Minutes from Water and Select Board Meetings 10.28.24


MINUTES OF MEETING of October 28, 2024 

Commissioners  in Attendance:    Dan Harvey,  Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian 

Commissioners Absent:  Matt Bykowski 

Also in  Attendance: AWD Chief Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Steve McClafferty, GNAT and Janet Barry, via Zoom. 

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7:00PM 

Public Comments: None 

Minutes of Recent Meetings:  Mr. Sherman made a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings on July 15, 2024 and September 16, 2024.  Ms. Browning seconded. Mr. Sherman amended his motion to include the meeting of September 30, 2024. Ms. Browning amended her second. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Report of the Chief Operator:  Chief Operator, Burr Snow, said he had repaired a 40,000 per day leak near the golf course, and also did a difficult repair at the site, and productions is back to normal. He also did a new service line on Woodchuck Hill.  

Aged Billables: The Board reviewed the Aged Billables. Mr. Zaiac said most payment plans are being honored, and he has done calls as reminders for those who have not made their payments.  It was discussed that some of the past payment plans have been completely brought up to date, but there are some names that have balances that are nearing the $500 threshold and they will be receiving letters. The new operator will be briefed on the aged billables requirements and process.  

 New Business:  Transition Update:   Mr. Zaiac said the new Chief Operator, Josh Brace, will be starting on November 25, 2024, and transitioning in the last week of November. He has an excellent resume and IT skills and has been working for Bromley and Stratton Mountains and Shaftsbury.  

Water Rate Change: Mr. Zaiac shared his screen with the increased budget figures. He said  changing in staffing compensation and health care costs, and the need to hire a backup operator,  is necessitating a rate increase of $27. 86 per water customer, per quarter in order to raise the needed $47,362 annually. A letter will be sent to ratepayers in the next bill mailing, explaining the increase which would be effective with the April billing. Mr. McClafferty asked if employees pay a percentage of their heath care costs. The Board explained that has not been the policy in order to be able to more competitive with the private sector in hiring and retaining good employees. Mr. McClafferty asked if the Water Department budget is approved by the households and was informed that the Water Commissioners decide the budget and rate increases.  It was discussed that no raises were offered to any employee in last year’s budget due to the tax rate issue that had occurred.  

It was decided the rate increase will be voted at a special Water Board meeting in December, when Mr. Brace will also be at the meeting. 

ARPA Update:  Mr. Zaiac shared two unseen bids for the South Road Chlorine Contact Improvement project. One from Hawley Grading and Land Clearing for $62,450, and one from Neil Daniels, Inc, for $178,000.  The engineer is recommending the bid be awarded to Hawley. Mr. Zaic asked the Commissioners if they feel comfortable with Mr. Hawley’s qualifications for this job. It was discussed that Herrmann Construction will be a sub-contractor for the project and that he has done a lot of water projects for Arlington, as well as Bennington and Manchester, which made the Commissioners feel better about awarding the project to Mr. Hawley. It was also discussed that a contingency plan,  not to exceed of $25,000, also from ARPA funds, could be set aside for any change orders that might be needed, and it would still be under the other bid amount.  

Mr. Snow has secured hydrant prices for the two hydrant replacements to be completed with ARPA funds.  

Other Business: None. 

Mr. Sherman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:51PM.  Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried.  

Special Select Board Meeting 

October 28, 2024 

Select Board Members in Attendance: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian 

Members Absent:  Matt Bykowski 

Mr. Harvey called the meeting to order at 7:51PM 

Agenda Addition:  Ms. Browning made a motion to  add hydrant purchase to the agenda. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Bykowski absent. 

Public Comments:  Mr. McClafferty said he had read the State statues regarding Executive Sessions. He had questions regarding informing the public after Executive Sessions about hiring new employees. It was discussed that deciding to make an offer to a potential employee can not be made public until the offer has been accepted. It was decided that new protocols will be refined and made clear and the Board thanked Mr. McClafferty for bringing it to their attention.  

New Business: ARPA Awards:  Ms. Browning made a motion to purchase two replacement hydrants for $8,744.04, with money to come from  ARPA funds. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Ms. Browning made a motion to award the South Road Project to Hawley’s Grading and Land Clearing for $62,450, paid with ARPA funds. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Bykowski being absent.  

Ms. Browning made a motion to have a contingency, not to exceed $25,000, in ARPA money, pending any change orders for the South Road Project. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Bykowski absent. 

Playground Installation Award:  Mr. Zaiac presented the estimate from Pettinelli & Associates for the new playground installation for $24,000, to be covered by a gift from the Recreation and Park Committee. It was discussed that the estimate for mulch was $13,000. Mr. Paustian said he has spread much before at the school and would be willing to work on this project to save that expense, and he will reach out to the Lions Club to see if they would also be willing to spread mulch.  Ms. Browning made a motion to sole source the contract for the installation of the new playground to Robert Pettinelli & Associates for $24,000.  Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Bykowski absent.  

Mr. Paustian made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:07PM 

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Barry 

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