Route 7A Sidewalk Meeting Minutes 4.8.19


Public Meeting on RT 7A Sidewalk

April 8, 2019

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Dan Harvey, Matt Bykowski, Tim Williams

Also Present:   Mark Anders – BCRC, Chrissy Haskins –  Dufresne Group, Jack McDonough – GNAT-TV

The meeting was called to order at 6:03, by Keith Squires, Chairman of the Arlington Selectboard.

Chrissy Haskins was at the meeting with a presentation on the RT 7A Sidewalk Project.

She spoke about the benefits of the sidewalk, making it safe for pedestrian traffic, and that it will be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. (ADA)

She also said that the original plan was to lay the marble section of the sidewalk in concrete, but that the  Vermont  Division of Historic Preservation would prefer it be “dry laid”, which would require more maintenance in the future for the Town, and that they want the Town to reuse the old marble. Ms. Haskins has been trying to work out a compromise with the Preservation group, and has said the Town would reuse some old marble, depending on the condition of the marble, and the Town will decide how much old marble to reuse. The plan is to start the new marble at Town Hall, to match the existing new sidewalk, and try to reuse old marble in front of the Arlington Inn, and transition to concrete from marble, after the Arlington Inn. There will be granite curbs where marble is used. There are also going to be flashing solar beacons at the crosswalk, which typically cost approximately $6000 for the complete package.

The five foot marble sidewalk switches to eight foot wide asphalt path at Chem Clean, and steel wire mesh is added into sidewalk design for added strength.  There has been ongoing negotiations and compromise between  the owner of Chem Clean, and the State,  but the issues appear to be worked out, which includes paving an area of the business that is currently gravel, so is beneficial to the business.

Following this public meeting, the preliminary plans are expected to be submitted by April 15, 2019. They expect to have NEPA Document approval by the end of May, if the Historic Preservation Society approves.

Then there will be Right Of Way easements to be signed, which should be complete by late summer and construction expected to begin in Spring 2020.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Barry, Recording Secretary. Meeting videotaped

Cc: files, Town Clerk.

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