Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12.28.18


                                                                 ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD

                                                                        December 26, 2018

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey, Reggie Jennings Jr, 

Members Absent:  Tim Williams

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Keith Squires

Minutes of Meeting of December 17, 2018:

Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept as presented,   the minutes of December 17, 2018. Mr. Jennings  seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments

New Business:  2019 Selectboard Meeting Schedule:  The Board reviewed and approved the 2019 meeting schedule

Highways:    Mr. Squires said the crew have been busy with salting, and sanding.  He said there have been a couple of complaints of road edges  being washed away, those issues have been addressed. The Board discussed any anticipated large expenditures that may be expected in 2019, and  decided to increase the budget for the Backhoe and  Loader line in Reserve Funding, from $9000 to $15,000. They also decided to start a $5000 Sinking Fund in the 2019 budget for Hazardous Tree Removal.

Ball Mountain Road-Culvert Project: Mr. Squires said he has had some contractors that may be interested in working on the Ball Mountain Culvert Project, but he is still getting figures together at this time.

Old Business:   Town Hall Sidewalk:  Mr. Squires informed the Board that the Town paid for materials, and also used marble leftover from a previous project, but that Herrmann Construction donated their time and machinery for the sidewalk project.

Town Administrator Position: Mr. Squires compiled a preliminary list of his duties as Interim Town Administrator and presented it to the Board for review. He will continue to expand on the duties involved. Mr. Squires thinks the Town Administrator position should be 28-30 hours/5 day a week position.  The Board discussed Town Manager positions versus Town Administrator positions, with Town Manager positions being primarily in bigger towns, and are 40 plus hour positions. They reviewed a spreadsheet from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns,  that lists salaries of positions in Vermont towns, to get an idea of what a Town Administrator position in a town the size of Arlington might be. Londonderry  was considered as a comparable town, and the Town Administrator position yearly salary was approximately $35,000-$43,000 per year plus benefits. The Arlington Renewal Committee has also been working on defining the duties of a Town Administrator and are expected to have some informational meetings before Town Meeting Day, and the Board discussed having two public meetings about the hiring of this position before Town Meeting Day.  They also discussed having 50% of the expected salary in the 2019 budget, in order to be prepared should the position be voted in and a candidate found quickly.

Park Budget: The Board discussed the Mason Lodge’s proposal to renovate the ice skating rink at the park that was discussed at a previous meeting. They had estimated the cost to be $8000, and had agreed to pay one third of the cost, with the Town paying the remainder. The Board also discussed adding a new line in the budget for the rink improvements.

Water Department:     Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD#26 from the Operation Account, in the amount of $7713.40. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. This amount includes reimbursement to the General Fund for work the Highway Department did for the Water Department this summer.

Water Department Truck: Mr. Snow is in need of a new truck for the Water Department as the current truck is old and in need of many major repairs. He has been looking at new, mid-sized trucks, with 4 wheel drive. There has been talk of needing a new truck for a year and half. The approximate cost would be $30,000 for a new vehicle, and it was discussed that it is best to buy new, because they plan to keep the truck for 10-15 years. Ms. Browning said she would like to know the gas mileage on any vehicle that is being considered, to be able to get the most fuel efficient model. It was discussed that the old truck would be put up for sale.

Final Repayment Schedule for Loan RF3-333-1:  Mr. Squires showed the Board the Project Close Out, final repayment schedule on the Water Bond. The first payment is due 6/1/19 for $135,933.22. He informed them the Treasurer has been setting aside $25,000 a quarter, with one quarter having $35,000 set aside, for future payments.

Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve General Warrant #28, in the amount of $17140.74. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Payroll #52B, in the amount of $840.00, for Keith Squires in his duties as Interim Administrator. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires abstained.

Mr. Jennings made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

The next regular Selectboard meeting will be Monday January 7, 2019 at 7PM.

The next Water Department meeting will be Tuesday January 8, 2019 at 6PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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