Select Board Meeting Minutes 10.21.24


October 21, 2024 

Members PresentCynthia Browning, Glenn Sher Minutes  

man (via phone) and Matt Bykowski 

Members Absent:   Dan Harvey and Jamie Paustian 

Also Present:    Phil Sherwin, Maxine Kapan, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac,  and Janet Barry- via Zoom  

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM, by Ms. Browning. 

Public Comments:  Maxine Kaplan was at the meeting to speak to the Board about several issues. She brought to the Board’s attention that two signs have been defaced on River Road and showed them photos. They feel it is an appearance issue, and not a safety issue, but asked Mr. Zaiac to look into getting  new signs. The Board also agreed to adding  a new 15 MPH advisory sign as a precaution for the sharp curve on River Road at Ms. Kaplan’s suggestion.  Ms. Kaplan also had photos of road work by her property that she feels is altering the water flow and damaging her house.  Ms. Browning explained the Town’s Right of Way is 25 feet on either side of the center line of the road. The road work has been completed in order to insure safety of motorists, to keep it wide enough for two cars to pass safely. It was decided that the two Highway Liaisons, Highway Foreman Mark Robinson, and Mr. Zaiac will visit the site. 

Minutes of the Meetings of October 7, 2024: Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2024. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Paustian absent.  

New Business:    ARPA Update and Final Planning:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to table  item 5.1, Final ARPA planning, until the next meeting of November 4, 2024. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Paustian absent.  

Energy Committee Grant Application:  The Board reviewed a request from the Energy Committee to apply for a small grant for developing solutions for Vermont climate and energy goals. The Committee would use the money for promotional materials and better graphics for the spread sheet the Committee has already created. It was discussed that it would have been helpful to have the Committee representatives at the meeting to explain the details of the request, and there is concern the grant would cause too much administrative burden to the Town.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to table the grant vote pending further details from the Energy Committee. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried. After further discussion, Mr. Bykowski and Mr. Sherman rescinded their motion. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the Energy Committee Grant Application as presented. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion was defeated with three nay votes.  

Highways:  Sidewalk Repairs:  Having sidewalks repaired at E. Arlington Road onto RT7A, and at Bridge #4 over Warm Brook Road was discussed.  Hawley Grading will be doing the work and $5000 will come from the budget for sidewalk maintenance and $4000 from the CRF Sidewalk line.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize the sidewalk repair at Bridge #4 over Warm Brook Road and at the intersection of E. Arlington Road and RT 7A.  Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Paustian absent.  

All Other Business:  Ms. Browning said there will be a Water Department meeting at 7PM on October 28, 2024, immediately followed by a special Select Board meeting for the ARPA money vote.  

Town Administrator Report:   Mr. Zaiac said he made it very clear to the Benedict Crossing study engineer that the Town is on a strict timeline in order to be able to  receive the 80% reimbursement from the State. It was discussed that the Town currently has $197,000 for this project, not counting State funding.  

Mr. Zaiac said he has also been working on new employee paperwork, for the new Highway crew member and new Water Department operator that will be starting work soon. He said he has been doing planning with the Highway Department and has gotten ahead of schedudle with budget planning. He said there had been IT issues that had to be dealt with, and that Town Clerk Robin Wilcox had arranged training from NEMRC for Water Department billing.  The Board expressed their gratitude to  Mr. Zaiac for all his help with placing employment ads and scheduling interviews. Mr. Bykowski thanked his fellow Board members for all the extra meetings that had been needed recently.  

Warrants and Orders:    Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #20, dated 10/17/24, in the amount of $6,484.16, with highlights being Otter Creek Engineering payment for $3,500, GMP for $1,217, and plumbing supplies for $1,288. Mr. Sherman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Paustian absent. 

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve Warrant #20, from the General Account, dated 10/17/24, in the amount of $44,928.03, with highlights being $8,500 for paving Warm Brook Road, county taxes for $14,538, $3600 for auditing services, and $2,975 for FD annual renewals. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Paustian absent.  

All Other Business:   None 

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:59PM. 

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