Selectboard Meeting Minutes 10.11.22



October 11, 2022

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Todd Wilkins, Cynthia Browning, Glenn Sherman and Jamie Paustian

Members Absent:  None

Also Present:  (In person, or via Zoom) Nick Zaiac-Town Administrator, Joe Gervais, and  Janet Barry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mr. Harvey.

Public Comments:   Mr. Harvey asked for public comments unrelated to agenda items. Mr. Gervais was at the meeting because he is running for VT State Representative, and wanted to introduce himself to the Board.

Minutes of the Meeting of Sept. 26, 2022: Mr. Wilkins made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the Sept. 26, 2022 meeting. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Highways:  Paving Reimbursement:  The Board reviewed the reimbursement request for State funded paving projects on Red Mountain and Crow Hill Roads. Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve both TA65 forms for reimbursement. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Salt Award: The Board reviewed the bids for winter salt contracts, with Cargill being $90 per ton, delivered and Apalachee being $88 per ton, delivered. Winter salt is sourced from more than one company to ensure salt being available when needed. Mr. Zaiac said that Apalachee has been proven to be the best salt and is less per ton. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve purchasing 600 tons salt from Apalachee at $88 per ton delivered, and 200 tons from Cargill for $90 delivered. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

White Creek Plowing Agreement:  The Board reviewed the White Creek Plowing contract. Mr. Zaiac said it was a straight forward contract, in line with what was paid last year, and has been an agreement for many years. Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve the White Creek Plowing Agreement for the Black Hole/Murray Hollow area of Town. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business: Appointments: Ms. Browning made a motion to appoint Land Use Administrator, Joan Nash, as Sign Administrator. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Fire Department Alcohol Standard Operating Procedures: Mr. Zaiac presented the Board with an Alcohol Standard Operating Procedure for the Fire Department that he had edited for grammatical errors and clarity. After reviewing, the Board agreed it was best to table the decision until the next meeting, so the Town’s legal counsel can offer input. Mr. Paustian made a motion to check with legal counsel and revisit at the next meeting. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Fireworks Permit: The Board reviewed the Fireworks Permit for the Mack Molding Holiday Party. It was noted that they have done this for many years and are working with professionals. Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve the fireworks permit for Mack Molding. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Land Sale; Spruce Peak Parcel: Mr. Zaiac explained the Town received an unsolicited proposal from a resident seeking to purchase a two- three-acre parcel of land for $1,000. The Town had acquired the parcel in a tax sale in 2016, and it is landlocked and inaccessible.  The transaction will be publicized in a warning in the Bennington Banner.  Ms. Browning made a motion to sell parcel 8-2-16 to Daniel Wood for the price of $1,000. Mr. Sherman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s Report:  Mr. Zaiac submitted his report into record.

Executive Session: Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue and to allow Mr. Zaiac to remain in the room. Seconded by Mr. Paustian. The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:30PM. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:59PM.

Water Department Warrants and Orders:  Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant WD#19, dated Oct. 7, 2022, in the amount of $771.54.   Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Warrants and Orders:     Ms. Browning made a motion to approve Warrant #19, dated Oct. 7, 2022, in the amount of $44,704.23, with gravel being the biggest expense.   Mr. Wilkins seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

All Other Business:  Mr. Paustian asked about repair costs that will be needed to repair the excavator. Mr. Zaiac said he had discussed the possibility of having highway crew member, Mark Robinson, do the repairs at a higher rate of compensation. This will be discussed at a future meeting when it is on the agenda. Mr. Paustian thanked Mr. Zaiac for facilitating the paving job on Warm Brook Road, that has made a tremendous difference. Mr. Zaiac thanked O’Brien Paving for the job.  Mr. Paustian had concerns about some trees that look hazardous by roadways and inquired if it is something the State might be willing to address. He and Mr. Zaiac will look at the trees in the near future. Mr. Zaiac said he will be in the process of discontinuing the Diligent platform in the near future, and transitioning to an alternative platform for Board materials that is exactly what the Planning Commission and ZBA are currently using.

Mr. Wilkins made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Paustian seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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