Energy Committee Meeting Minutes 5.1.24

Arlington Energy Committee

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

6:30 – 8:00 pm 

At Town Hall and online

Present in Town Hall: Stephanie Moffett-Hynds; Joan Nash, Mary Anne Holmes

Present Via Zoom: Alexandra Ernst, Garrett Siegel (alternate)

Begin 6:40 Call to Order

Approval of Minutes from April 3, 2024: MAH moved to accept; Alexandra seconded; all approved.

AEC Carbon Tracking Tool update

Joan has added all necessary values from 2023/invoices to the spreadsheet.  

WindowDressers Update (October 17th – 23)

To be held at The First Congregational Church in Manchester. Load-in is on Thursday, Oct. 17th; Build days are the 17-23rd, loading out on the last day.  While there will not be a Sunday morning session due to the church service, there will be an afternoon session with an additional shortened session that evening.  We are already expecting a full slate of people to order inserts.

June 1st Energy & Resilience Fair, update on the final stretch:

Plans to cover food, presenters, tablers, kids activities, press, signage, parking, port-a-potties, the contest, set-up and take-down, etc. are all well underway and making progress.  Weekly subcommittee meetings continue.  The AEC discussed the list of tasks and jobs that need to be filled (Karen provided the list).  MAH & Joan both have good Bluetooth speakers that can be used during the fair when Joe is not playing. Everyone who has a popup tent should let Steph know.  There will be a sign making day on Saturday, May 25, 10 AM, at Steph’s house. MAH will post the flyer on Happening in Arlington and on Front Porch Forum.  Steph will post it on Happening in Arlington ne time, too, as will Karen.  Anyone who can should take a turn posting it.  Alex and Garret will refine the press release that Steph wrote and send it to The Bennington Banner, Manchester Journal, and the NewsGuide.  Steph, Karen, Mardi and others will post the flyer that Steph is having printed at Express Copy, as well as the contest flyers and guidelines that MAC will take to the schools. Tables and chairs will be picked up from St. James on Friday, May 31 (evening, after community dinner).  Need help with this. All who can attend will have a job during the fair: staff the AEC table where people will come to get their meal ticket which will double as a raffle ticket; WindowDressers table, help presenters, help direct folks to parking, help with food service, encourage people to attend the presentations in the performance hall, maybe help with the popcorn, help to clean up spick and span afterwards, help to write thank you notes in the days that follow the fair.

New Business: none.

Motion to Adjourn

Joan moved, Garrett seconded; all agreed to adjourn at 8 PM

Next meeting:  June 5 at 6:30pm (at which time we will do a postmortem on the Energy Fair)

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