May 21, 2018
Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Tim Williams
Members Absent: Reggie Jennings, Jr
Also Present: Jack McDonough-GNAT-T
The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Keith Squires.
Public Comments: There were no public comments.
Minutes of Meeting of May 7, 2018: Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 7, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried.
Old Business: Mr. Squires stated he will check with Mr. Woodard to make sure the concession stand is available for use on June 24, 2018, at the music festival, as part of a fundraiser for the Dog Park, as there has been conflicting information on this issue.
Highways: Mr. Squires stated that the highway crew have been doing clean up around town as well as cleaning the garage, and accomplishing tasks in an effort to be compliant with OSHA requirements, with approximately two more requirements yet to be completed. The crew will start spring grading soon. Mr. Squires also stated it will be a couple of more weeks until he has information on a new Town truck, he is still looking at quotes.
Water Department: Warrants & Orders: Bond Bank and Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $1782.80, Order B32,dated May 22, 2018, from Water Department Bond Bank, to Aldrich and Elliot for Project # 16077.00. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey moved to approve Warrant Order WD Warrant #10 dated May 21, 2018, for $8896.54, from the Water Department Operating account. This amount includes $1200.00 to Aldrich and Elliot for Project # 17049. Seconded by Mr.Williams. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to pass WD Payroll #5, dated May 17, 2018 for $5142.22. Seconded by Mr.Williams. Motion carried.
Chittenden Road Project: Mr. Squires reported the Chittenden Road Project is complete. We have not received any invoices as yet.
New Business: Mr. Williams made a motion that Administrative Assistant, Janet Barry, will now receive a stipend of $4000 per year, to be paid quarterly, in lieu of receiving health insurance from the Town, now that her sixty day probation period ended on May 19, 2018. With the first payment to be made on the last order of June. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed.
Sheriff Contract:
Mr. Squires stated the Town received a new contract from the Bennington County Sheriff Department for July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019. He noted there was a small increase in the fee, with the new contract being $43.75 per hour for deputy and cruiser duties, a $1.01 per hour increase from the 2017-2018 contract. There was some discussion as to keeping to the same 20 hour per week contract, or increasing it to 25 hours per week. It was decided that the Town would stay with the current 20 hour per week contract, with the option to have more hours for special events if needed. Mr. Williams made a motion to accept the Sheriff Contract for $43.75 per hour/20 hours per week. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
New Appointments: Mr. Harvey made a motion to appoint Mr. Garret Siegel to the Planning Commission. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Garret will start his position at the May 24, 2018 meeting.
Arlington Rec Park Path: Mr. Squires stated there was the first meeting for the Arlington Rec Park Path on May 7, 2018. , with himself, Mark Andrews from BCRC, and Chrissy Haskins in attendance, and John LaBarge on teleconference. It was noted that it will be 2021 before steps are completed to allow construction to begin.
Workmen’s Comp: Mr. Squires stated that there was a workmen’s comp audit performed that states that if the Town hires individuals for sub- contracting that do not carry their own Workmen’s Comp insurance the Town will be responsible to cover that with the cost being a percentage of the amount the worker was paid. Mr. Harvey made a motion that the Town is not going to require newly hired independent contractors to carry their own Workmen’s Comp insurance, unless required by a federally funded source. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.
Auditor’s Letter: The Board received a letter from the auditors as to their findings of their completed audit. Mr. Squires informed the Board that all issues have been addressed.
Yellow Barn: Cynthia Browning stated that we need to figure out how to get inside paddock mowed, preferably once a month. Also, she will begin to measure windows in preparation for future window replacement.
Evergreen Cemetery: Mr. Harvey stated he has begun work on the roof of the cemetery vault.
Warrants and Orders: Appropriation: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve General Warrant #10, for $3000, for advance appropriation money to the Arlington Community House per their request. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Payroll 21A, dated May 21, 2018, in the amount of $4698.05. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment for Payroll 22B, dated May 29, 2018, in the amount of $384.00, for Keith Squires for his duties as Interim Administrator. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote.
General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant # 11, dated May 22, 2018, in the amount of $27577.05. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion passed.
Mr. Williams moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Barry, Recording Secretary
Meeting video taped
Cc: files, Town Clerk