Select Board Meeting Minutes 9.9.24 draft



September 9, 2024 

Members PresentCynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian (arrived @ 7:25), and Matt Bykowski 

Members Absent:   Dan Harvey 

Also Present:    Mark Robinson-Highway Foreman,  Brian Hawley – AFD Chief, Keegan Hawley, Seline Skoug, David Vandewater, and Janet Barry- via Zoom  

The meeting was called to order at 7:06PM, by Mr. Bykowski. 

Addition or Deletions from the Agenda:  A motion to move the ARPA spending, 5.1 and MERP application, 5.3, to after the Executive Session, and to add nominating a Vice Chair to the Select Board to the “All Other Business” was proposed, with Ms. Browning being first, and Mr. Sherman second. Motion passed with Mr. Paustian not yet at the meeting, and Mr. Harvey absent. 

The Board offered condolences to the family of Gerald Woodard, for his many years of contributions to the Town and School Board. Mr. Zaiac will draft a letter to be sent to his widow, and there will be a Resolution in the Town Report. 

Public Comments:  None 

Minutes of the Meetings of August 19, 2024: Mr. Sherman made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 19, 2024 as presented. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion carried, with Mr. Paustian not yet at the meeting, and Mr. Harvey absent.  

New Business:  Letter of Support for Rescue Squad Grant:  Seline Skoug was at the meeting to ask that a letter of support from the Select Board for their Building Communities Grant Application, in hopes of purchasing a new ambulance.  No funds would come from the Select Board or the Town. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the letter of support for the grant application for $25,000 for a new ambulance. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed, with Mr. Paustian not yet at the meeting, and Mr. Harvey absent.   

Executive Session:  Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of personnel, and legal issues would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of personnel, and legal issues, and to allow Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac,  Road Foreman, Mark Robinson, highway candidate, and AFD Chief Brian Hawley to remain in the room.  Seconded by Mr. Sherman. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:15PM. The Board exited Executive Session at 8:30PM. No decisions were rendered as a result of the Session. 

New Business con’t:   ARPA FD Awards:  Mr. Zaiac, Mr. Paustian and Mr. Sherman had met to make decisions on ARPA purchases for the Fire Department and had quotes for a side by side and trailer to haul the side by side.  The quotes for the side by side were a 2025, for $33,229 from Ronnie’s Cycle of Bennington, $35,824.00 for a 2025 from Central Vermont Motorcycles, and $33,112.95, for a 2024 from DAX Powersports. The salesman has been unable to find a 2024 so the price for a 2025 would be a higher amount. Chief Hawley said Central Vermont would install the radios so they would be covered by the warranty and had also given a quote for the optional track kit. Mr. Paustian made a motion to authorize the purchase of the side by side with accessories and optional track kit from Central Vermont Motorcycles for $43,709.  Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent.  

The trailer quotes were from Imperial Trailer Sales and Service, where the last trailer was purchased from, for $10,906, and Central NH Trailers and Equipment for $12,990. Mr. Paustian made a motion to approve the purchase of the enclosed trailer from Imperial Sales and Service for $10,906, to be purchased with ARPA funds. Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent.  Mr. Paustian made a motion to purchase a Firelite Transport Deluxe built for the side by side, from Kimtek Corporation for $7,475, to be purchased with ARPA funds. Ms. Browning seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent. This will aide with brush fires and medical evacuations.  

MERP Grant Application: Mr. Zaiac shared his screen with figures for energy saving replacements for Town Hall and the garage after the inspector’s recommendations and almost two years of work from the Energy Committee. Mr. Zaiac was seeking authorization from the Board to apply for a grant,for up to $115,000, that could be used for a new heat pump system that would supplement the existing heating system and replacing windows that have not previously been replaced. Ms. Browning asked about the Town’s obligation to complete the projects no matter the final amount of grant money allowed, and any extra costs. Mr. Zaiac said he will check with his Regional Commission contact  for clarification. Ms. Browning said she is in favor of the grant but is not committing to the HVAC system at this time.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) grant application as presented, dated 9/9/2024, not to exceed $115,000, acknowledging there is no commitment until there is a grant agreement. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent. 

Highways:  Mr. Zaiac said there will be a covered bridge item on the agenda for the next meeting. He said the Highway Department hopes to do the Warm Brook Road culverts this fall. 

He said MSK will have a timeline of contract terms in the next couple of weeks, with cost estimates from bridge repairers. Ms. Browning asked what the original contract due date had been. Mr. Zaiac will check into it and have the information for the next meeting.  

All Other Business:   Mr. Sherman made a motion to nominate Cynthia Browning as Vice Chair of the Select Board. Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried, with Mr. Harvey being absent.  

Mr. Paustian had three quotes from MES for Fire Department equipment, with  masks for $2616, which could be paid for from the Fire Department budget, and for new hoses for $9,992, and air packs for $9,526.88. These items will be considered with the remainder of ARPA funds after the other projects are completed.  

Ms. Browning said the curtains she had taken down to clean from the meeting room had fallen apart due to age of the material and could not be repaired.  

Town Administrator Report:  Mr. Zaiac said he had done a lot of Water Department work as well as regional meetings.  

WD Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Water Department Warrant #17, dated 9/6/24, in the amount of $4,298.56, with the largest items being $1,404 to Miles for supplies and $1,132 for health insurance premium.   Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent. 

Warrants and Orders:   Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #17, from the General account, dated 9/6/24, in the amount of $57,452.93, with highlights being $4,000 for highway truck maintenance, cemetery contract maintenance for $2,285,RT 7A Sidewalk payment to Dufresne for $2,825, and MSK for Benedict Crossing bridge study for $2,014.50, $5,270 for BCRC and $7,712 for highway and park crew health insurance premiums, and $17,600 from ARPA funds for the new park mower.   Mr. Paustian seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Harvey absent.   

Mr. Sherman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:31PM. 

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