Arlington Energy Committee Minutes
Wednesday, January 5, 2025
6:30 – 8:00 pm
At Town Hall and online
Present in Town Hall: Joan Nash, Mary Anne Holmes, Nick Zaiac
Present Via Zoom: Karen Lee, Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Mardi Crane, Jim Hand (guest)
Call to Order: 6:35 PM
- Approval of Minutes from November, 2024 meeting. M.A. Holmes proposed change in
wording. Joan moved to approve; Stephanie seconded, unanimous approval of minutes. - Karen moved to add an item to tonight’s agenda: Jim Hand. MAH seconded; all approved. Jim
provided information on the proposed changes to net-metering by the VT Department of Public
Services. A meeting will be convened soon by Renewable Energy Vermont to discuss the
proposed change; the Bennington County Regional Commission will be engaged. Members of
town energy committees are encouraged to attend. - Old Business
a. Climate Hazard Mitigation and Outreach Discussion. Discussion postponed until Garret
Siegel, chair of the Zoning Commission and point person on the town hazard mitigation plan,
can attend the AEC meeting.
b. Ideas to meet net carbon goals. We will hold a meeting, open to the public, on February 12,
5:30pm, at Town Hall and virtually.
c. Tracking Tool research updates. Joan and Karen have updated the Tool with 2023 data. Joan
has written a summary of known ways that townspeople can reduce carbon emissions, now out
for review to the AEC. Please review and return suggestions to Joan before next meeting.
d. Annual Report for Town Meeting has been drafted. Stephanie will update data on Window
e. On-site February co-chair will be Joan Nash. The AEC will hold two meetings in February:
Regular meeting, February 5, Workshop on February 12.
8pm: Stephanie moved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.; Mardi seconded, all approved.