Selectboard Meeting Minutes 1.26.21

Emergency Virtual Select Board Meeting Tuesday January 26, 2021 7PM Members in Attendance Via Zoom: Dan Harvey, Matt Bykowski, Cynthia Browning, Tim Williams, Todd Wilkins Member Absent: None Also present via Zoom: Nick Zaiac, Town Administrator, Janet Barry, via phone Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7PM Public Comments: None Old Business:  Budget …

Selecboard Meeting Minutes 1.25.21

MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD January 25, 2021 VIRTUAL MEETING Members Present: ( Via phone or Zoom) Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning,  Tim Williams, and Todd Wilkins Members Absent:  None Also Present:   (Via phone or Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Vince Thompson-AFD, “Eric”, “Chelsea”,  Darren Marcy-Manchester Journal,   Denise Monte, and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:00, by …

Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 1.19.21

ARLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF MEETING January 19, 2021 Commissioners Virtually in Attendance:   Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning,  Tim Williams, and Todd Wilkins Also in Virtual Attendance: AWD Operator- Burr Snow, Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac The meeting was called to order by Mr. Harvey at 7:00PM Minutes of the Meeting on October 19, 2020:  Mr. Wilkins made a …

Energy Committee Meeting Minutes 1.11.2021

Arlington Energy Committee meeting minutes January 11, 2021 via Zoom Next meeting: February 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Present: Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Mary Ann Carlson, Mardi Crane, Bryan Dalton (minutes taker), Alexandra Ernst, Karen Jernigan, Rich Lederer (Zoom host), Karen Lee, Garrett Siegel. Guests: Arlington Town Administrator Nick Zaiac, BCRC Emergency Program Management Officer Allison Strohl Town Administrator – Nick reported: …

Selectboard Meeting Agenda 1.25.21

Arlington Select Board Agenda Monday, January 25, 2021 7:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting: +19292056099,,99664478321#,,,,*850509# US (New York) Call-in: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 996 6447 8321 Passcode: 850509 /j/99664478321?pwd=cTF5RU9YWEp3ZDUyNUU0VERTVkY2QT09 Meeting ID: 996 6447 8321 Passcode: 850509 One tap mobile 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4. OLD BUSINESS 4.1. …

Selectboard Meeting Minutes 1.4.21

MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD January 4, 2021 VIRTUAL MEETING Members Present: ( Via phone or Zoom) Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning,  Tim Williams, and Todd Wilkins Members Absent:  None Also Present:   (Via phone or Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Ali Zaiac-Trustee of Public Funds, Steven McClafferty, Chad Harvey, Darren Marcy-Manchester Journal,   Denise Monte, and Janet Barry The meeting was called …

Selectboard Meeting Schedule 2021

2021 SELECTBOARD MEETINGS 7:00PM – Town Hall Jan.  4,    2021                                                            July  12, 2021 Jan.  25,  2021                                                            July  26, 2021                                                                                     Aug.   9, 2021                         Feb.  8,    2021                                                                                                                                                Aug.  23, 2021 Feb. 22,   2021                                                                           TOWN MTG – via Zoom –  March 1,  2020   7pm March  8, 2021                                                           Sept.  13,  2021 March 22, 2021                                                          Sept …

Select Board Meeting Agenda 1.4.21

Select Board Agenda Monday, January 4, 2021 7:00 PM Virtual Meeting Time: Jan 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Jan 4, 2021 07:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 962 7818 8093 Passcode: 840811 Dial in: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 962 7818 8093 Passcode: 840811 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. Additions and Deletions from …

Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12.21.20

MINUTES ARLINGTON SECECTBOARD December 21, 2020 VIRTUAL MEETING Members Present: ( Via phone or Zoom) Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning,  Tim Williams, and Todd Wilkins Members Absent:  None Also Present:   (Via phone or Zoom) Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Park & Rec Supervisor-Gerry Woodard,  Denise Monte, and Janet Barry The meeting was called to order at 7:02, by Mr. Harvey …