April 22, 2019
Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Matthew Bykowski
Members Absent: Tim Williams
Also Present: Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Ann Harriet Cole, Darren Jennings, Barbara Matthews, Joan Nash, Tiffany Tan-Manchester Journal, Gary Weller- Highway Foreman, many residents from Sunrise Lane
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman, Keith Squires
Public Comments: Darren Jennings was at the meeting to give an update on the digital message board project that he has been trying to get completed. It was originally thought it could be installed at Battenkill Valley Health Center on 7A, but Mr. Jennings informed the Board that the Health Center has decided not to allow it on their property now, due to “safety concerns”. Mr. Jennings and Mr. Squires looked at 2 alternative locations on Monday, and in front of Town Hall seems to be the best location. Mr. Squires asked the Board members to look at the area to see if they think that is the best decision.
Minutes of Meeting of April 8, 2019
Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of April 8, 2019, both the Special Sidewalk meeting, and the regular Selectboard meeting. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion carried.
New Business: Sunrise Lane Residents: Many homeowners from Sunrise Lane were at the meeting to discuss their request to have the Town take over their private road. The residents feel they have been, and continue to be over assessed on their properties, and feel they are paying higher taxes than other houses in Arlington. Mr. Squires informed them that the Town will be having a reappraisal this year, but that they can appeal to the Listers, or the Board of Civil Authority, before the reappraisal if they wish. Mr. Squires also told them of the new road standards that are mandated by the State and that the Town has to adhere to them or lose any State aid, and that these standards have changed since the Homeowners Association was formed in 2003. The homeowners were under the understanding from Larry Harrington, that any requirements from the Town about the road had been met, many years ago, but the Board said there was work that was never completed. The residents say they feel the road in in great shape, it is paved, with guard rails and they have also paid for culvert work. They do not wish for this to be an adversarial process with the Town, but hope for compromise from the Town. Mr. Squires said the road was originally built as a private road and there are many concerns about a sharp turn on the road, and the width of the road, as well as the intersection with another private road, Watershed Lane. It was decided that Mr. Squires will look for all the old information that he has on the road, and what requirements were and what work was actually done, and asked that they designate 2 residents to meet with him to discuss the request, in next two weeks.
Liquor License: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve a 1st Class Liquor License for Chauncey’s Family Dining Restaurant. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
New Computers: Mr. Squires informed the Board about the difficulties his computer, the Administrative Assistant’s computer and the computer in the Treasurer’s office have been having, and that they were purchased in 2012, making them the oldest in the building and in need of replacing. He showed them the estimate from E- Enable, for three new computers, for $2503.31. He said that there is extra money budgeted for a new server but that it appears the aging computers are a bigger issue than the server at this time. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to accept the estimate, # 5902, from E-Enable, for three desktop computers, for $2503.31. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
Emergency Services: Mr. Squires spoke to the Board about how he has met with Jim Baker recently for a brief conversation about the future of Emergency Services in the Town, how can the Town plan for a system that will function 20 years from now, and then the Arlington Renewal Group reached out to a consulting firm, Municipal Resources, Inc, to conduct a study and assist the emergency organizations to develop a plan, and also met with Fire Department and the Rescue Squad. The Fire Company has agreed to pay MRI, $35,000.00 for the study. No tax payer money will be spent on this study, but the company requires a letter of support from the Town to go forward, which the Renewal Group wrote and gave to Mr. Squires for a signature. While the Board agreed this study would be a good start to address this issue, it was agreed that some revisions would be made to the letter before it will be sent, mainly stating that the Selectboard will be under no obligation to adopt any recommendations coming from this study. Ms. Browning wrote a new paragraph with these clarifications to be added. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve a letter of support from the Town to Municipal Resources Inc., in pursuant of the ARS, AFP, and AARP study and report, as revised. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed.
Highways: Ball Mountain Culvert Bids: Mr. Squires and the Board reviewed the three bids the Town received for the dirt work portion of the culvert replacement project on Ball Mountain Road. The notice was posted in two publications, and all companies had the same list of requirements. One bid was from Herrmann Construction, dated 4/1/19, estimate #1833, for $25,720.00. The second bid was from Weaver Excavating, dated 4/16/19, for $52,250.00. The third bid was from Catamount Excavation, dated 4/9/19, for $83,425.00. The company will dig up old culvert, and put dirt back in after culvert is installed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept the Herrmann proposal, for $25,720.00, for work on Ball Mountain Road and Birch Road intersection. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed. Work will be scheduled to begin after school is out for the summer. Herrmann Construction has done a lot of work for the Town in the past.
New Truck: Mr. Squires informed the Board that the new cab and chassis portion of the 2019 International, model HV513, is ready to be picked up at Delurey Sales and Service, Inc. for $106,525.00. It will be paid for from the truck sinking fund, which has a current balance of $282,821.00. The truck will still need body and plow, wing and accessories, which should cost an additional $60,000.00. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant order # C19-2, in the amount of $106,525.00, to Delurey Sales and Service Inc. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed. The old truck will be advertised for sale when new truck is complete.
Mr. Weller informed the Board that work on Town roads should be done by the end of the week, the crew has been adding gravel and grading.
Water Department: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant WD#9, from the Operating Account in the amount of $2648.64 . Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Bykowski said he had done some research into what letters other towns use for delinquent water bills, and presented the Board with a possible payment plan agreement form the Town could adopt.
Old Business: Town Administrator Position: Mr. Squires told the Board no progress has been made yet in the timeline for Town Administrator Position, as he is still trying to set up a meeting with Kevin Dailey to discuss the plan.
Hazard Mitigation- Camping on the Battenkill: Mr. Squires told the Board that there is an invoice from Mahar Excavating for culverts, materials and labor for their work at Camping on the Battenkill. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve HMGP, dated 4/22/19, to Mahar Excavating. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed.
Retirement Dinner: Mr. Harvey reminded the Board about his idea for a retirement dinner for Linda Crosby, and that he wanted feedback as to how they want to proceed. Ideas were discussed, and Mr. Harvey said he will check with Ms. Crosby for her ideas and availability and let the Board know his findings.
Warrants and Orders: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve General Warrant #9, in the amount of $36,336.40. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. This amount includes extensive repairs to fire truck number 77.
At 9:20 Mr. Harvey made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to enter into Executive Session for a discussion of a personnel issue and to allow Mr. Weller to remain in the room. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.
No decision was made as a result of the Executive Session and the meeting was adorned at 10:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Barry, Recording Secretary
Meeting video taped
Cc: files, Town Clerk