Selectboard Minutes 6.18.18

JUNE 18, 2018

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Timothy Williams, Reggie Jennings, Jr
Also Present: Jack McDonough – GNAT-TV

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Minutes of the Meeting of June 4, 2018: Mr. Jennings made a motion to accept the minutes of June 4, 2018 as presented. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

Highways: Mr. Squires reported the crew has been mowing, and doing ditch clean up and routine jobs. He also stated that he and Gary Weller have been looking at new truck options. He said he has spoken to three vendors and got quotes from each. J&B International quote was $93,653.29, J&B Western Star was $94,049.00. Mr. Squires said in his opinion the best quote was from Delurey, which the town has purchased from in the past, and which are local, in Hoosick Falls NY, with a quote of $106,525.00, which includes $1500.00 in extras and $8000.00 extended warranty. He also stated that Chives Corporation, Viking Chives USA, had a quote of $60,415.00 for the body and equipment for the truck, bringing the total for the truck to $166,940.00. The cost of a truck in 2016 was $163,710.00. The funds to cover the cost of the new truck are to come from the Sinking Fund, which had a balance of $178,160.80 as of 12/31/18. Mr. Williams made a motion to purchase the new truck from Delurey for $106,525.00. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept Viking Chives USA quote of $60,415.00 for the body and equipment. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed.
Municipal Roads Permit Mr. Squires stated the Town received a letter from the State regarding the Municipal Roads General Permit for stormwater discharges from municipal roads. The permit requires certain municipal roads achieve state standards to reduce erosion and sediment runoff into state waters. The letter states the Town apply for authorization under the permit by submitting a Notice of Intent by July 31, 2018, which Mr. Squires said he will do. The administrative processing fee is $240.00 and due with the NOI by July 31, 2018. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve $240.00 to the State of Vermont for storm water management application. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Squires spoke of quotes for line striping and crack sealing for Town roads. Fresh Coat Asphalt gave a quote of $3700.00 for line striping, and Top Coat Applicators gave a quote of $5180.00. The quote from Fresh Coat Asphalt for crack sealing with traffic control, for 8 hours, was $3700.00.
Mr. Williams made a motion to award the proposal to Fresh Coat Asphalt from Barre VT, for $3700.00 for painting of crosswalks and railroad crossings. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Williams made a motion to contract with Fresh Coat Asphalt for eight hours of crack sealing with traffic control for $3700.00. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Water Department: Bond Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Bond Bank B34, dated 6/18/18, for $20,288.48 to Herrmann Construction. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. This payment includes $710.00 to correct the amount paid to Herrmann Construction for the Chittenden Dr. project for payment #1, and $19,578.48 for payment #2 plus retainage.
Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Water Department Order # WD Warrant #12, dated June 18, 2018 for the amount of $2846.51 from the Water Department Operating Account. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD #6, Payroll , for $4997.22, dated June 18,2018. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed.

Old Business: Battenkill North Housing Limited Partnership: Ms.Browning made a motion to approve payment of $162,504.00 from account # 6006038597, for requisition #2, to Battenkill North Housing Limited partnership. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

New Business: There was discussion of the status of the Town website. It was noted that Robin Wilcox updates the website with the minutes of meetings. It was mentioned the Land Use Administrator, Bill Henry is looking to add more zoning information to the website.
Mr. Harvey asked that the speed cart be brought to E. Arlington Rd. in an attempt to cut down on the excessive speeders that have been on the road recently. Mr. Squires stated he would call the sheriff for the cart. Mr. Harvey also stated that the cemetery vault is half completed. He stated he has set up having invoices being emailed to the Administrative Assistant’s email so we will have them available in a timely manner.

Warrants & Orders: General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant Order #13, dated June 18, 2018, for the total amount of $38756.13. Seconded by Mr. Squires. Motion passed.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve payroll #25A, dated June 18, 2018, for $14050.50. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Payroll #25B, in the amount of $816.00 for services rendered by Mr. Squires in duties as Interim Administrator. Mr. Williams seconded. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. Motion carried.

Mr. Williams moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted, Janet Barry, Recording Secretary meeting video taped cc: files, Town Clerk

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