wall or neighbor’s property, that we should endeavor to keep the solution on our property if at all possible, and that we should maintain communication with the neighbor in question.

4.2 Revolving loan fund decision: Cynthia Browning made a motion to authorize the rejection of Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds for the South Road project having already funded it with other sources. Seconded by Matt Bykowski. Motion approved 4-0

5. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn Jamie Paustian, Seconded by Matt Bykowski, approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Nick Zaiac

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