Selectboard Meeting Minutes 7.1.19


PO Box 268

Arlington, VT 05250

Minutes of the Meeting of Monday, July 1st, 2019

Board members in attendance: Matt Bykowski, Dan Harvey, Keith Squires, Tim Williams, and Cynthia Browning. Minutes taken by Cynthia Browning.

Members of the public in attendance: Jim Baker, Jack McDonough of GNAT.

  1. Call to Order at 7:03pm.
  1. Public Comments.
  1. Minutes of the Meeting of June 17, 2019.

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve of the minutes as presented. Mr. Williams seconded. The motion passed.

  1. New Business.

    Mr. Squires reported that the Arlington Community House has written to the Board to request that the Town Appropriation to the ACH be allocated now instead of at the end of the year. This has been done before. This is the text of the letter dated June 18, 2019 to the Arlington Board of Selectors: “To the Board, The Arlington Community House has always appreciated the generosity of the town in voting for our appropriations request each year. The money goes a long way to help maintain this fine old house which is open to Arlintong, Sandgate, and Sunderland for meetings by community groups. Last year the board had extensive brick work done to maintain the house. A loan was secured which is being paid off. In light of that we would like to receive the appropriation at this time. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Charles Webster, President, Arlington Community House Board of Directors.” 

    Ms. Browning made a motion to approve of immediate allocation of the $3,000 appropriation to the ACH. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Mr. Harvey, Mr. Bykowski, Mr. Squires, and Ms. Browning voted in the affirmative. Mr. Williams abstained. The motion passed.

    Mr. Williams reported on the recent presentation about the Emerald Ash Borer problem. The Board decided to create some kind of special Right of Way permit for landowners who might wish to take down ash trees that are in the Town highway ROW.

    Mr. Jim Baker of the Arlington Renewal Project provided an update to the Board on various activities. The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board has awarded $150,000 for the purchase of the property on Red Mountain. This is $15,000 less than the original request. The total needed is $230,000. On another front, Neighborworks of Southwest Vermont has received a $300,000 grant that can be used to make grants to qualified buyers who purchase and fix up houses. There will also be money for a survey of housing needs.

On other matters, Mr. Williams reported on several matters. The new benches for out front will be put in place next week, and the old ones will be taken to the Rec Park. … The Farmer’s Market and the Arlington Fire Department both need volunteers. … Jay Ruggles has offered to pressure wash the Town Hall and repair the ice shield in the back for $600. Ms. Browning made a motion to accept the bid of $600 to power wash the entire building and make the repairs conditional on proof of insurance. Mr. Bykowski seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

  • Highways.
  1. Tree Removal Bids. The Board considered two bids to remove two trees, one on Church Street and one on Warm Brook Road. Supreme: total bid $2,100 for take down and cleanup. Ed Pike: total bid $1,872 for take down and cleanup. Mr. Harvey made a motion to accept the bid from Ed Pike for $1,872 to take down the two trees. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. Truck Bids. The Board went out to bid with a minimum of $10,000 for the old Town truck and did not receive any bids above that minimum. The Board determined to go out to bid on it again without that minimum.
  3. Sunrise Lane Update. A committee representing the residents of this private road had asked the Town to consider taking it over earlier. Mr. Squires reported that he has had a meeting with Mr. Trayah on site, and also consulted with Mr. Taft of AOT. The residents want specifications of what needs to be done and a letter from the Town saying that if those actions are completed the Town will take over the road. Mr. Squires reported that he will undertake an inventory and measurements involving redesign of the problematic T intersection. He said that he would recommend a new survey be done and that a 50 foot width ROW be deeded to the Town. He will prepare a proposal of the specifics of road work required for the ASB to consider, that would then be sent to the residents committee.
  4. Highway Standards. The Vermont Agency of Transportation highway standards dated 6/2/19 must be approved after the Board decides what levels of standards to choose for certain kinds of roads. These decisions refer to the chart on p.1 after the letter. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to adopt the following standards under the Road and Bridge Standards Sections:

Section 1 Municipal Road Standards: Hydrologically connected road segments – Yes; Non-hydrologically connected road segments – Yes.

Section 2 Class 4 Road Standards: Hydrologically connected road segments – Yes; Non-hydrologically-connected road segments – No.

Section 3 Perennial stream-bridge and culvert standards: Yes.

Section 4 Intermittent stream crossings – No.

Section 5 Roadway construction standards – Yes.

Section 6 Guardrail standard – Yes.

Section 7 Driveway access standard – Yes.

Ms. Browning seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  • Highway Department Performance Reviews. Mr. Bykowski distributed a draft of such reviews, including a sheet for the employee and for the supervisor, and then a final evaluation.
  • Other. The speed signs will be arriving after 7/15. No developments on the East Arlington improvement proposals.
  • Water Department.

    Mr. Squires reported that the leak at Route 313 and Bentley Lane was on the property owner’s pipe and has been repaired.

    Mr. Harvey mad a motion to approve of Check Warrant Report WD 14 dated 6/25/19 for $1,091.52 for normal operating expenses. Ms. Browning seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

    The new letter for delinquent accounts will be ready for consideration by the Commissioners at the July 22 Arlington Water Department Commissioners meeting.

  • Old Business.

It was reported to the Board that two to three community members have expressed interest in participating in the Town Administrator selection process.

  • Warrants and Orders.

Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Check Warrant Report #14 dated 6/24/19 for $23,918.64. Ms. Browning seconded. The second half of the payment of County taxes accounts for about half of this amount. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Browning

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