Selectboard Minutes 5.4.20



Of the Regular Select Board Meeting

May 4, 2020

Board Members present: Dan Harvey, Matt Bykowski, Tim Williams, Todd Wilkins, Cynthia Browning.

Members of the public present: Jerry Woodard, director of the Arlington Recreation Park in the room, Luke Nathan of the Bennington Banner on the phone.

I   Call to Order.

    Mr. Harvey called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm.

II    Minutes of the April 20, 2020 Board Meeting for Approval.

    Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve of the minutes as presented.

    Mr. Williams seconded. The motion passed.

III    Public Comments.


IV    New Business.

    1   Grand List Extension.

       The finalization of the Grand List was originally set for some time in June, and with authorization from the state the deadline has not been extended to August 15, 2020, due to the COVID 19 situation.

    2    Liquor Licenses.

        Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve of the renewal of a second class liquor license for Heer Inc on Route 7A. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

        Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve of the renewal of a first class liquor license for the

American Legion on East Arlington Road. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

    3    LEMP Yearly Update and Additions.

        Mr. Bykowski reviewed the latest draft and the changes in this plan. There are a few places where information still needs to be filled in. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adopt the current draft of the Local Emergency Management Plan for the Town of Arlington as presented, to include any necessary additions, and authorize Mr. Harvey to sign the final version. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.

    4    Year to Date Financial Reports.

         The Board reviewed the year to date financial reports provided by the Treasurer. There are a few places where more has been spent than expected, but there are explanations for that. Overall, we are on pace with the spending approved by the community.

V    Highways.

    The Board discussed the plan to offer the Highway Foreman job to Tony Ennis. There will be a six month probation period, and Mr. Squires will mentor him as appropriate. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of offering the Highway Foreman position to Tony Ennis as described in the draft letter from Mr. Harvey. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.

    The Board decided to discuss hiring for the third Highway Crew member in an executive session at the end of the meeting.

    Mr. Harvey reported that the state has notified municipalities that grant awards for class 2 roads have been frozen for the time being. This does not affect grants we already have.

VI   Old Business.

    1    Arlington Recreation Park Lights.

        Mr. Harvey reported that the light fixtures for the softball field have been ordered.

    2    Discussion of Various Matters.

        It was determined that additional cleaning in the Town Hall is already occurring. The new telephones have arrived and will be switched in as schedules allow. The Town will obtain masks for Town Hall employees and visitors for when we open up again. There is a bill S.342 in the House that provides for workers compensation for front line workers who might get the COVID 19 illness. Mr. Harvey reported that Green Up Day is now Saturday, May 30th. Mr. Williams reported that the flags will be going up before Memorial Day. Mr. Bykowski reported that he has set up a 60 day trial of the “Diligent” platform for managing documents. The Board agreed to going forward with trying this out. Training will be involved.

    3    Arlington Recreation Park.

        Mr. Woodard reported that he will make sure that park employees have needed respirators for using the disinfectant sprays that are required for the playground equipment and other uses.

        Mr. Woodard reported on possible mowers that could be purchased for use at the park. As of now there are three: one new mower that is good and should be kept, one 12 year old mower that he would like to trade in, and one 18 year old mower that is kept as a back up. Mr. Woodard provided materials about various 60 inch blade and 72 inch blade mowers from different vendors, with either gas or diesel motors. He recommended the 72 inch Kubota diesel mower. The 12 year old one will be traded in as part of the transaction. The Board reviewed the Park budget. There is funding on the equipment line, and the rest may be made up with reductions in the maintenance line. More other tasks will get done because the mowing will get done more quickly. Mr. Harvey will check with the Arlington Park and Recreation Committee to see if they would wish to chip in on this purchase as well.

        Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of the purchase by Mr. Woodard of a 72 inch diesel mower from Salem Farm Supply for $12,703.04 for the Recreation Park. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed.

        The Board agreed with Mr. Woodard that the soccer field should be closed to use for the time being to prevent damage from casual activities.

        “Pickle Ball” will commence at the Park with the costs covered by the Arlington Park and Recreation Committee.

        A request to have a Coed Softball League at the Park was discussed. The Board would like to have this activity, but there should be no consumption of alcohol as part of the games by players or spectators. There was further discussion of the alcohol consumption ordinance, and whether ANY alcohol consumption should be prohibited at the park. This will be discussed further.

        The Board agreed that Mr. Woodard can proceed to clean out the ditch near the soccer field and 7A. They also instructed him to get bids about taking down some dead trees near the golf course.

VII   Arlington Water Department.

        Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve of the minutes of the January 1, 2020 Arlington Water Department Commissioners meeting as presented. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed with Mr. Wilkins abstaining as he was not yet on the Board.

        Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve of the minutes of the AWCD meeting of April 27, 2020 as presented. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

        Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of WD#9 dated 4/30/20 for $399.07.Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

VIII  Warrant and Orders.

        Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve of Check Warrant Report #9 for $11,288.16. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed.

XI    Executive Session.

        Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

        Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into executive session for discussion of a personnel issue. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed.

        The Board went into executive session at 8:55 pm.

        The Board came out of executive session at 9:55 pm. No formal action was taken.

X    Adjournment.

    Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Wilkins seconded. The motion passed

    The meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm.

Minutes submitted by Cynthia Browning.

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