Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 7.15.24

Arlington Water Board Special Meeting July 15, 2024 Minutes

Members Attending: Jamie Paustian, Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman

Members absent: Todd Wilkins

Others present: Nick Zaiac, Burr Snow, Zeke Zaiac

1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:01 pm


3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes of the 4/15 regular meeting and 6/17 special meeting by Member Sherman, seconded by Member Browning. Carried 3-0, Paustian abstaining as he was not at those meetings.

4. Report of the Chief Operator

Burr reported that the system is generally in order with no leaks since last quarter. He noted the replacement of a pressure switch recently, and the need to replace two tanks at the pump house in the next couple years for about $4000.  He noted the positive results of the Sanitary Survey. The Chief Administrator asked about the screens on the pump house blow off pipes, offering to lend a hand, which Burr acknowledged would be a quick fix.

Member Paustian asked about the status of the new hydrants, which Burr confirmed would be ordered soon after the recent reimbursement of $50000 from the lead line study project. He also asked about if and when the hydrants have been flow tested. Burr responded that they hadn’t been tested recently. TA Zaiac and the Board suggested he reach out to a nearby department or recently retired operator to either hire them to do the work or borrow equipment to do the work.

5. Aged Billables

There was a brief discussion of aged billables, confirming the payment plan status of certain ratepayers with the Chief Administrator.

6. All Other Business

The group discussed the Woodchuck Hill line replacement in the context of the hydrogeology study. Burr confirmed he has the materials to complete the project and is awaiting Highway labor to complete it.

The Chief Administrator noted that for the first time, recordings of these meetings would be uploaded to the internet pursuant to recent changes to state open meetings law, and that they would be on the town’s newly-created Youtube page.

7. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn Member Paustian, Seconded by Member Browning, motion carried unanimously adjourned 6:35 pm

Respectfully submitted by Nick Zaiac

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