Rabies Clinic 3.19.22

RABIES CLINIC SATURDAY MARCH 19, 2022 10AM-12PM SECOND CHANCE ANIMAL SHELTER $15. PER DOG OR CAT Arlington, Sandgate & Sunderland Town Clerks will be available for dog licensing

Energy Committee Meeting Minutes 3.2.22

MINUTES ARLINGTON ENERGY COMMITTEE March 2, 2022 Members Present:  Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Mardi Crane, Garrett Siegel, Alexandra Ernst, Bryan Dalton, MaryAnn Carlson Members Absent:  Karen Lee, Jenny Murtaugh Also Present:  Nick Zaiac, Jim Hand (Dorset) Called to Order at 7:02 PM by Chairperson Moffett-Hynds Old Business: Guest Jim Hand, Dorset Energy Committee, joined the group for the first ten minutes of the meeting.  He …

Select Board Meeting Minutes 3.7.2022

MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD March 7, 2022 Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Todd Wilkins, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman, and Jamie Paustian Members Absent:  None Also Present:  (In person, or via Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Highway Foreman -Mark Towslee, Steve McClafferty,  and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey, the first meeting of the new …

Planning Commission Meeting Warning 3.24.22

TOWN OF ARLINGTON APC – Arlington Planning Commission W A R N I N G Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A, Arlington, Vermont ZOOM LINK posted at www.arlingtonvermont.org Warned Items: 1. Site plan review for an existing accessory building at 735 …

Town of Arlington Openings

Arlington Seeks Trustee of Public Funds and Communications District Member The Town of Arlington is seeking to fill two official roles, both of . Trustee of Public Funds By law, Trustees of Public Funds are charged with overseeing all funds and assets except “U.S. public money”, that is, all funds other than those employed in the regular operations of the …

Wastewater Subcommittee Minutes 3.3.22

MINUTES ARLINGTON WASTEWATER SUBCOMMITTEE March 3, 2022 Members Present:  Andy Curtis, Steve McClafferty, Matt Bykowski, Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning Members Absent:  Andrew Rodriguez Also Present: Nick Zaiac Call to Order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Harvey Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Member McClafferty, Second Member Bykowski. Approved unanimously by the members present. Old Business Discussion #3: The Town Administrator framed the topic …

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 2.24.22

TOWN OF ARLINGTON  PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Minutes of Meeting – Thursday February 24, 2022 Members Present: Chairman Charles Moore, John Williams, Chris Heins, Tom Williams, Garret Siegel, Sabastian Massey (Alt.), Jessica Roberts (LUA), and Nick Zaiac (TA). Attendance Formats: Town Hall, Zoom Video Conferencing or Phone Other Attendees:  Cat Bryars (BCRC), Callie Fishburn (BCRC) PROCEEDINGS: The meeting was called to …

Park Maintenance Job Posting

Title: Arlington Seeks Park Maintenance Lead The Town of Arlington seeks to fill the role of Park Maintenance Lead. The individual will be responsible for all maintenance tasks at the Arlington Recreation Park, with secondary work maintaining other town park, cultural, and recreational spaces including the Yellow Barn property, State Seal Pine property, and the Church Street median. These tasks …