November 4, 2024
Members Present: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Jamie Paustian, Glenn Sherman (via Zoom) and Matt Bykowski
Members Absent: None
Also Present: Tim Williams, Brian Hawley-AFD, Mark Robinson-Highway Foreman, Willy Knight-Park Supervisor, GNAT-TV, and Janet Barry- via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM, by Mr. Harvey.
Public Comments: None
Minutes of the Meetings of October 21, 2024: Mr. Paustian made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 21, 2024. Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Australian Ballot Town Meeting Item: The Board voted on the Australian Ballot proposal that was discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Paustian read information from VT League of Cities and Towns: A budget article is any article that directly expends or appropriates municipal funds. A public question article is any article that does not deal with either the election of officers or the expenditure of funds. A vote to use Australian ballot voting for the election of officers applies to all officers, whereas a vote for its use for budget and public questions can apply either to single, multiple, or all related questions. Articles to change the method of voting from floor vote to Australian ballot for these purposes must be in substantially the following forms: Vote whether to use Australian ballot for budget articles. Shall Arlington adopt all budget articles by Australian ballot pursuant to 17 V.S.A.§ 2680. It was discussed that this would allow the voters to decide, and that it would be voted on at this year’s Town Meeting and not take effect until a full calendar year from the vote, and if there were negative consequences it could go back to floor vote in the future. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of having a motion to move to Australian Ballot to vote the Town budget included on an article at Town Meeting. Mr. Bykowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
ARPA Update: The Board had been provided the most current APRA figures and projected purchases on a spreadsheet created by Mr. Zaiac. Items to be purchased include fire hose for $9,500, and military grade fire helmets, wildland pants that are flame retardant, and park trails and fields rake for approximately $400. Mr. Robinson said he had found a snowblower and drop sander for sidewalks that can be filled with salt to give more sidewalk traction. He has also been looking for forks for the loader and a man basket for $2,400. Ms. Browning made a motion to allocate ARPA funds as listed in the presentation of the night’s documents. Mr. Bykowski seconded the motion. Ms. Browning amended her motion to include not to exceed total of $21,200. Mr. Bykowski amended his second. Motion carried unanimously.
Audit Engagement Letter: Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize Select Board Chair, Dan Harvey, to sign the letter of intent for RHR Smith for audit work for fiscal year ending 2024 in the total of $16,500. Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Healthcare Enrollment Review: It was decided that open enrollment for 2025 health care would be discussed at the next meeting, and the deadline is January 2025.
Highways: Benedict Crossing: It was mentioned that there would be a study presentation at the next meeting.
Fall Check In: Mr. Robinson said that fall grading was halfway done and everything is where he would expect it to be in the Highway Department.
Warrants and Orders: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #21, dated 11/1/24, in the amount of $658.45, with key components being NEMRC billing training. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #21, from the General Account, dated 11/1/24, in the amount of $30,359.85, with key elements being FD radios for $1,247, Blue Cross health premium for $12,945.51, and Cemetery maintenance for $2,285. Mr. Bykowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Town Administrator Report: Mr. Zaiac was not at the meeting. Mr. Harvey said any questions of the submitted report could be directed to Mr. Zaiac.
All Other Business: Ms. Browning said she had spoken to the Yellow Barn gardeners and the beds have been put to rest and they lost one beehive. She said that next year the carpentry and painting at the Yellow Barn that was discussed at a past meeting does need to be done. Mr. Harvey said there is a loose slate on the east side of the building that needs to be repaired. Mr. Williams asked if it is prudent to inform the community of the change in the Water Department and Mr. Harvey said that will be discussed at a future meeting.
Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion to that premature discussion of personnel, property and legal issues would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Mr. Bykowski seconded the motion. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of personnel, property and legal issues and to allow HY Foreman Mark Robinso, and Park Supervisor Willy Knight to remain in the room. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:33PM. The Board exited Executive Session at 8:55PM. As a result of the Session, Mr. Bykowski made a motion to raise HY crewman Shane Brownell pay rate to $25.00 per hour, effective October 28, 2024. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to increase Park Supervisor, Willy Knight’s payrate to $23.50 per hour, effective November 4, 2024. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Any Other Business: None
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:57PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Barry