Selectboard Meeting Minutes 8.10.2020



August 10, 2020

Members Present:  Dan Harvey, Matthew Bykowski, Cynthia Browning, Tim Williams, and Todd Wilkins

Members Absent:  None

Also Present:   Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac,  Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Jason Green, Nelson Illinski,  with Darren Marcy-Manchester Journal,  and Janet Barry,  via telephone.

The meeting was called to order at 7:20 by Mr. Harvey, following the Water Dept. Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of July 27, 2020:   Mr. Williams made a motion to accept as presented, the minutes of the meeting of July 27, 2020. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Public Comments:  Softball League:  Jason Green was at the meeting to talk about the possibility of continuing the softball season at the Park into the fall. He said there had not been any major issues with the teams this summer, and they have appreciated the use of the field. Mr. Wilkins said that high school kids are on the field five days a week for soccer in the fall, and that they would have top priority of field use. It was suggested that weekend tournaments may be an option, as long as it didn’t coincide with any soccer games. Mr. Williams suggested that the softball league consider paying $500 to the Town, to offset the cost of lights and maintenance of the field, for both the summer and upcoming fall seasons. Mr. Green said he will speak with his players to see if they want to do weekend tournaments, and return to the next Select Board meeting to let them know the decision, and also could pay the $250 for the summer use then.

Lions Club: Mr. Illinski, Project Manager for the Arlington Lions Club, was at the meeting to tell the Board about the Lions Club “Back- to – School Supplies Drive” event that will be happening in Town this Saturday, August 15, 2020. Participants will decorate their cars in an animal theme. Line up starts at 10AM.  He said there will also be food sold, and it will be bagged and delivered to the cars. There is also a Pediatric Cancer bottle drive from 10-1 Saturday, with funds going to help families defray costs of traveling for their child’s treatments.  He said they have had to cancel or change some events this year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. He asked for any “celebrity judges” to be available to judge the car decorations Saturday, and Town Administrator, Nick Zaiac volunteered for the position. The Board also spoke to Mr. Illiniski about the possibility of the Lions Club taking over the responsibility for testing the pool water at the Park, which had only been taken over by the Town in the past, when the Lions Club suffered financial issues, and the possibly that they may also  be able to contribute to the $700-$800 a year mowing costs at the Park that the Town supplies.  Mr. Illiniski said he would speak to the other members of the Lions Club about these requests.

Old Business:     Fire Department Articles of Membership Changes:  Mr. Bykowski showed the Board the three items he felt should be changed in the wording of the Fire Department Articles of Membership that the Board has been reviewing.  The Board agreed with these changes, and that there should be a signature line, stating the person has read and understands the Articles, and that all applications be given to Mr. Zaiac.   Ms. Browning made a motion to approve changes suggested by Mr. Bykowski to adopt the Fire Department Article of Membership, and to have Mr. Zaiac return to the next meeting with a clean copy for approval. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed.

Town Administrator’s Report:  Mr. Zaiac gave the Board a copy of his report, describing some of the projects he has been working on for the past two weeks. The Board agreed the report is very informative and helpful. Some of the things in the report were that all Park and Rec supply requests will now run through Town Hall, instead of buying on their own, to help alleviate shipping costs.  The new NEMRC cash module will be operating starting September 1, 2020. There will be a technician at Town Hall next week to give an estimate on a possible new boiler.  It was discussed that there should be a permit policy for commercial use of the Park to help with enforcement and clarity, and that neighboring towns could be studied for how their permits are worded.

Highways:  Covered Bridge Repairs:  Mr. Zaiac told the Board that the bids for covered bridge repairs will be sent out for re-bid, because prices have increased since the bids were originally obtained.

Speed Signs:  It was discussed that the  speed signs need to be moved to be most effective, and that Mr. Zaiac will obtain the data from them and email it to Mr. Wilkins, who will then analyze it and send a report to the Sheriff’s Department.

New Business:    Pickle Ball Courts:  The Board and Mr. Zaiac discussed a request for pickle ball courts for the Park, including the possibility of using the tennis courts dually for tennis and pickle ball, and using mobile nets. Dick Bailey will be sending a letter soon, detailing specifics of the proposal.

Budget Check Up:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion to defer the Budget Check Up discussion to the next meeting. Mr. Wilkins seconded. Motion passed.

Water Department:  Warrants and Orders: Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve WD Warrant #16, in the amount of $2,318.45, with the biggest amount being paid to Pioneer Inc. for $1,388.85. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

Warrants and Orders:   Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve Warrant # 20-9, in the amount of $67.00 for Reappraisal post cards. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.    Mr. Wilkins made a motion to approve Warrant 17, from the General account, in the amount of $29,231.92.  Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.  Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize overspending of the Firefighter Physicals line by $700.00. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Executive Session:  Mr. Bykowski made a motion that premature discussion personnel issues would cause the municipality to suffer disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried.

Mr. Bykowski made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of personnel issues and to allow Mr. Zaiac to remain in the room for both sessions. Seconded by Ms. Browning. Motion carried. The Board entered into Executive Session at 9PM. The Board came out of both Executive Sessions at 9:55, at which time meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video and  audio-taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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