Selectboard Minutes 8.27.18

August 27, 2018

Members Present: Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey, Reggie Jennings Jr, Tim Williams
Also Present: Todd Wilkins, Jim Baker, Dean Measeck, Steven McClafferty, of the Arlington Area Renewal Committee, and Nelson Illinski
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Keith Squires.
Minutes of Meeting of August 13, 2018:
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the minutes of August 13, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried.
Old Business: Renewal Committee: Todd Wilkins and Jim Baker from the Arlington Area Renewal committee were at the meeting to discuss the ongoing Town Administrator position. Mr. Wilkins said he and Mr. Baker and Mr. Squires met recently to discuss the position and how to proceed. They agreed to work cooperatively towards creating and hiring a Town Administrator position. Mr. Squires stated they do not want to rush into anything and they agreed more research is needed as to what the job requirements would be, and what the job description would look like. Mr. Baker and Mr. Wilkins both stated they do not want division in the community, and after a successful meeting with Mr. Squires, realize the Board and the Renewal group are all working towards the same goals. It was discussed that Mr. Wilkins will be meeting with the Town staff to see the work that is being done at Town Office, and that he will give this information to a local management organizational expert, who has volunteered to take the information and suggest what duties the Town Administrator position should consist of. Mr. Williams said he feels there is time to put together enough information to the townspeople to have a binding vote in March 2019. Mr. Wilkins said the Committee will offer meetings and presentations to the residents before the agreed upon time of March 2019 to be able to have it on the ballot at Town Meeting. Ms. Browning said she thinks the Selectboard should have the money in the new budget to be able to go forward with the position if it gets approved in March.
Dietrich Property Tree: Nelson Illinski was at the meeting to discuss the tree on Dietrich’s property that has large branches hanging over his property. At the July 30th meeting, after having received bids for the tree removal, the Board had voted to offer to pay the cost of removing 3/5th’s of the tree, if Mr. Illinski agreed to pay for 2/5th’s of the removal costs. The total cost of removal is expected to be $1400.00. Mr. Illinski sent a letter with a counter offer of him paying for $300.00 of the removal costs and the Town paying the remaining $1100.00. Mr. Williams made a motion to accept Mr. Illinski’s offer of covering $300.00 of removal costs for the tree on the boundary line of Dietrich’s property, and to go ahead with the removal. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
Ms. Browning said she’d like to see the Dietrich property used to benefit the community. Mr. Squires said the property was being considered as a site for a new firehouse, but no decision has been made.
Dog Park: Mr. Squires said he has bought supplies for the new fence at the Dog Park and he expects the fence will be completed around Labor Day. It was discussed that the Dog Park gets much use each day.
Hazardous Mitigation: Ms. Browning stated she had read through the entire Hazardous Mitigation Plan, and how she will be discussing her questions and thoughts with Michael Batcher from BCRC. She stated how important it is to protect ground water and how Emergency Preparedness should also be a large focus and how the Plan should include ways to make the community aware of that need. The Board is planning on discussing the Plan at each meeting.
Highways: Mr. Squires said they Highway crew has been grading after the rain storm, mowing and working for the Water Department when needed. He also said he is looking at three different excavators that would benefit both the Highway and Water Departments. It was decided that the Highway Department will purchase and operate the excavator and if it is used for the Water Department then they will be billed for the use. Mr. Squires estimates the cost of the new excavator to be between $35,000-$45,000.
Water Department: Warrants and Orders: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD#17, dated August 27, 2018, from the operating account, in the amount of $6565.85. Mr. Williams seconded, motion passed.
New Business: Fuel Oil: Mr. Squires told the Board he had received the new fuel oil purchase options from Miles Fuel for 2018-2019. Option #1 has a guarantee of not having fuel oil exceed $2.64 per gallon, but has an upfront fee of $800.00. Option #2, which is what the Town used in past 15 seasons, has a variable cost that is equal to the suppliers cost on day of delivery, plus thirty nine cents per gallon. Mr. Squires said he feels the Town should continue with the variable plan, as it has been successful at saving the Town money in the past. Ms. Browning made a motion to sign the purchase agreement for Option #2, variable rate fuel oil purchase from Miles Fuels for the 2018-2019 season. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.
Liquor License: Mr. Harvey made a motion to grant a one day liquor license to R&M Restaurant Group from Stratton VT, who are catering a wedding at the Mill in East Arlington on September 9, 2018. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.
Settlement Check: Mr. Squires informed the Board that the Town had received the settlement check from Gallagher Bassett Services, from the truck rollover incident on March 27, 2017. At the July 16th meeting the Board voted to accept the settlement offer from the insurance company in the amount of $4800.00, which was received by the Treasurer on August 27, 2018 and will be credited to the Sinking Fund for a new firetruck, per the July 16th vote.
Board Vacancies: Mr. Harvey stated he has been actively pursuing the filling of Board vacancies and may have a person interested in the ZBA vacancy.
Warrants and Orders: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve as presented, General Warrant #18, dated August 28, 2018, in the amount of $28809.17, which includes payments to BCRC for $1752.64 and Dufresne for $10,400, for the first invoices of the Arlington Rec Path. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Barry, Recording Secretary
Cc: files, Town Clerk

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