Bennington County REMC Meeting
Thursday, September 29th from 12-12:45PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 3177 6906
Passcode: 272224
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
12:00-12:05 PM: Welcome and introductions
12:05-12:10 PM: Any new volunteers for REMC positions?
- Current appointments:
- Interim Chair: Art Groux
- Interim Vice Chair: vacant
- Statewide LEPC Rep.: vacant
- Threat/Hazard Inventory and Risk Assessment Review Rep.: vacant
- Integrated Preparedness Plan Rep.: vacant
12:10-12:15 PM: Reminder about quorum and how others can be proxy
12:15-12:35 PM: Dee Myrvang, with the Vermont Department of Health, will present about the Survivermont training available to communities. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
12:35-12:45 PM: Other happenings and things to mention, or comments from the group
Adjourn meeting