Selectboard Minutes 3.13.2017

MARCH 13, 2017

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Reggie Jennings, Jr.,
Timothy Williams

Mr. Squires opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Election Chairman & Reorganization Selectboard: Mr. Harvey made a motion to nominate Keith Squires as Chairman of the Selectboard. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mrs. Browning made a motion to nominate Daniel Harvey as Vice-Chairman of the Selectboard. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. Mr. Jennings made a motion to nominate Tim Williams as Clerk of the Board. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mr. Williams made a motion to nominate Keith Squires and Daniel Harvey as Liaisons to the Highway Department and to the Fire Department. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize Selectboard members to sign payrolls outside of regular meetings when necessary. Seconded by Mr. Harvey Motion carried.

Minutes of Meeting of February 20, 2017: Mr. Jennings made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 20, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried.

Highways: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew has been dealing with the frequent wind storms –cutting downed branches, etc., and putting gravel down on the soft areas. Mr. Squires reviewed the Class 2 Roads & Structures Grant applications for 2017 as follows: Structures: Ball Mt. Road = $171,000.00; Bridge #25 = $19,000.00; Black Hole Hollow = $143,000.00; and Bridge #4 will fit into Structures for $200,000.00 (as well as Class 2 for $200,000.00). Class 2 Roads: Sandgate Road = $158,000.00; Warm Brook Road = $180,000.00, and Bridge #4 as it falls into the Class 2 grants = $200,000.00. Mr. Squires noted that we have applied for a Better Back Roads grant for ‘Category A’ to update inventory – $10,000.00.
Financial Report 2017: Ms. Browning made a motion to sign the 2017 Annual Financial Plan for Town Highways. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. Covered Bridge: Mr. Squires stated that he would look into getting some prices for painting the Covered Bridge.

Water Department: Mr. Squires reported that the Town has been “back and forth” with the Railway as far as work on the water system on East Arlington Road near the railroad tracks. When work is being done – there must be flaggers present. The Town has to have a permit with the State as the water line runs under the rail tracks. Mr. Squires noted that we are trying to get this project done this spring. Aldrich and Elliott are looking into re-designing the project so that there will be not have to be any drilling under the tracks.
Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Water Department Payroll Order WD #3 dated March 13, 2017 for a total amount of $5114.00
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Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Jennings, Mr. Williams, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment from the Water Department Operating Account for Order WD #5 dated March 13, 2017 for the total amount of $10,320.91. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

Old Business: Town Hall Maintenance: Board members discussed using some of the money budgeted for Town Hall repairs/services to do work on the sidewalk in front of Town Hall. It was noted that the sidewalk has deteriorated over the winter. Mr. Squires stated that he would take some measurements. It was also noted that there are still three (3) sides of Town Hall that need to be painted. Mr. Jennings suggested going out to bid (again) at the beginning of April for the Painting of Town Hall. Flags: The Board was in favor of soliciting area businesses to see if they might want to donate money toward the purchase of flags that would go up on the phone poles in the center of Town. Mr. Williams stated that $50.00 should cover the purchase of a flag, the ‘attaching’ pole, and hardware.
Camping on the Battenkill – Update: Mr. Squires reported that he had been in touch with the new owners of Camping on the Battenkill. There was to be a meeting with Lauren Oates scheduled for Tuesday March 14, 2017 for discussion of the monies, formal agreements, etc. Mr. Squires noted that with the winter storm predicted for tomorrow – this meeting has been postponed.
1154 East Arlington Road: Mr. Squires reported that he did an inspection of the property at 1154 East Arlington Road. He stated that the house is in “satisfactory” condition at this time. As a “general statement” – Mr. Squires stated that he did not find anything wrong.
Town Health Officer: Mr. Squires noted that Health Officer Al Godreau would like to step down but there is no outside interest at this point. Mr. Squires stated that he is the Deputy Health Officer and he can fill in if needed.
Town Agent: Mr. Squires reported that Town Clerk Robin Wilcox is checking with the Secretary of State to see if the Town has to have a Town Agent.
Neighborhood Watch: Mr. Squires stated that the Town could set up meetings/public forums if the citizens were interested in attending a meeting such as this. He will check with the schools and the law enforcement to see what is already in place regarding this issue at this time.
Properties in Decline: There was discussion on a couple of properties that are in decline in Town – and what can be done. One property was in East Arlington, the other one was on the corner of Wilcox Road and Rte 313 West.

New Business: Liquor Licenses: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the second class liquor license for Stewarts Shop #193. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve a second class liquor license for Dollar General Store #14270. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. Mr. Squires made a motion to approve the first class liquor license for Arlington’s West Mountain Inn. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. Mr.
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Squires made a motion to approve the renewal for the liquor license for an outside consumption permit for Arlington’s West Mountain Inn. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $744.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrator for the period of February 19, 2017 through March 11, 2017 as noted on Payroll Order # 11B dated March 13, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Williams, Mr. Jennings, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order #5 dated March 14, 2017 for the amount of $54,800.25. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

All Other Business: “Pinwheel Gardens”: Mary Reported that the Town had received a letter from ‘Prevent Child Abuse Vermont’ – noting that April will be proclaimed by the Governor as “Child Abuse Prevention Month”. The letter suggests purchasing pinwheels to plant “pinwheel gardens” with the monies from the purchase of the pinwheels going to several non-profit programs in the State.
Fire Training School: Mary read a letter to the Board from Dan Zimmer asking that the Board approve sending seven fire fighters to Southern Vermont Regional Fire School in Bennington – sponsored by Bennington County Mutual Aid Association and Rutland County Fire Mutual Aid. Board members approved this request – as it had been brought up during budget discussions in January.. The cost for this training is $712.00.

Mr. Jennings made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
cc: files, Town Clerk

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