Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12.17.18


                                                                 ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD

                                                                        December 17, 2018

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey, Reggie Jennings Jr, Tim Williams

Also Present:  Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV,  Michael Batcher- BCRC, Joshua Sherman

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by Chairman Keith Squires

Minutes of Meeting of December 3, 2018:

Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept as presented,   the minutes of December 3, 2018. Mr. Jennings  seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comments:  Joshua Sherman was at the meeting to address the Board about several issues. He wanted to dispel rumors that he was trying to have his properties become tax exempt. He assured the Board that this is not the case. He also spoke to them about Old Mill Road, and how  it has become dangerous with speeding cars. He said that there is increased traffic in the area with contractors he has hired as well as having people coming to his properties and he asked the Board if they could place a speed sign in that area. Mr. Squires said he has been checking into the issue, has been in contact with someone from Manchester who has recently purchased a sign, as well as quotes on different types of signs. He said the Sheriff’s Department has done patrols there, but that the speed sign they use is moved to different locations by the Sheriff’s Department and we can’t keep it permanently. Mr. Squires assured Mr. Sherman that there will be money in the new budget for the purchase of a speed sign. Mr. Sherman was also inquiring of upcoming Selectboard meetings, as he is in the process of applying for grants to restore his properties and will need to present his information to the Board for them to submit to the State in the near future.

New Business:  Mr. Harvey mentioned that he noticed the bottom of Wilcox Road is in need of grading.

Highways:    Mr. Squires informed the Board that the highway crew has been busy sanding, cutting trees and brush and spot grading. They have started work on tree removal for the Town Hall parking lot expansion.

Ball Mountain Road-Culver Project: Mr. Squires explained why he is strongly in favor of using a aluminum structure for the culver project, versus traditional concrete. He said ease of assembly, and cost were the primary factors. Concrete structures would run into extra costs from the need of having to have a large crane, as well as other issues. He informed the Board of a proposal from Contech Engineered Solutions, which will make the aluminum structure, deliver and assemble it for $113,150.00. The Town would also need to hire local contractors for excavation and guardrails. After reviewing the information, Ms. Browning made a motion to contract with Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC, for the metal box for the Ball Mountain Culvert Project delivered and assembled for $113,150.00. Mr. Harvey seconded. The motion passed.

Old Business:  Hazard Mitigation Plan:  Michael Batcher was at the meeting to continue discussing the Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Board had been reviewing the materials given to them at the last meeting and assembling their thoughts and ideas to give to Mr. Batcher. He will take all that new information and adjust the plan to reflect their ideas. When the plan is complete Mr. Squires said he wants to take it to the schools so everyone knows what emergency plans are being implemented. Ms. Browning said she would  like to see the Arlington Renewal Committee and other local service organizations  become involved, to get the word out to the public.  Mr. Batcher will speak with the Planning Commission to include them in plan’s formation. He will compile all new information and give it to the Board for review at another meeting.

HMGP Warrant Order: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment to Mance Engineering Partners in the amount of $2448.00 as part of the 17-005VT Camping on the Battenkill , FEMA Grant Work. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed.

Camping On The Battenkill:   Mr. Squires informed the Board about a proposal he received from Mahar Excavating, from Bennington, Vermont, to do the last piece of the Camping On The Battenkill project, phase 2 excavation, which includes installing culverts in drainage ways to avoid getting wash into road areas, 270 feet total, in four different locations and road built over the top of it. Mr. Squires informed the Board that there is sufficient grant money left to pay for this part of the project. Ms. Browning made a motion for contracting with Mahar Excavating, in the amount of $8400.00, for phase 2  drainage and grading.  Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed. 

RT 7A Sidewalk Project:  Mr. Squires spoke of how at the last meeting, moving the sidewalk to the other side of the road was being considered as a way to not cause problems to Chem Clean’s owner. He said he had another meeting with Christina Haskins and Mark Andrews and the cost would be three times higher to make this change, so it is not going to be possible, as there is no way to justify the added expense.  They did discuss a new proposal that will help alleviate Chem Clean’s owner’s concerns of blocking his customers from getting to his pumps. There will be a 1” lip around the island that will be created. Mr. Squires said he expects that it will be 6-8 months before the Town receives final approval from the State.

Community Development Final Hearing:  Mr. Squires informed the Board that the final public hearing concerning the State grant under the Vermont Community Development Program will be held at Town Hall on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 6PM.

Water Department:    Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD payroll #12, in the amount of $4997.18. Mr. Jennings seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD#25 from the Operation Account, in the amount of $6462.31. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve General Warrant #27, in the amount of $42,378.92. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. This amount includes $13,320.00 for grant repayment from work on Bridge #25, that was paid from the Special Highway account. The State had given 80% of the project costs in a grant, and the money went into the General Fund, so there was a need to repay the Special Highway account.

Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.

The next Selectboard meeting will be Wednesday December 26, 2018 at 7PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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