Selectboard Minutes 1.21.19


                                                                 ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD

                                                                        January 21, 2019

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey,  Tim Williams

Members Absent:  Reggie Jennings, Jr.

Also Present:   Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Matthew Bykaucki, Vicki and Mark Corey

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Keith Squires

Minutes of Meeting of January 7, 2019:

Mr. Williams made a motion to accept as presented,   the minutes of January 7, 2019. Ms. Browning  seconded. Motion carried. .

Public Comments:    Boy Scout, Mark Corey, was at the meeting for a second time, to further discuss his project for the Town that will help him become an Eagle Scout. He and the Board discussed him making four benches, two for the front of Town Hall and two across the street on The Green. It was decided he would keep the same design as originals. His next steps are to have the project approved by the Boy Scouts, and to check with local businesses for possible donations of materials. He hopes to be able to start building the benches in about a month.

New Business:   Liquor Licenses:   Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve a 1st Class Liquor License for the American Legion, and also an Outside Consumption Liquor License for the American Legion. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Fire Department Articles of Membership:   Mr. Squires gave the Board copies of the new Fire Department Articles of Membership. The Fire Department has been reviewing and updating their guidelines in hopes of making some changes going forward, such as more options for new members, other than the expensive course that is currently needed to be taken, and to put into writing some rules, such as no pictures to be posted on the internet by members from fire/accident scenes. The Board will review the Articles and discuss it further at their next regular meeting.

Highways:    Mr. Squires said the timing of the latest storm helped the crews be able to keep up with clearing the roads, with local events cancelled and not a lot of people of the roads.  He also said salt mixes are a little more effective than in the past and that they also do a preventative road treatment before storms that is beneficial. Mr. Squires informed the Board that the new truck is on it’s way, and should be here in 2-3 weeks, then goes in for body/equipment that has to be added.

Old Business:   Budget 2019: Mr. Squires gave the Board the latest figures on for the 2019 Budget. It includes an increase in the Fire Department budget for it’s members to get basic, State required medical training so they could potentially be basic 1st Responders, and also have kits available for this purpose.  He has to check into how this would affect Town insurance rates.  He also said the Fire Department has looked into having all company physicals done on site, on one date, instead of individuals having to go to their own doctors and that this should be more convenient and cost effective. Mr. Squires also said they are looking at a new radio system to reach places they can’t currently reach, such as Sandgate.

The Budget also has money in the Emergency Management line for new speed signs, as has been discussed at other meetings. The Board also discussed that recycling is going to get more expensive and that affects the Budget as well.  Mr. Squires said that the Planning Commission is looking to incorporate an energy piece into their new plan and would like some money in the Budget to assist their needs.

Town Administrator Position:   The Board discussed Article 10, the creation of a new Town Administrator position, on the March ballot. It was discussed that the wording of the Article cannot seem to influence the vote, and how to best convey the information to the voters without being misleading.  It was decided that the information could be put on the post card mailing that is sent to voters to inform them of the Town Report being complete.

Letter to Herrmann Construction:  Ms. Browning made a motion to have Mr. Squires prepare a letter acknowledging the donation of time and equipment for the Town Hall Sidewalk Project to Herrmann Construction.  Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

.Water Department:     Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD#2 from the Operating Account, in the amount of $1984.81. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve General Warrant #2, in the amount of $23,958.03. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Mr. Harvey made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

.Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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