Selectboard Minutes 3.27.17

MARCH 27, 2017

Members Present: Keith Squires, Daniel Harvey, Cynthia Browning, Reggie Jennings, Jr.,
Timothy Williams
Also Present: Obrian Ellis-GNAT-TV

The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Keith Squires.

Minutes of Meeting of March 13, 2017: Mr. Jennings made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 13, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.

Highways: Mr. Squires reported that the road crew has been dealing with the recent snow and rain storms, and fixing potholes. Mr. Squires stated that he would like to put a policy together regarding how mailboxes are put up next to the highways. There were several complaints of mailboxes being knocked down during the past storms. Mr. Squires noted that the Post Office has specifications and the Town will coordinate with them. Highway Crew Vacation Time: Board members reviewed copies of the Highway crews’ vacation requests. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Highway crews’ vacation time as presented. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried.

Water Department: Water Department Ordinance: Board members reviewed the proposed ‘Town of Arlington Water Service Ordinance’. The Ordinance will serve as the legal basis for operation, administration and all decision making pertaining to the delivery of water to the inhabitants of Arlington and Sunderland, Vermont. There was discussion on this issue. Ms. Browning made a motion to adopt the ‘Town of Arlington Water Service Ordinance’ dated 03/27/2017. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried. The process of publishing and posting will now begin – and unless there is a petition for a vote received – the Ordinance will become effective 60 days from its adoption by the Board.
Operating Account: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Water Department Warrant # WD Warrant #6 dated March 27, 2017 for the total amount of $1858.89. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.
Grant: Mr. Squires reported that the State of Vermont has a $20,000.00 ’Drinking Water Asset Management Grant for 2017’ grant with a $5,000.00 match. Mr. Squires will be meeting with Aldrich & Elliott representative Jason Booth later this week to discuss the pursuit of this grant.

Old Business: Camping on the Battenkill: Mr. Squires reported that he met with the new campground owner and State reps last week. Mr. Squires noted that the new owners have been through this grant process with other campgrounds, so are familiar with the process involved. This grant is working under the ‘Irene’ storm. There is a ‘revolving date’ in place so every time a new grant is issued – all grants are moved forward. The new owners will have until December 2019 to complete the work covered by the grant. Mr. Squires reviewed the finances of the grant-
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noting that the Town will be responsible for managing the grant. The Town will pay the bills and then be reimbursed. The new owners will be depositing their 25% into an account that will be available to the Town. There was discussion on this issue. Mr. Williams made a motion to proceed with the MOU on the condition that the bank account be opened prior to the Board signing any paperwork and that the amount in the bank be acceptable to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Harvey. Motion carried.
Town Hall Maintenance-Update: Board members reviewed sketches put together by Mr. Squires regarding the sidewalk area in front of Town Hall. There was discussion on this issue with Board members in favor of moving ahead with this project. Mr. Squires stated that he would get some contractors to look at the area as well. Mr. Jennings stated that he is still looking at getting bids out for painting within the next couple of weeks.
Yellow Barn Maintenance: Ms. Browning stated that she would do an ‘inventory’ and measure and then try to get something drafted regarding refurbishing the windows at the yellow barn.
Neighborhood Watch: Mr. Williams noted that he had had conversations with citizens regarding neighborhood watch groups. There was discussion on this. Ms. Browning noted that the schools, the churches, and various organizations in the Town could be made aware of the efforts to reinforce issues of security around the Town.
Hazard Mitigation Plan: Mr. Squires noted that BCRC has informed that the Town has to update the hazard mitigation plan. This will be happening in the near future.

New Business: Borrowed Money: Board members reviewed a request by the Treasurer to borrow money. The Treasurer’s report stated that there is approximately $25,000.00 cash on hand after tonight’s orders are deducted. The General Fund will need to borrow money the week of April 10, 2017. Mr. Harvey made a motion to allow the Treasurer to borrow $100,000.00 from the Grader Fund when needed – in anticipation of taxes. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried.
Liquor Licenses: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve of the renewal of the first class liquor license for Chauncey’s Family Dining. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. Mr. Harvey made a motion to renew the first class liquor license for Jonathan’s Table. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.
Appointments/Vacancies-2017: Ms. Browning made a motion to accept the proposed slate of Appointments for 2017 as presented, and to advertise for the vacancies noted. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.
Thank-yous: The Board expressed their sincere thanks to the Keelan Family Foundation for the generous donation of $500.00 to the Town for the purchase of flags and for the Town Hall projects to improve the look of the Town. A thank you was also extended to HEER INC of Arlington for their generous donation of $50.00 for the purchase of street flags. A thank you was also expressed to Tim Williams for pursuing this matter.

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Warrants & Orders: Payroll: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of $624.00 to Keith Squires for duties as Interim Administrator for the period of March 12, 2017 through March 25, 2017 as noted on Payroll Order #13B dated March 27, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried with Mr. Harvey, Mr. Jennings, Mr. Williams, and Ms. Browning voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Squires abstained from the vote. General Warrant: Mr. Harvey made a motion to authorize payment of Warrant Order #6 dated March 28, 2017 for the amount of $16,152.43. Seconded by Mr. Jennings. Motion carried.

Mr. Williams noted that he would be absent from the Selectboard meeting on April 10, 2017 as well as the Water Commissioners meeting on April 17, 2017 as he will be out of town.

Mr. Jennings made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. Henning, Recording Secretary
meeting video taped
cc: Town Clerk, Files

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