DATE ISSUES: July 16, 2021
PROPOSALS ARE DUE: August 19, 2021. No Later than 1700 Eastern.
BID OPENING DATE: July 16, 2021 Eastern.
Please send proposals to:
Town of Arlington Vermont
Nick Zaiac, Town Administrator
PO Box 304
Arlington VT, 05250 or
For Further information or questions, please contact:
Nick Zaiac, Town Administrator
Proposal Requirements and Details
Intent of Specifications
It is the intent of these specifications to clearly describe the furnishing and delivery to the Purchaser, a complete apparatus equipped as specified. The primary objective of these specifications is to obtain the most acceptable apparatus for service in the Fire Department. These specifications cover specific requirements as to the type of construction and tests the apparatus must conform, together with certain details as to finish, material preferences, equipment and appliances with which the successful bidder must conform.
The design of the apparatus must embody the latest approved automotive design practices. The workmanship must be of the highest quality in its respective field. Special consideration shall be given to service access to areas needing periodic maintenance, ease of operation, and symmetrical proportions. Construction must be heavy-duty and ample safety factors must be provided to carry loads as specified. The construction method employed will be in such a manner as to allow ready removal of any component for service or repair.
The apparatus shall conform to the National Fire Protection Association Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, number 1901 (“NFPA 1901”), in its most recent edition, unless otherwise specified in this document. Only the specified firefighting supplied equipment listed in these specifications shall be provided. The apparatus shall further conform to all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. No exception.
Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of their ability to design, engineer, and construct the apparatus specified and shall state the location of the factory producing the apparatus. They shall also substantiate they are in a position to render prompt and proper service, and to furnish replacement parts for the apparatus.
Each bid must be accompanied by a set of detailed contractor’s specifications consisting of a detailed description of the apparatus and equipment proposed. These specifications shall include size, location, type, and model of all component parts being furnished. Detailed information shall be provided on the materials used to construct all facets of the apparatus body. Any bidder who fails to submit detailed construction specifications will be considered non-responsive and shall render their proposal ineligible for award. No exception.
Bids will be addressed and submitted in accordance with the instructions provided on the cover sheet. The words “Fire Apparatus Proposal”, and the date shall be submitted on the final proposal as submitted to the Town Administrator.
The bidder shall state the time required for delivery in calendar day of the completed unit on the proposal page. The completed unit shall be delivered to the purchaser with full instructions and training provided to Fire Department personnel on operation, care and maintenance of apparatus at the purchaser’s location.
The following apparatus specifications are considered minimum design and construction standards against which the apparatus will be inspected. It is the intent to receive proposals on equipment/apparatus meeting the attached detailed specifications in their entirety. Any proposals being submitted, without “Full Compliance” with these specifications shall so state on the bid proposal page, followed by a detailed “Letter of Exceptions” listing the areas of noncompliance. The reference must include page number, paragraph, and the exact nature of the exception.
ISO compliance
The manufacturer shall operate a Quality Management System meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 :2000.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a recognized world leader in establishing and maintaining stringent manufacturing standards and values. The manufacturer’s certificate of compliance affirms that these principles form the basis for a quality system that unswervingly controls design, manufacture, installation, and service.
The manufacturer’s quality systems shall consist of, but not be limited to, all written quality procedures (aka QOP) and other procedures referenced within the pages of the manufacturer’s Quality Manual, as well as all Work Instructions, Workmanship Standards, and Calibration Administration that directly or indirectly impacts products or processes. In addition, all apparatus assembly processes shall be documented for traceability and reference. The manufacturer shall also engage the services of a certified third party for testing purposes where required.
Payment terms
Each bidder’s proposal must include all items required in the specifications unless a specific
exception is taken.
The bidder shall include the base price of the apparatus as well as a final price, less discounts. Upon delivery and payment of the apparatus, the manufacturer shall provide an invoice indicating full payment and ownership of the Town of Arlington. Where requested in the spec sheet, options included in the shall be assigned a specific price for inclusion in the final price. Any options whose mutual inclusion shall cause the combined price to be higher or lower than the sum price of the optional components shall include a unit price on the combined optional components,.
Right to reject bids
The Town of Arlington reserves the right to reject any and all bids received and accept any bid that, in its judgement, best serves the needs of the Town of Arlington, Vermont.
Cab and Chassis
– Truck length cannot exceed 32ft 2in (Maximum to fit firehouse)
– Truck Height cannot exceed 112 inch (Maximum to fit covered bridge)
– Compartment Depth 23 inch (wheel well and front compartments could be a little less deep)
– Commercial Cab and chassis being a Peterbilt, International, Kenworth or Western star. We request the fire truck manufacturer choose the brand that is most reliable and dependable from your past experience in manufacturing with these choices.
– We are looking for 500 HP diesel engine. Automatic transmission equipped with a Jacobs engine brake.
– Cab to have two seats with custom built center console for storage, radios, etc.
– Alloy rims with Michelin or Goodyear tires and Insta chains on rear axle
Fire body, pump and tank
We request each manufacturer chose the best body build and materials their company provides. No Galvanized bodies will be considered.
– 1500GPM Hale Qmax pump
– 1250 gallon water tank
– 2 pre-connected handlines on pull out trays for loading
– 1 deck gun in dunnage area.
– Hose bed to hold 1500 ft of 4 inch supply hose and 300ft of 3 inch hose preconnected inside the hose bed. for portable deck gun base
– MIV valves on both 6in pump inlets
– 3 monster gauges for tank level, one on both sides of truck and one on the rear of truck
– Pump area belly pan with pump housing heaters
– 2- 2 1/2 or 3 inch tank to pump inlets
– Fireman’s friend direct tank fill on the rear of the truck
– 4 inch hose storage in dunnage area, both sides of truck
– Roll up compartment doors, unpainted
– Suction hose as long as the body will allow. 12ft?? 15ft??
Lighting and electrical
– Two telescopic led scene lights near front of fire body
– Body mounted scene/ flood lights on both sides and rear of truck
– LED scene brow or flood light on front of the truck.
– Ground lighting
– Led light strips in compartments
– In compartment outlets for battery charging, streamlights, etc in relevant locations
Other features
– The passenger and driver side rear compartments will need a pull out drawer to hold our Extrication Simo, cutters and spreaders on one side and positive pressure and negative pressure fans on the other. The simo compartment will have two electric rewind reels to hold 100 ft of hydraulic hose each.
– The drivers side over wheel compartment will be our SCBA compartment, looking to have 4 SCBA’s in there.
– In cab passenger seat to be an SCBA seat
– Switch on rear of the truck that will turn on rear scene lights
– Other compartment shelving location will be decided during build
Details to be decided by truck manufacturer in proposal
– We prefer ladders in the tank but would go with a hydraulic ladder rack to keep desired water capacity.
Other requested options (include in base proposal if available)
– 2 inch recievers on all 4 side of the truck with a approx 10,000 lb winch that can be operated at any reciever. All frame work to be solid mounted to vehicle frame.
– Electronic siren control box, Federal Q siren with both passenger foot pedals and a siren brake
– Quick raise gun base for deck gun (noting 112 inch height maximum)
Other Options to be priced if they can possibly be fitted on the apparatus with above requests (price separately if available)
– 6.5 kw generator
– Foam system with foam tank. 20 gallons or 30 gallon (size should not cause sacrifice of water capacity)
– Spare SCBA bottle storage around wheel wells
– A 4 inch “Y” connected to the 4 inch hose in the hose bed but the “Y” located near tail board of the truck for quick access. Needed bracket to hold the “Y” and straps to hold the hose from blowing off.