Energy Committee Meeting Minutes (Draft) 10.4.23

Arlington Energy Committee

DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

6:30 to 8:30pm


In attendance: Stephanie Moffett-Hynds, Karen Lee, Jenny Murtaugh, Mary Anne Holmes, Alexandra Ernst, Garrett Siegel (Alternate),

Nick Zaiac, Town Administrator

Guests present:  Joan Nash, Laura Cavin-Bailey, VCRD

Guest speaker, Marcus Jones, was absent. 

  1. CALL TO ORDER: called to order at 6:33
  2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:   Lee moved to approve, Holmes seconded.  passed unanimously.

Lee acknowledged that she was delinquent in preparing minutes from special meeting that was held September 27, 2023.  She agreed to distribute draft minutes to committee for approval at October 12, 2023 meeting.

General discussion was held about October 1, 2023, meeting that was hosted by and Thomas Hand (solar developer).  Lee suggested that the AEC discuss Vermont’s renewable energy policy for potential recommendations to the Arlington selectboard.  Zaiac cautioned that the AEC keep recommendations to its local missions.  Zaiac said that it is acceptable to discuss non-Arlington related topics amongst committee members, but that any recommendations non-related to the Town should come from individuals, not from the committee.

Moffett-Hynds asked about GNAT recording of BCRC meeting from September 30. 

Window Dressers:  Moffett-Hynds thanked everyone for their efforts.  She asked for feedback for the WD “After Action” meeting, including suggestions for improvement.  Holmes said that she was very impressed with the assembling systems.  M-H likes the homemade food vs. buying outside food (as done by other WD groups).  Nash suggested that jobs that required standing still for hours is not optimal.  She suggested that some jobs be designed that would require moving around. (more healthy). 

Arlington Area Alliance:   (Group of all civic organizations in the community.)  Ernst & Siegel reported on recent meeting.  They said that the topics discussed were mostly about coordinating upcoming holiday events.  They introduced the AEC to the group.  Said we should contact Bebe (?), holder of the AAA calendar.  Ernst pointed out that the AAA is a good way of connecting with other members of the community and a good way to get the word out when needed.  The next AAA meeting will be held in mid-January in Bailey Hall.

General discussion was held about the Diaper Fund and the problems about carbon and downstream pollution impact.  Comments included perspectives from various points of view.  M-H noted that many Vermonters do not realize that disposal of food waste in the landfill is illegal.  Zaiac said that curbside pick-up of food waste has been thoroughly discussed at the state level.  It has been determined to be too expensive, given Vermont’s rural nature.  Siegel pointed out that plastic recycling is not effective. 

It was announced that the Sunderland Energy Committee is hosting a Transition to Renewable Energy forum on October 26, Manchester Library.  Fossil fuel reps as well as renewable reps will be on panel.  Andrew McKeever will moderate.

Carbon Tracking Spreadsheet.  Lee reported that some of the formulas needed to be updated with updated numbers that she and Nash learned from the recent 350.0rg meeting.  M-H

The next spreadsheet working meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m., October 12.  M-H asked Zaiac to request a spot on the December 4, 2023, meeting agenda to present the spreadsheet. 

The next regular AEC meeting will be held November 1, 2023.

Holmes moved to adjourn, seconded by Siegel.  5 members voted Yea, Stephanie Moffett-Hynds voted Nay.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. 

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