Selectboard Meeting Minutes 6.17.19



June 17, 2019

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Tim Williams, Matthew Bykowski

Members Absent:   Daniel Harvey

Also Present:   Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Ann Harriet Cole

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Chairman, Keith Squires

Minutes of Meeting of June 3, 2019

Ms. Browning made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of June 3, 2019. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

New Business:   Town Auditor:    The Board reviewed a letter from Town Auditor, Pat Williams, stating that an acquaintance, Jenna Peeler, has expressed interest in filling the one Town Auditor position that is vacant. She has recently moved to Arlington, and has been employed as a CPA. Mr. Williams made a motion to appoint Jenna Peeler as a Town Auditor, until the next election in March 2020. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Ms. Browning asked that copies of State statutes concerning the Town Auditor position be mailed to Ms. Peeler along with her appointment letter.

Sheriff Contract:   Mr. Squires showed the Board the new Bennington County Sheriff’s contract for July 2019-June 2020. The contract includes a rate increase of $1.25 per hour from the previous contract. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the Bennington County Sheriff contract for the rate of $45/hour- 20 hours/week. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.  Mr. Williams said he would like to invite the new lieutenant with the State Police, and possibly Chad Schmidt from the Sheriff’s Department, to speak at a Selectboard meeting in the future.

Community House:   Mr. Williams said the old shrubs around the building at the  Community House will be removed soon, and asked if the Town could contribute some top soil for the new plantings, which Mr. Squires agreed to do.

Highways:    Mr. Squires  said the new Highway employee, Mike Finnegan, started work on June 17, 2019.

Grants in Aid Program:    Mr. Squires spoke to the Board about the Grants in Aid Program. It is a State program that helps towns with projects that are required because of the State Stormwater requirements. He asked permission from the Board to send a letter of intent to participate in this program. He said an example of the benefits would be that if a project costs $15,000, through this program the State would pay $12,000. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve a letter of intent to the Vermont State Municipal Grants in Aid Program. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Class 2 Paving Program:  Mr. Squires spoke to the Board about a grant he applied for and received that will help with the costs of paving Sandgate Road.  He explained this grant is an 80-20 split, with the State paying 80% of the costs. The Town will do preparation work this year and the paving will take place next year.  Ms. Browning made a motion for the signing of a copy of the Grant Agreement for Class 2 Roads Paving Program. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

Mr. Squires said the Highway crew have been busy doing final grading, as well as mowing and trimming. They have fallen a little behind this spring because of wet weather.

Crack Sealing/Striping Proposals:   The Board reviewed proposals from several companies for crack sealing and striping, of Arlington roads. There was a quote from Freshcoat Asphalt Services to crack seal for $3750, and one from Nicom for $4100, for an 8 hour work day.  Mr. Squires explained that Freshcoat only blows dirt out of road cracks and that in his experience it is better  and longer lasting to have routing of the cracks done, which Nicom offers. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve contracting with Nicom Coatings Corporation from Barre Vt for crack sealing/filling for an 8 hour day, with traffic control. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.  There were two bids for pavement marking, one from Topkote Applicators from East Arlington, for $5490.80 and one from Freshcoat Asphalt Services from Barre Vt for $3750.00. All the paints used must be EPA standards and do not last very long.  Ms. Browning made a motion to accept Freshcoat Asphalt Services for line striping in Arlington for $3750.00. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Water Department: Mr. Williams  made a motion to approve Warrant WD#13, from the Operating Account in the amount of $3871.04. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

South Road Update:   Mr. Squires said Burr Snow is getting final numbers of what the well will cost on South Road as was discussed at previous meetings, and that legal paperwork has to be completed before work can be done.

Old Business:  Mr. Williams told the Board that Boy Scout, Mark Corey, will present his four new benches he has been building sometime the week of July 8th. The four old ones will go to the park. It was discussed that Mark’s project will add value to the community.

Dog Park Invoices:    The final invoices for the Dog Park fencing were presented for payment. Berkshire Fence Company for installation, $4736.00, Wm. Dailey, Inc, for concrete, $1001.00, and reimbursement for Keith Squires for fencing materials he purchased, $2317.90. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve invoices totaling $8054.90 for materials and installation to construct fencing at the Dog Park, from the FEMA account, Warrant #2019-1.  Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires abstained because he is receiving reimbursement from this warrant.

Camping on the Battenkill:  Mr. Squires told the Board he had received a letter from the owner of Camping on the Battenkill stating he is satisfied with the work that was done and that all the work is now completed. As was discussed in a previous meeting, the remaining balance left in the account will be given to Neil Krawczyk because he initially opened the account. Ms. Browning made a motion to close out the Escrow Account for Camping on the Battenkill, HMGP,  and release final payment of $3217.09 to Neil Krawczyk. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Ms. Browning also said she’d like to publicly thank Mr. Squires for sticking with this project since 2011, through all the bureaucracy, and seeing it through to completion.

Informational Sign:   Mr. Squires spoke with the Board about  the digital sign that has been talked about  at previous meetings. It was discussed that the Health Center had decided they did not want it on their property because they were concerned about traffic slowing down and causing congestion from people trying to read the sign. Town Hall had been considered as an alternative location for the sign, but both  Ms. Browning and Mr. Bykowski feel the digital sign does not fit with the look of Town Hall, and could make the area look too congested. The Board discussed a sign already  at the school that could possibly be used as a an informational sign for Town events and it was also decided that  other locations  for the  digital sign will be investigated further. Mr. Bykowski, who is also a School Board member, will speak with the principal about utilizing the school sign.

Policy Updates:   At a past meeting the Board reviewed and updated the Town’s employee policies.  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to readopt the updated Town of Arlington Personnel Policy, for Section 17, Eligibility of Benefits. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

Electronic Payments:    Town Treasurer, Tiffany Mays, sent a letter to the Board discussing the research she has been doing  for the possibility of the Town being able to accept electronic payments for Water Department bills. It was discussed that it would be a benefit to the Town to be able to take electronic payments and make it easier for residents to pay their bills. Ms. Browning stated that security and reliability are the most important things to consider. The Board decided to ask Ms. Mays to check with other towns to see how they handle electronic payment options and Mr. Bykowski sent her an email with some suggestions of links she can also investigate.

TAM Sold: Mr. Squires told the Board about a letter he received from TAM, Inc, about them having been sold to Casella Waste. Ms. Browning said she’d like to see recycling bins be put into place at Town Hall and will call Casella to ask about that possibility.

Warrants and Orders:  Mr. Williamsmade a motion to approve  Warrant #2019-2, Reappraisal Fund, in the amount of $362.96, for supplies for the upcoming reappraisal.  Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Williams made a motion to approve General Warrant #13, in the amount of $34,270.71, which includes quarterly insurance and Workmen’s Comp payments.  Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. 

 Ms. Browning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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