Arlington Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2025
Attending: Garrett Siegel, Sebastian Massey, Jon Murray, Michael Murno
Additional Attendees: Nick Zaiac (Town Administrator), Joan Nash (Land Use Administrator)
Public Attendees: Aaron Ashton
Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM
Agenda Items
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion to approve minutes from December:
- Moved: Jon
- Second: Michael
- Approved
- Motion to approve minutes from January:
- Moved: Jon
- Second: Michael
- Approved
Discussion: Cottage Court Developments
- Presentation by Nick:
- Purpose: Allow for the development of housing in close proximity.
- Requires relaxation of various regulations; easier to build into the bylaws as an exception.
- Example diagrams shared:
- Single-family/duplex homes surrounding a common area.
- Designated resident and visitor parking.
- Efficient use of space compared to traditional setbacks and yard sizes.
- Provides flexibility in lot design.
- Pertaining to Arlington:
- Current bylaws most likely allow this, but requires tedious and complicated exceptions to be made through multiple town meetings.
- Benefits would include:
- Shared septic
- Possible use of geothermal heating
- Many opportunities for shared infrastructure
- Existing Section 5.5 – Planned Development:
- Currently unclear if this type of development is allowed without variances.
- Requires additional review due to rule waivers.
- Concerns raised:
- Aaron Ashton raised concerns about guest parking and suggested 2 spots per dwelling (more than current state law requires)
- Michael raised concerns about emergency service access.
- Discussion about considerationsf or public transport.
- Suggested Addition:
- Nick suggests the commission consider adding Section 5.5.3, outlining specific development criteria.
- This would not happen without due process for any by law changes..
Discussion: Town Infrastructure & Funding Discussion
- Garrett: Asked if Arlington risks losing funding due to federal changes.
- Nick: No direct losses, but wastewater grants will be harder to obtain.
- School wastewater capacity could be subsidized with minimal marginal cost.
- Wastewater system is critical to maintaining the town center.
- Garrett shared literature from the League of Vermont Cities and Towns:
- 35 water infrastructure projects statewide
- $240 million funding shortfall – Need to explore alternative funding sources.
Motion: Town Plan & By-Laws
- Motion to establish a Bylaws Subcommittee
- Motion to establish a subcommittee to maintain a record of proposed edits/clarifications for full committee consideration when appropriate (ex. Regular bylaw rewrite). The subcommittee will have the members of Sebastian Massey, Garrett Siegel, and Jon Murray
- Motion by: Sebastian
- Seconded by: Jon
- Approved
- Discussion
- Town Plan Revision: Not required until 2028.
- Consider involving the Energy Committee in the process.
- Repository of Bylaw Additions/Modifications:
- Planned updates include:
- Cottage Court developments.
- Other PUD (Planned Unit Development) guidelines.
- Considering formation of a Bylaws Subcommittee:
- Establish and maintain a shared file of proposed bylaw changes.
- Ensure compliance with public record laws.
- Planned updates include:
Additional Discussions
- State legislation: Bill under consideration for statewide short-term rental registration.
- Aaron: Asked about establishing an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) registry to attract investment.
- Joan: Shared an article about the governor’s stance on climate change policies.
- Meeting Minutes Protocol
- Draft minutes should be posted as soon as received.
- Timeline: Within five days.
- Nick to send “Minutes 101” guide to Sebastian and Garrett.
Land Use Administrator (LUA) Report
- No new permits issued.
- Battenkill RV returning to surveyor for updated plan review.
- Motion to adjourn: Jon
- Seconded by: Michael
- Approved – Meeting adjourned at 8:31 PM
Next Meeting: March 27, 2025