Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 3.9.23



Minutes of Meeting – Thursday March 9, 2023

Members Present: Garret Siegel, John Williams, Sebastian Massey, Tom Williams, Michael Murno

Other Attendees: Joan Nash (Land Use Administrator) Part Time, Nick Zaiac (Town Administrator), Janet Hurley (BCRC)

Attendance Formats: Town Hall, Zoom Video Conferencing or Phone

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Garret Siegel.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved unanimously as revised.

Public Comments Unrelated to the Agenda

There were no public comments.

Land Use Administrators Report

There was no LUA Report

New Business

There was no New Business

Old Business

We continued with revisions to the Bylaw. Chairman Garret Siegel noted that in reviewing Article 3, Development Review Procedures, we would exclude a review of the Special Flood Hazard Area Regulations Procedures, Section 3.5, until a later date, as we have previously reviewed this section with Cat Bryars. At that time, we will review the changes we made to Section 3.5, including any changes that were added after our review, and confirm that they were included. Right now, subject to confirmation of a possible extension through the end of September, we have till the end of May to complete the Bylaw revision. It was also noted that we will review last month’s discussion about converting to a design review board/development review board at a future meeting as some members agreed to take another look at this conversion. We then focused on some outstanding questions from the January 19 Edition of Article 5 from Janet Hurley (BCRC) as follows:

Section 5.1.3 Regarding the removal of this section, we decided to remove it in entirety, as the language as presented is too subjective and subject to challenge.

Section 5.1.9 It was unanimously agreed to retain this section from it’s beginning to the end of the paragraph entitled “Dust, Fumes, Vapors, Gases, and Odors”. The rest of the section beginning with the paragraph “Water Quality” to the end of this section is to be removed.

Section 5.2.6 Regarding the discussion at the last meeting to place this section after “Home Based Business”, other options were discussed, one of which is to leave it as is in the January 19 edition but list it alphabetically. The other option is to place it under “Home Based Business” alphabetically. It was decided to hold a final decision till a later date.

Section 5.4.2 The Decision to move the paragraph “Criteria for Approval” back to Section 3 on page 17 made at the last meeting was reconsidered and will remain where shown in the January 19 Edition.


Section 5.4.4 It was decided to delete this section since it is not applicable to Arlington. Since there in no longer a Section 5.4.4, all subsequent numbering in the section shall be reorganized.

Section 5.4.6 In Paragraph 4,the words “Municipal Road General Permit Standard” shall be revised to read “Permit Standard as Established by the Department of Environmental Conservation”.

As this concluded our current discussion on Article 5, we moved to Article 3 Development Review Procedures as follows:

Section 3.1.3 In the third sentence after the word “application” add the words “for review”.

Section 3.2 Under “Site development plans shall contain”, Number 3, the last sentence shall be revised to read “Also, location of buildings on adjacent lots within a distance of 200 feet of the area to be altered or areas of the property of which the use is proposed to be changed”. In Number 4 and Number 8, same section, the words “property boundaries” shall be replaced with the words “the area to be altered or areas of the property of which the use is proposed to be changed”.

Section 3.3 Conditional Use Review In the second major paragraph, Number 3. Beginning with the words “That the use is” shall be removed. Also the paragraphs beginning with the words “In granting” and “All applications”, shall be flipped.

Section 3.4.3 Review Process In the fourth paragraph of (B) Sketch Plan Review, the word “mailed” shall be replaced with the words “provided to”.  In the same section, Part (C), Number 22, after the words “unless a smaller scale is” add the word “subsequently”. In the last sentence of Number 22, before the abbreviation in (PUD), add the words “Planned Unit Development”.

Section 3.4.4 Performance Guarantee Requirements At the end of the first paragraph, before the word “below”, remove the word “as”.

Section 3.6 Appeals The paragraph heading “3.6.2” shall be revised to “3.6.1”.

Section 3.7.1 Authority The first sentence shall be revised to read “When an applicant proposes land development or use of property that does not meet the dimensional standards, a waiver may be requested”.

“Section 439.2” on page 28 shall be revised to read “Section 3.9.2”.

This concluded our current review of Article 3. Looking ahead to our next meeting, we will review Article 4, Zoning Districts.  “What does it mean to have a Commercial Zone in the Village District?” We will have another special meeting in April to ensure completion of the Bylaw by May.

Sebastian Massey made a motion as follows: APC Meetings shall not go beyond 9:00 pm unless there is a vote to continue past 9:00 pm. Second by Garret Siegel. Motion approved.

As there was no further business, Michael Murno made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Sebastian Massey. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.

The next regular APC meeting will be held on March 23, 2023 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted By Michael Murno

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