Town of Arlington Select Board
Request For Proposals
Repair of West Arlington Covered Bridge
The Arlington Select Board seeks proposals to provide for repair of the historic West Arlington Covered Bridge
Proposal due: 9/5/2025 at 12 pm Eastern time
Proposals must be submitted to the Town Administrator by email to Alternately, proposals may be placed in the drop box at the front of Arlington Town Hall, 3828 VT Route 7A Arlington VT 05250.
Questions may be submitted to by 8/1/2025.
Nature of the work to be done
The work shall encompass the following repairs to the West Arlington Covered Bridge:
Replace deck, remove and dispose of existing wood
Replacement of cracked floor beam identified in inspection report.
Repair lateral bracing as identified in inspection report.
Replace damaged boards on east and west portals
Replace decayed east side top chord and address loose trunnels as identified in inspection report.
Repair cross bracing as identified in inspection report
Address upstream 1” +/- racking of Abutment 1 portal as identified in inspection report.
Repair knee bracing at abutment 1 downstream end as identified in inspection report.
Remove existing oak running boards and reattach after completion of deck replacement. Replacement of these boards is an optional service that may be included at the bidder’s discretion.
Painting of the full bridge
Collectively, it is the intention of this Board that these efforts shall encompass all work to address deficiencies in the West Arlington Covered Bridge in the 2024 bridge inspection included as an annex to this document.
This project will be funded exclusively with municipal property tax dollars and is not subject to any rules beyond those of the Town of Arlington.
Nature of the proposal
The price should be an all-inclusive proposal covering the full scope of work outlined above. Bids should break down costs into up to three parts, including the mandatory component (those associated with repair of the bridge itself) and optional components (other ancillary services including replacement of the running boards). Proposals should include an explanation of how the firm is qualified to conduct such work, with particular focus repair of wooden bridges and historic structures.
The project must be completed no later than June 1, 2026. Work may start at the convenience of the company. The Town may permit extension of this deadline by mutual agreement supposing it does not alter the overall cost of the project.
Traffic control
The town will provide signage and promote notice to residents of the closure of the bridge for this work. The contractor is not expected to provide any traffic control services.
Right to reject bids
The Town of Arlington reserves the right to reject any and all proposal received and accept any bid that, in its judgement, best serves the needs of the Town of Arlington, Vermont.
Those submitting bids do so entirely at their own expense. There is no express or implied
obligation by the Town of Arlington to reimburse any entity or individual for any costs incurred in
preparing or submitting of proposals.
RFP Dated 2/4/2025
Arlington Select Board