Selectboard Minutes 5.22.17 draft

MAY 22, 2017

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Reggie Jennings Jr.,
Timothy Williams

The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Minutes Meeting of May 8, 2017: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 8, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

Highway Report: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew finished grading last week. Mr. Squires reported that the road crew had to do some work on the north end of Carbonti Circle as there was a hole in the road as well as a hole in the culvert. The road crew has the work in this area about 80% complete. Mr. Squires noted that the culvert on the south end will most likely be replaced as well. The Board was in favor of having Mr. Squires send out RFP’s for the work on Bridge #25 (the Town was awarded a grant for this work). This project will start in mid-July, and will be finished this year. Mr. Squires reported that the road crew is starting vacations. They have been cleaning up around Town where there were trees downed after last Thursday’s storm.

Water Department: Delinquent Accounts & ‘Warning Letter’: Board members reviewed a copy of the draft’ letter of warning for possible disconnect of water service’. The Board also reviewed copies of a list of delinquent accounts. Ms. Browning reviewed the different letters that she had drafted and then revised. There was discussion of this issue, with particular attention to the ‘semantics’ of the letter. Ms. Browning stated that she will re-work the letter and Mr. Squires will check into the wording of a contract that could be drawn up for delinquent account holders to sign.
Warrants & Orders: Bond Bank Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $2900.72 from the Bond Bank Account Order # B-18 dated May 22, 2017 – with $2730.38 to Aldrich & Elliott for engineering services April 2, 2017 through April 29, 2017, and $170.34 to Bank of Bennington for interest on the loan. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize a total payment of $6,786.92 from the Water Department Operating Account for Warrant # WD Warrant #10 dated May 22, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. In discussion, Mr. Squires noted that most of the items were to cover costs of purchases necessary following the damage done by the lightning strike at the South Road well station. Those related costs will be submitted to our insurance company. Motion carried. Mary will send tax exempt information to the vendors that included tax on their invoices.

Old Business: Shires Housing: Board members reviewed an email stating that all the proper paperwork for this project has been completed. Mr. Squires reported that the account has been established for the money transfers.
Camping on the Battenkill: The Town had received three (3) proposals for work at Camping on the Battenkill: Mance Enginering – total proposal $34,000.00; Dufresne Engineering = $39,000.00; and Aldrich & Eliott = $39,500.00. Mr. Squires reported that the Board had previously approved contracting with Mance Engineering to start the surveying work at Camping on the Battenkill for a cost of $9500.00. Mance’s total proposal was $34,000.00. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve contracting with Mance Engineering for the balance of $24,500.00 to do the work at Camping on the Battenkill. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

New Business: Duck Derby 2017: Mary reported that the Selectboard had a request from the Happy Days Duck Derby Committee to hang their usual banner on the Town green. The Duck Derby will be held Saturday June 3, 2017 at the Rec Park.. The Board was in agreement with this.
Appointment– Assistant Land Use Administrator: Mr. Williams made a motion to appoint Cynthia Browning as Assistant Land Use Administrator. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. Ms. Browning stated that she take time to become familiar with the Land Use Administrator’s filing system, as well as attend meetings in order to familiarize herself with the office and its ‘workings’.
Thompson Property/Fire Company/Fire Department: Mr. Harvey reported that he had attended a meeting about the possible purchase by the Fire Company of the Thompson property in East Arlington. He noted that after surveys and discussion – there is apparently not enough room to do what they need to do. Chris Heins is looking at the former Dietrich trailer park property to see if this would be a possible choice.

Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $360.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrator for the period May 7, 2017 through May 20, 2017 as noted on Payroll Order # 21B dated May 22, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Williams, Mr. Jennings, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order #10 for the total amount of $15,946.39. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

All Other Business: Flags: Mr. Williams reported that the flags have been put up on the phone poles – beginning at the Rec Park and coming into Town. There have been favorable comments on the flags. Mr. Williams reported that he has eight more flags to go up. Board members volunteered to put these up on Wednesday night (May 24, 2017).

Mr. Harvey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
cc: Town Clerk

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