Selectboard Meeting Minutes 7.17.17

JULY 17, 2017

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Timothy Williams, Reggie Jennings, Jr.,
Cynthia Browning
Also Present: Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Nelson Illinski
Jonah Spivak & Matt Harrington-Bennington Regional Chamber,
Susan Jennings, Maureen Harvey – Dog Park

The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Minutes Meeting of July 3, 2017: Mr. Jennings made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 3, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Williams Motion carried.

New Business: At this point in time – Mr. Squires moved ahead to New Business to accommodate people who attended the meeting. Nelson Illinski was present to voice concerns about smoking at the Rec Park – in particular the playground area. He referred to the 2014 Act 108, and the 2016 Act 135 that prohibit smoking in “public places”. He asked if there could be some ‘No Smoking’ signs put up. The Board will take this issue under consideration for a future decision.
Dog Park-Update: Maureen Harvey stated that they have had a lot of good response to the Dog Park – with postings on Facebook, etc. She noted that she would like to see the waste bag posts put up. Mr. Squires will check with Gerald Woodard on this issue. Mr. Squires is looking into obtaining more fencing and gate material to put up. Currently there is a half-gate at the entrance to the Dog Park. There is a new banner/sign on the backstop area of the Dog Park.
Bennington Regional Chamber: Jonah Spivak and Matt.Harrington of the Bennington Regional Chamber stated that they were present to discuss the movement of their chamber to a fully regional chamber and to answer any questions the Board might have. Jonah Spivak noted that chambers – on the national level – are consolidating. Bennington is looking at ‘regionalizing’ the Northshire and the Southshire – with the hope that by the year 2020 – there would be a fully regional, ‘co-equal’ chamber. Matt Harrington stated that they are looking at how to increase staff, and most benefit the local communities. He noted that both the Northshire and the Southshire are powerful in their own right – but ‘together’ they would have more to offer – a “more compelling story to tell”. Jonah and Matt both noted that they are coming before local selectboards to promote this issue.

Highway Report: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew has done two repairs for the Water Department. They have been mowing and trying to keep up with recent storms. Highway crew member Eugene Stone’s last day of work was Friday July 14th. Eugene is now using his remaining vacation time – when his vacation time is completed he will be fully retired.

Highway Pedestrian Crossing Sign: Mr. Squires reported that Gary is checking to see if he can put the old pedestrian crossing sign together as it has been broken into pieces. Mr. Williams stated that if the sign cannot be repaired- he would like to look into purchasing a new sign. Highway Department & Water Department Work: Mr. Squires reported that it would be a lot easier in dealing with small repairs and culvert work if the Town could get a small excavator. The Board was in favor of having Mr. Squires look into this issue.
Culvert on Berwal Road: Mr. Squires reported that we have been waiting for a hydraulic report on this area for about five months now. Mr. Squires noted that he will get this area measured so that we can order the culvert as we need to get this done this year.

Financial Report: Board members reviewed the Treasurer’s report that notes that after tonight’s orders are paid – there is approximately $30,000.00 cash on hand. The Treasurer stated that the general fund will need to borrow money the week of August 1, 2017. Mr. Harvey made a motion to allow the Treasurer to borrow $45,000.00 from the Grader Fund when needed in August. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s report noted that the last borrowed money was $100,000 on April 23, 2017.
Timing of Warrant Orders: The Board was in favor of using a cut-off date when putting warrant orders together before a Board meeting. Mary will have all warrants ready on the Thursday prior to a Board meeting so that Board members can come in to review the invoices. Mary noted that this has been tried in the past – with various results. She noted it would make things easier on her end.
Citgo Account: The Board was in favor of having Mary collect the ‘Citgo credit card’ from Chem Clean and close out that account. The Town will use a Chem Clean account for all purchases from now on.

Water Department: Warrants & Orders: Bond Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of a total amount of $10,491.39 from the Water Department Bond Account Order # B- dated July 17, 2017 – with $7,395.63 to Aldrich & Elliott for engineering services from May 28, 2017 to July 1, 2017, and $2,887.50 to EJP for the pipe locator, and $208.26 to Bank of Bennington for interest on the loan. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. WD Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $2,562.72 from the Water Department Operating Account Warrant # WD #14 dated July 17, 2017. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mr. Squires reported that the Town is very close to the final paperwork with Zaluzny.

Old Business: Walkway in Front of Town Hall: The Board discussed doing away with the marble in front of the south door entrance to Town Hall. There was discussion on the project as a whole – with the thought that it would be best to do the project all at one time. There was

discussion about doing the grass area at this point in time – or waiting until next year to do the whole project at one time/all at once. The Board was in favor of doing the grassy area at this time.
Town Hall Painting: Mr. Jennings will try to contact the person who is supposed to be painting Town Hall as to date – he has not done any work. Mary reported that he had told her he would powerwash the building – this was about a month ago and has not yet been done. Mr. Jennings stated that he had been told that the man was to show up to paint today – but he did not.
Animal Control: Mary reported that she had a call from Animal Control Officer Traci Mulligan who voiced concern that she had been placed on ‘regular payroll’ as opposed to a stipend. The Board asked that Mary present the paperwork that Traci was questioning – regarding the Work Comp audit so that this issue could be further reviewed. The Board also asked that Traci put her concerns in writing – a letter or an email.

Warrants & Orders: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $936.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrator for the period of June 4, 2017 through July 15, 2017 as noted on Payroll Order # dated July 17, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Jennings, Mr. Williams, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order #14 dated July 18, 2017 for the total amount of $11,566.52. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

All Other Business: Upcoming Event: Ms. Browning reported that Chris Heins will be presenting a live concert with 3 bands – at the pavilion on the green that will benefit the Grange and the Battenkill Watershed Alliance. This event will be held on Sunday August 6, 2017.

Mr. Harvey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
meeting video taped
cc: files, Town Clerk

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