Arlington Energy Committee September Agenda

Arlington Energy Committee

Regular Meeting

Thursday, September 12, 2024

6:30 – 8:00 pm 

Please note this regular meeting has been moved to this date as the committee would not have had quorum at its normal regular meeting date.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 4066 0902

Passcode: 692412

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,86940660902#,,,,*692412# US

+19292056099,,86940660902#,,,,*692412# US (New York)


  1. Additions or Deletions from the agenda
  • Minutes from previous meetings
  • New Business
    • Hazard Mitigation Plan – Outreach opportunities for AEC
    • MERP Implementation update
  • Old Business
    •  Tracking tool research updates
    • Window Dressers update
  • All Other Business
    • Upcoming events

Next meeting:  October 2, 2024

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