The Town of Arlington seeks an Animal Control Officer. Pay is a flat rate of $500 per month. Qualified applicants will have the ability and facilities to safely to store dogs on their property separately from other animals, a willingness to review Vermont animal control regulations, and the ability to promptly file animal bite reports with the State of Vermont. Applicants should be non-seasonal residents of a town within 20 miles of Arlington, such that they may respond to calls year-round. Assistance may be available for otherwise-qualified candidates to acquire equipment for the purpose of ACO work.
Successful applicants are encouraged to seek analogous roles in nearby towns including those previously held concurrently by Arlington’s previous ACO (Sunderland and Shaftsbury) by contacting officials thereof.
Applications will be open through 5/17 or until the role is filled. Application forms are available in the Town Hall foyer or by email to
Nick Zaiac
Town Administrator
Arlington, Vermont