Select Board Meeting Minutes 2.6.23



February 6, 2023 

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman, and Jamie Paustian, via Zoom. 

Members Absent:  Todd Wilkins 

Also Present:  Nick Zaiac-Town Administrator, Mark Towslee-Highway Foreman, Mark Robinson-Highway Crew Member, GNAT Videographer, and Janet Barry, via Zoom 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey.  

Agenda Addition:  Ms. Browning made a motion to add Liquor and Tobacco Licenses, and discussion of the small excavator to the agenda. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent. 

Public Comments:   None 

Minutes of the Meeting of 23, 2023: Ms. Browning made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the Jan. 23, 2023 meeting, and the January 30, 2023 Special SB Meeting. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Harvey abstaining. 

New Business:  Tax Anticipation Note: Mr. Zaiac and the Board reviewed the possibility of obtaining a 1.2-million-dollar bank note in anticipation of taxes due for a looming payment on the new fire truck and grant work that needs to be paid for upfront before partial reimbursement. The Board suggested having a line of credit, to only pay interest on the money drawn, as they said has been done in the past. After the discussion, it was decided the decision would be tabled for another meeting, until options are reviewed. Ms. Browning made a motion to table the discussion of the Tax Anticipation Note, pending clarification. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent.  

Town of Cambridge Agreement: The Board and Mr. Zaiac reviewed the 2023 Cambridge Fire Protection Services Agreement, that requires Mr. Harvey’s signature. It requires the Town to pay the Village of Cambridge $1,545.46 for the year, and $1,002.31 for each non-mutual aid call answered by the Company. The mutual aid response priority order was discussed. It was decided the contract would be renegotiated before the next calendar year, and the Town attorney will help with the process. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize Chairman Dan Harvey to sign the agreement for fire protection services in parts of Arlington. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed, with Mr. Wilkins absent and Mr. Paustian abstaining.  

Highway Budget TA 60 Form:  The Board reviewed the TA-60 form that certifies funds raised by municipal taxes are equivalent to or greater than a sum of at least $300.00 per mile for each mile of Class 1,2 and 3 Town roads in the municipality, that is signed annually. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize the signing of the TA-60 report as presented. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent.  

Fire Department Chief and Building Subcommittees: The Board and Mr. Zaiac had a preliminary discussion about forming two subcommittees, one that works towards building a new fire station and one for appointing a fire chief. The configurations of the subcommittees were discussed, with some Select Board members, some Fire Department members, and also have general public members. It was decided that Mr. Wilkins’ input is needed, and there will be more discussions at future meetings.  

Credit Card Policy: Mr. Zaiac presented the Board with the VLCT Credit Card Policy with minor edits. It was decided to set a $5000 credit limit, and have Mr. Zaiac and Select Board Chair, Dan Harvey, as authorized users of the credit card, and that every purchase will be well documented.  It was discussed that the spending policy for each department will be revisited when personnel policies are updated later in the year.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Credit Card Policy for the Town of Arlington, as amended at the meeting of February 6, 2023. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent.  

RFP Cemetery Maintenance:  Mr. Zaiac created an RFP for cemetery maintenance for mowing and operating maintenance. Mr. Harvey suggested having the amount of required insurance carried by any prospective businesses bidding on the contract raised,  to be a minimum $500,000. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the RFP for Cemetery Maintenance as presented. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent.  

Liquor and Tobacco Licenses:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of the 2nd Class Liquor License for West Arlington Wayside Store. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the tobacco license for West Arlington Wayside Store. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent. Both licenses only require a verbal approval. 

Highways: Excavator Discussion: Mr. Towslee and Mr. Robinson were at the meeting to discuss the excavator in need of repairs, which has had mechanical issues since late summer. Mr. Robinson said the filter plugs up and won’t completely clean out and only runs at at half throttle. Pittsfield Lawn and Tractor tried to fix it with a computer but it didn’t work. Replacing the exhaust filter would cost $3,502., and injectors could cost $880 each for the four injectors. Mr. Robinson has been in touch with HL Gage, an Albany NY business,  who can do a first cleaning for $300, and $450 if baking is required. Once it’s repaired it could be traded for a different, more beneficial  piece of equipment, as this excavator does not get much use.  The Board agreed he should pursue the repair and report back with the outcome. Mr. Harvey asked Mr. Towslee if he could plan on attending a meeting monthly, to update the Board on the Highway Department. Mr. Towslee said he is trying to get the ball rolling on getting a truck next year, which if ordered in July or August would not be ready until September of 2024. Mr. Zaiac said they have time, so do not have to rush the purchase, and have time to get prices. 

Town Administrator Report: Mr. Zaiac had presented the Board with his report. He said he has done a lot of work on the Arlington Commons Grant, because the Town is the pass through entity for the grant, and he is looking forward to doing highway grants. He said he has also been busy working on the Town Report, which is due to go to print next week. 

Water Department Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant WD#3, dated 2/3/2023, in the amount of $25.00 for Endyne Sample Test.  Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent. 

Warrants and Orders: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #G 23-1, dated 2/3/2023, in the amount of $6,396.45, to BCRC for a Planning Grant payment. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #3, dated 2/3/2023, in the amount of $31,979.27, with key components being Miles Fuel for $5,500.00, CVC for $4,495.00, and Apalachee Salt for $5,993.00. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins absent. 

Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue and to allow Mr. Zaiac, Mr. Towslee, and Mr. Robinson to remain in the room. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:13PM. The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:13PM. No decisions were made as a result of the Executive Session. 

All Other Business:  None 

Ms. Browning  made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:14PM. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary 

Cc: files, Town Clerk 

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