ASB Minutes
April 20, 2020
Members Present:
Dan Harvey, Matt Bykowski, Todd Wilkins, Tim Williams, Cynthia Browning.
Members Absent: None
Also Present:
Rich,Lederer, Ron Weber, Karen Lee, Stephanie Moffett- Hynds, Mardi Crane, Luke Nathan of Bennington Banner
Call to Order: Mr. Harvey called meeting to order 7:08 pm
Public Comments—None.
Minutes of April 6, 2020 Meeting
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the minutes as presented. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.
1 Energy Committee
The Board and the members of the Energy Committee discussed questions and answers from the letter from Stephanie Moffett-Hynds dated 4/9/20. Mr. Harvey said that we do not need more energy audits. The Board may wish to get more bids on some of the work. We need to decide on a prioritized list. Some of the small projects may get done soon, some will get done later, and some large stuff needs financing. He said further that the Board will call to get bids or to ask for proposals. There is no full inventory of all light fixtures in the Town Hall. This could be done.
Ms. Moffett-Hynds said that the Energy Committee needs more information in order to do the cost-benefit analysis and the Return on Investment estimates. There was discussion of the best way to get the electric and heating oil bills for the last four years. From NEMRC? From the vendors? Mr. Harvey will consult Ms. Barry about this. Mr. Harvey said in response to a question that the hot water use in the Town Hall is hand washing and washing a few dishes. This is aside from the hot water from the boiler for the heating radiators.
There was discussion of the nature of the original ceiling above the drop ceiling in the large meeting room. The light fixtures are affixed to the drop ceiling grid. Mr. Weber asked if there are furnace efficiency reports with the annual inspection. Mr. Bykowski said we can look into that.
Ms. Lee asked about the buried oil tank out back – has the Board considered taking it out of the ground? Mr. Harvey noted that the oil tank is from the old cottage that was taken down. He will check into that.
Ms. Moffett-Hynds said that the committee will go forward with their evaluations and check back with the Board.
1 Appointments.
Mr. Harvey said that he remains unsure about Tom Williams re-upping to the Arlington Planning Commission, so leave that blank for now.
2 Year to Date Financials.
Mr. Harvey reported that he does not have the year to date financials yet. We should have it for a future meeting.
3 Keelan Letter
Mr. Harvey referred to the letter from Mr. Keelan about the possibility that the Town could establish a program to lend money to businesses from the Capital Reserve. He noted that on page 45 of Town Report the criteria for the use of those funds are laid out. We cannot use Capital Reserve funds for assistance to private entities as suggested. We must only use the funds for approved Town Capital Investment Projects or for short term borrowing in anticipation of taxes.
Mr. Harvey will reply to Mr. Keelan’s letter.
2 Technology Updates
Mr. Bykowski reported that in terms of the Microsoft Office 365, April of E-enable is working on getting this set up for roll out. There is no final rollout date for that yet. The data switch is updated. All phones have been re-configured. The phone changes will roll out later next week. There will be documentation and links for training. Then we will get ready for number transfer.
3. Town Administrator
Mr. Bykowski reported that there are two candidates for interviewing by video. Nicol Whalen will help with the process. After discussion, the Board set aside for the interviews Friday 4/24 at 3:30 and the alternate Monday 4/27 at 5pm.
4. Highway Foreman Interviews
Mr. Harvey listed the applicants for the highway position: Tony Ennis, Arlington, Casey Morse, E. Arlington, Michael Pierce, North Bennington, Jay Wilson, Rupert, Andrew Curtis, Arlington, Kipper Brown, Arlington. It was decided that Ms. Barry will try to set up the interviews for this Saturday. Mr. Williams noted that he has asked Mr. Squires for his input on the applicants.
4. Lights at the Park.
Mr. Harvey reported that the current estimate from Randy Novotny is $8,600, which has increased from $6,300 because some portion of the fixture rebates expired. There is a built in cost allowance in case he needs to hire a cherry picker because GMP can’t help out after all.
The West Arlington Church donated funds to the Town to be used in the Park, and we will use that $7,000 towards the cost of this project. Mr. Wilkins said the school might be able to cover some of this cost.
Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize Randy Novotny to do the work on the park lights for an amount not to exceed $8,600, using GMP as possible, and the school will contribute up to $3,000. Mr. Wilkins seconded. This work is removing the existing fixtures and putting in new ones for the softball field. The motion passed.
5. ISWAP Contract
Mr. Harvey asked who was appointed to the committee about ISWAP? Contract with Casella to be renewed? Ms. Browning reported that she was appointed to the Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance, which oversees the Solid Waste Implementation Plan, and she attended their meeting. Mr. Harvey will check into the Casella contract and ISWAP issue.
6 Outside Audit Issue
Mr. Harvey recommends that the Board put this decision off until we may be back closer to normal. We will decide at an upcoming meeting.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD#8 Operating Expenses for $2,611.06. Mr. Bykowski seconded. This is mostly the power bill, and insurance. The motion passed. There will be a Virtual Water Department Meeting on Monday, April 27, 2020, at 7PM.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve C-2 for $3,680.03 to Mr. Bykowski, for $1612.60, and CDW Government, for $2067.43. Mr. Wilkins seconded. This is Re-imbursement to Mr. Bykowski for funding the purchase of certain technology items, and CDW for Microsoft licensing. The motion passed, with Mr. Bykowski abstaining.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant #8, in the amount of$19,671.20, from the General Operation Account. Ms. Browning seconded. This is mostly routine costs, along with mapping, insurance, and work on the park trails that will be re-imbursed by the Park & Rec Committee. The motion passed.
Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.
Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into executive session for discussion of a personnel issue. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.
The Board went into executive session at 8:23pm.
The Board came out of executive session at 8:46 pm. No action was taken.
Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.
Minutes submitted by Cynthia Browning.