Select Board Meeting Minutes 3.2.23



March 2, 2023 

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Todd Wilkins, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman, and Jamie Paustian 

Members Absent:  None 

Also Present:  Nick Zaiac-Town Administrator, Steve McClafferty, Mike King, Jay coonradt, Vince Thompson, and Janet Barry, via Zoom 

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM, by Mr. Harvey.  

Public Comments:   Steve McClafferty had a few questions regarding the Town Report, including ARPA fund spending, that Mr. Zaiac was able to clarify.  

Minutes of the Meeting of February 6, 2023: Mr. Paustian made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the February 6, 2023 meeting.  Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Wilkins abstaining. 

New Business:  Tax Anticipation Note:  Mr. Zaiac informed the Board the bank confirmed the Tax Anticipation Note, discussed at the last meeting, will be a loan that behaves as a Line of Credit, that allows the funds to be withdrawn only as needed, and only the amount of money withdrawn will accrue interest. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the first phase of the Tax Anticipation Note process and to authorize Mr. Zaiac to pursue the final documents.  

Borrowed Money Letter:  The Board reviewed the Borrowed Money letter from the Treasurer, requesting to borrow $250,000 from the Capital Reserve Funds for operating expenses through April, until a decision on the best way to utilize the Tax Anticipation Note is made, with $100,000 to be borrowed from the Truck Fund, $100,000 from the Special Highway Fund, and $50,000 from the Bridges Fund.  Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize borrowing money until the Tax Anticipation Loan is complete, per the Treasurer’s request of $250,000, as laid out in the Select Board meeting materials. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 

Appointment of Nick Zaiac as Emergency Management Director:  Ms. Browning made a motion to appoint Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac, as Emergency Management Director. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  

Extrication Tools Award: The Board reviewed the two quotes for purchasing Fire Department extrication tools. One from Reynolds for $42,834.15 for EFORCE tools and one from Industrial Protection Services for $41,177.00 for Holmatro tools. Another quote from Reynolds tools for $47,007 was set aside because it was not an apples to apples comparison, but a different battery type. Chief King said the Holmatro tools were preferred and better rated. Mr. Zaiac thanked the Fire Department for obtaining the quotes. Mr. Paustian made a motion to purchase the Holmatro tools for $41,177.00 from Industrial Protection Services. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Zaiac suggested spending the Extrication Tool Line in the budget of $10,000 and then use ARPA funds for the remainder of the purchase price. Mr. Paustian amended his motion to include “to be paid for with ARPA funds after $10,000 from sinking funds is used”. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Chief King discussed needing to purchase a second set of extrication tools for the Fire Company, the Board agreed there are enough funds to support the second set. Mr. McClafferty asked about money from ARPA for the wastewater project, and Mr. Zaiac explained ARPA money was never promised to the wastewater project and the Fire Department is a high priority, as is a long planned water line replacement job.  

Fire Department Chief Subcommittee and Building Subcommittee:  This discussion was tabled until a future meeting. Mr. Paustian asked about the phone line issue at the Berwal Road firehouse, which Mr. Zaiac will check into.  

Liquor and Tobacco Licenses:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of the 1st Class and 3rd Class Restaurant and Bar licenses for Arlington Ramuntos, LLC. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Outside Consumption Permit and the 1st and 3rd Class Hotel Liquor Licenses for Arlington West Mountain Inn. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the 2nd Class Liquor License and the Tobacco License and Tobacco Substitute Endorsement for the Arlington Deli. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Tobacco License and Tobacco Substitute Endorsement for the Arlington Stewart Shops Inc. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Moton passed unanimously. All these only require a  

Highways:  Mr. Zaiac said it has been straightforward work in the Highway Department, and all the equipment is currently functioning properly.  He recently had a successful meeting with the State where site lines, and trees in banks were among the things discussed. Mr. Paustian asked if there were any updates on the Warm Brook Road intersection. Mr. Zaiac said the transportation head in charge of that project is leaving, and there are no new updates at this time.  

New Business con’t:  The Board discussed the flyer the Treasurer created to answer questions and make people aware of the Homestead Exemption in time for tax filing. She was requesting a treasurer’s check from the bank in the amount of $180.89 to pay for the mailing. Ms. Browning said she wished the Board had been able to review the flyer before printing, and she felt some edits should be made, even though the idea to inform homeowners is a great idea.  Mr. Paustian said he’d like to have flyers available at Town Meeting. Ms. Browning said she would review it and send edits to the Treasurer and Mr. Zaiac.  Mr. Paustian made a motion to approve the cashiers check for $180.89 for mailing as edited in the near future. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  

Town Administrator Report: Mr. Zaiac had presented the Board with his report. There were no questions.  

Water Department Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant WD#4, dated 2/23/2023, in the amount of $4,554.84, with major items being hydrant work and GMP payments. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 

Warrants and Orders: Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #4, dated 2/23/2023, in the amount of $43,173.23, with major components being BC/BS payment, highway truck repair, and WCS for gravel. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 

All Other Business:  None 

Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of  personnel, legal, and property issues would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of  personnel, legal, and property issue and to allow Mr. Zaiac to remain in the room. Seconded by Mr. Sherman. The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:10PM. The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:55PM. No decisions were made as a result of the Executive Session. 

Mr. Sherman  made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary Cc Town Clerk Files 

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