Selectboard Meeting Minutes 10.7.19



October 7, 2019

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey, Tim Williams, and Matthew Bykowski

Also Present:   Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Shelly Stiles-CISMA, Michael Batcher-BCRC, Ryan Kincaid-CISMA,  Madison Kremer-BCRC Ronald Weber, Karen Lee, Rich Lederer, Garret Siegel, Stephanie Moffett-Hynds- Arlington Energy Committee, Todd Wilkins

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman, Keith Squires

Public Comments:   No public comments

Minutes of the Meeting of Sept. 23, 2019:   Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the meeting of September 23, 2019. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

New Business:  Battenkill Watershed-CISMA:     Shelly Stiles from the Battenkill Watershed-CISMA organization was at the meeting to give an update of the progress at the Park of removing invasive species, and to inform the Board that she is retiring after 26 years in the organization, and to introduce Ryan Kincaid, who will taking over her position. Ms. Kincaid, an ECO Americorps member with the BAttenKilll Watershed-CISMA organization, is from New York state and had been a middle school science teacher. Ms. Stiles spoke of how keeping invasive species removed from the Park has not been going as well as she would have hoped, despite all of the work that has been done to try to manage the situation. She recommended the Board consider using Rodeo, an herbicide she has had success with and can be used safely around water and wildlife. The majority of the Board is in favor of using this herbicide. Ms. Stiles said she can give the Town contact information on people who could be hired to do the herbicide applications and removal work, and Ms. Kincaid said she is organizing a volunteer, “work party” day, on Saturday October 26, 2019, from 9-11:30AM, for volunteers to work at the Park, and can supply tools to help with the invasive species removal. It was suggested that Ms. Kincaid reach out to Principal Merrill to see if there are students who may wish to volunteer.

Arlington Energy Committee:    Members of the Arlington Energy Committee were at the meeting, with Garret Siegel starting the conversation by suggesting the Board consider having an Energy Audit of Town Hall performed before the end of the year, which is estimated to cost between $500-$1000, but could offer ideas of ways to save money on energy consumed in the building. It was suggested that doing the audit by the end of the year could alert the Board to issues needing to be addressed, and allow for the 2020 Budget to include the possible repairs.  Following the audit, the Arlington Energy Committee would be able to apply for rebates from Efficiency Vermont to cover up to $5000 of the cost of such repairs as insulation, sealing, and improvements to heating and ventilation systems, if needed. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorize the Town to perform and Energy Audit on Town Hall, not to exceed $1000, from the Town Hall Repair and Services line in the budget. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Ms. Moffett-Hynds said she will email information on obtaining an audit to the Town.

Zoning Bylaws:    It was agreed that the Board needed more time to review the Zoning Bylaw packets they received at the last meeting and would discuss them at the next meeting.

Highways:   Red Mountain Road Striping:  At this point in the meeting, the Board jumped ahead in the Agenda to address the line striping issue that happened recently, on Red Mountain Road. Todd Wilkins was at the meeting to discuss the next step he needs to take in order to repair the damage done to his truck in the striping incident.  Mr. Squires explained that the Town had some striping done on Red Mountain Road by FreshCoat Asphalt Services in the last week of September. The Town piggy-backs Sunderland’s contract with FreshCoat, as it has in the past, to avoid additional contract fees, for the small amount of roadway being done. FreshCoat had equipment and operator issues, which resulted in lines being two feet apart, no signage to warn drivers of wet paint, paint being applied too thickly and spilling paint on the road. Because of these issues, Todd Wilkins’ truck had a large amount of paint splatter damage, with a formal estimate of just under $2500.  Mr. Squires said that past operators had been more knowledgeable with the curved roads. The Town received another call about the issue, but no other estimates or requests for repairs have been received at this time.  Mr. Squires spoke with the FreshCoat foreman, who was not notified of the situation by his employees and was unaware of the situation. The foreman said he will not send the bill for Arlington’s striping, which was $408, but Mr. Squires has had no response from the company’s owner as to the damages and expenses that have occurred. Mr. Wilkins’ claim has been submitted to VLCT, and Mr. Squires said he feels they will contact FreshCoat’s insurance on the Town’s behalf as part of the insurance process, and it was discussed that the Town attorney can be consulted as well. The Town’s highway crew will black out the yellow paint errors on the roads, and any additional claims from other drivers will be handled on a case by case basis.  Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize truck paint removal repair bill for approximately $2500, for Todd Wilkins. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

Employee Benefits:   The Board discussed that the 90-day probation period for Highway crew member, Mike Finnegan, is up and that he is now eligible for health insurance or stipend. It was also discussed that Mr. Finnegan now qualifies for a $1 per hour raise, that was discussed at his interview, and that his progress will be discussed again after six months of employment. Mr. Harvey made a motion to increase Mr. Finnegan’s pay by $1.00 per hour. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Sunrise Lane:   Mr. Squires told the Board that the packet of information and all reports on Sunrise Lane, and what would need to be done in order for the Town to take over the road, has been mailed to the Homeowner’s Association. The Board discussed a difficult curve in the road, and that it would be a 25MPH speed limit if it were a Town road.

Speed Signs:   Mr. Bykowski told the Board he will read the signs statistics and have the information for the next meeting. It was discussed that one of the signs is not working properly and Mr. Bykowski said the batteries might need to be pulled and given a good charge. Mr. Squires said he can speak to the Sheriff’s Office about getting their speed cart for any other areas that have speeding.

7A Sidewalk:    Mr. Squires said revised number are in on the 7A Sidewalk job and construction estimates are going up and that the Town may need to apply for more money from the State to cover the additional costs. The start date for construction is still 2020.

Old Business:    Technology Plan: Mr. Bykowski told the Board he has not had time to continue work on the Technology Plan for Town Hall, but that he will ask April at E-Enable to put together a formal proposal before the next meeting.

Town Administrator Job Ad:   Mr. Squires informed the Board that the Town Administrator Job ad has been placed in several publications.

Water Department:  Mr. Squires talked to the Board about the recent effort to stimulate payments on overdue water accounts and that payment plans have been put into place for all but one of the residents.   Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant WD#21, from the Operating Account in the amount of $5633.16. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.  

Warrants and Orders:    Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant # CRF-7, in the amount of $3369.00, to Vermont Recreational Surfacing and Fencing, Inc, for guardrail work on Ball Mountain Road, which is the final invoice for this project. Mr. Williams seconded. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Payroll #41B, in the amount of $692.16, to Keith Squires in his duties as Interim Town Administrator. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires abstained.  Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant # 21, in the amount of $16,840.39, from the General Operating Account. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

All Other Business:    Mr. Squires spoke to the Board about a new insurance product from VLCT for 1st responders who have damage done to their private vehicles through the course of performing their duties as volunteer firemen. The Board agreed it could be a way of offering the volunteers a form of compensation, but that the product would need to be investigated further for fees and how it would be monitored. It was also asked that firemen stipend information be available at the next meeting.

BCRC Commissioner Status Letter:   Mr. Squires showed the Board a letter he received from James Sullivan-BCRC, asking if Mr. Squires and Ms. Browning are continuing on as Arlington’s Commissioners.  No other Board members were available to take on this task, and it was decided that Ms. Browning and Mr. Squires would continue in this role.

Executive Session:   Mr. Harvey made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Ms. Browning seconded. Mr. Harvey made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue. Ms. Browning seconded.  As a result of the Executive Session, Mr. Bykowski made a motion to authorizea Mr. Squires to take any action necessary to protect Town employees. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Board exited Executive Session at 9:25PM.

 Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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