Annual Town Meeting Warning


     March 2, 2020

The inhabitants of the Town of Arlington, Vermont, qualified to vote in Town Meeting, are hereby warned and notified to meet in the Arlington Memorial High School-Mack Performing Arts Center in said Arlington on Monday evening, March 2, 2020 at 6:30pm for the purpose of acting upon and deciding the following Articles 1 through 8, specified below.  After completion of these articles, the meeting will stand recessed until 10:00am Tuesday March 3, 2020 to act upon Articles 9 through 42.  The polls will be open at the Arlington Memorial High School –Gymnasium, on Tuesday March 3, 2020 at 10:00am and will close at 7:00pm.

Article 1.         To hear and act upon the reports of the Town Officers.

Article 2.         To see what compensation will be paid to the several Town Officers.

Article 3.         To see if the Town will vote to have all taxes paid to the Town Treasurer, as provided by law, tax bills to be issued by September 4, 2020, and  payment to be in the hands of the Treasurer, or postmarked, on or before November 4, 2020.

Article 4.         To see if the Town will authorize the Selectboard to borrow in anticipation of taxes such sum or sums of money as is necessary for properly financing the affairs of the Town until the next annual Town Meeting.

Article 5.         To see if the Town will vote a budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town.

Article 6.         To see if the Town will authorize the Selectboard to set a tax rate sufficient to provide the revenue necessary to fund the approved budget, inclusive of Appropriations to be determined and voted.

Article 7.         To see if the Town will authorize the Selectboard to apply any surplus funds from the current fiscal year to reduce taxes in the next fiscal year.

Article 8.         To transact any further business found necessary and proper when met.  After any further business under Article 8, said meeting will recess until Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Article 9.          To Elect the following Town Officers:           

                             Moderator…………………1 year term                              

                             Selectman………………….2 year term

                             Selectman………………….3 year term

                             Lister………………………3 year term

                             Delinquent Tax Collector….1 year term

                             Auditor…………………….3 year term

                             Auditor…………………….3 year term (2 years remaining)

                             Cemetery Commissioner…..3 year term

                             Town Agent……………….1 year term

                             Trustee of Public Funds……3 year term(2 years remaining)

                             Trustee of Public Funds……3 year term (expires 2021)

                             Trustee of Public Funds….  3 year term

Article 10.       Shall the Town of Arlington enter into a communications union district  (CUD) to be known as the Southern Vermont Communications Union District, under the provisions of 30 V.S.A. chapter 82.

Article 11.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $75,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the replacement and/or repairs or refurbishing of the Town of Arlington fire trucks.

Article 12.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $40,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the replacement and/or repairs of the Town of Arlington highway trucks.   

Article 13.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $15,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the replacement and/or repairs of the Town of Arlington backhoe, excavator, and loader.  

Article 14.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $6,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the eventual replacement and/or repai of the Town of Arlington grader.  

Article 15.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $6,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase and/or repair of sidewalk maintenance/equipment.

Article 16.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $5000.00 into Capital Reserve Fund for the maintenance/removal of diseased and hazardous trees.

Article 17.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $20,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the resurfacing of Town roads.

Article 18.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $5,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for Town bridges & culverts. 

Article 19.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $3,000.00 into  the Capital Reserve Fund for the maintenance of Town owned buildings.

Article 20.      To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $3,000.00 into the Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase and/or repair of computers.

Article 21.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $45,000.00 toward the support of the Arlington Rescue Squad.

Article 22.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $2,250.00 to the Arlington Area Childcare, Inc.

Article 23.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $3,000.00  toward the support of the Arlington Community House.

Article 24.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $4,000.00 toward the operation of the Arlington Community Health Nursing Service for the year ensuing.

Article 25.       Shall the Town of Arlington vote to raise, appropriate and expend the sum of $21,500.00 for the support of the Martha Canfield Memorial Library, Inc. to provide services to the residents of the Town.

Article 26.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $500.00 toward the support of the Bennington Coalition for the Homeless.

Article 27.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $360.00 toward the support of the Bennington County Conservation District.

Article 28.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $1,800.00 toward the support of the Bennington Project Independence Adult Daycare Service.

Article 29.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $1,200.00 toward the support of  BROC-Community Action in Southwestern VT.

Article 30.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $540.00 toward the support of the Center for Restorative Justice.

Article 31.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $450.00 toward the support of Project Against Violent Encounters, Inc. 

Article 32.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $1,500.00  toward the support of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (R.S.V.P.).

Article 33.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $500.00 toward the support of the Sunrise Family Resource Center.

Article 34.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $1,530.00  toward the operation of the Southwestern VT Council on Aging.

Article 35.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $450.00 toward the support of the Tutorial Center.

Article 36.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $500.00 toward the support of the Vermont Association for the Blind  and Visually Impaired.

Article 37.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $295.00 toward the support of the Vermont Center for Independent Living.

Article 38.      To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $750.00 toward the support of Neighbor to Neighbor, a home based care giving program.

Article 39.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $779.00    toward the support of Bennington Area Habitat for Humanity.

Article 40.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $1,250.00 toward the support of Burdett Commons.

Article 41.       To vote by ballot to see if the Town will vote the sum of $2,000.00 towards the support of Greater Northshire Access Televisio (GNAT-TV) to help support & defray costs related to the videotaping and television broadcast of the Arlington Select Board, Arlington School Board and other public and municipal meetings

Dated this January 30, 2020

 Keith Squires  Daniel Harvey     Cynthia Browning

   Timothy Williams     Matthew Bykowski

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