Selectboard Meeting Minutes 9.23.19



September 23, 2019

Members Present:  Keith Squires, Cynthia Browning, Daniel Harvey, Tim Williams, and Matthew Bykowski

Also Present:   Jack McDonough-GNAT-TV, Jim Baker, Cat Bryars-BCRC, Don Keelan

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman, Keith Squires

Old Business:  Town Administrator Position:    Jim Baker was at the meeting, as chair of the Town Administrator Search Committee, to speak with the Board about finalizing an ad for the Town Administrator job. The Board reviewed the Committee’s working draft.  He said the Committee is meeting again on September 26, 2019 at 7PM to nail down the content of the employment ad, and where it will be published, then he will present it to Keith Squires for final approval. The Committee is in hopes of collecting resumes in October. Mr. Bykowski made a motion to approve the conceptual description and posting of the position as presented by the Search Committee. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Bykowski spoke of what a great committee it is, that the members are experts in their fields, and they have made quick work of this process, and that the Town is lucky to have them in this endeavor.

Public Comments:   Regional Housing Bylaw Study:  Cat Bryars a planner with BCRC, was at the meeting to present information to the Board about a proposal to co-apply, with Dorset, for MPG funding for a Regional Housing Bylaw Study, at no cost to the Town. The Grant application has to be submitted to the State by October 1, 2019.  The study would survey current housing regulations in the downtown and village center areas, and make specific recommendations for bylaw improvements to help each community achieve goals for more quality and diverse housing in historic centers. It will study current model standards for square footage, and for ways to make better use of housing in villages. The application will request $13,485 in MPG grant funds.  The Arlington Renewal Project will provide a letter of support as the study would be complimentary to what the group is already doing in their housing studies. Mr. Williams made a motion to co-apply with Dorset, for the MPG funding. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Minutes of the Meeting of September 9, 2019:  Ms. Browning made a motion to accept, as presented, the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2019. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Old Business, con’t:  Chittenden Bank Property Sale:  At this point in the meeting, the Board discussed the sale of the old Chittenden Bank Property, that was purchased through judicial foreclosure, with the auction being held on September 20, 2019. Mr. Squires was given a note from the buyer, requesting the Town reduce liens on the property, that total approximately $20,000. Mr. Squires said the purpose of the liens was due to violations of the Junk Ordinance, and were applied as a way to try to get the property cleaned up. The Board discussed the issue and felt they would be comfortable lifting the liens for the new owner, provided they will clean up and maintain the property. The owner wishes to have the lien lifted in time for the closing on the property. Ms. Browning made a motion to authorize Mr. Squires to craft a letter with the Town Attorney to lift liens due to violations of the Junk Ordinance, at 265. E. Arlington Road, subject to appropriate conditions of clean up of the property. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed.

7A Sidewalk Design Acceptance:   Mr. Squires said he had a request for a letter from the Town accepting the design changes for the 7A Sidewalk, that were discussed at a public meeting on April 8, 2019, as part of the approval process for permits from the State. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve the RT 7A Sidewalk design agreements as embodied at the public meeting on April 8, 2019. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed.

Speed Signs:   Mr. Bykowski brought data reports from the newly installed Speed Signs for the Board to view.  He said he sees no cumulative decline since the installation on September 12, 2019, but that the average speeds were not extremely high, and Mr. Harvey said he can hear people slowing down by his house, since the signs were installed. Mr. Bykowski feels the data could be provided to the Sheriff’s Department so they could plan their speed enforcement patrols for times of highest speed violations, and that it’s best to leave signs in one area for a three-month period, which the Board members agreed with as well.  He will provide another print out for the next meeting.

Technology Plan:   Mr. Bykowski provided the Board with a draft of the Technology Plan he has been working on, along with E-Enable, for Town Hall. It shows the most urgent needs and what can be addressed in the future. Three computers need to be updated in the very near future, due to their age, which exceeds the average 3-5-year replacement schedule. He also noted that the computers also have to be updated to Windows 10, as Windows 7 expires on January 1, 2020, and Microsoft will no longer offer updates and security after that date.  It also recommends server elimination and move to NEMRC Cloud, at a cost of $840 per year, which will soon be a requirement of the State as well, and offers more security, as well as eliminating the cost of replacing the aging server.  With a plan in place, it would will help with budgeting for 2020. 

New Business:  Local Emergency Management Plan:    Mr. Squires said the Town is required to update their Emergency Management Plan every year. It needs to be approved and submitted to the State of Vermont through BCRC. The Board reviewed the information in the plan, and only found two minor changes needing to be made. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the local Emergency Management Plan for Arlington, dated September 23, 2019, as presented, with two minor corrections. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires will sign the form and submit it to Allison Strohl at BCRC.

Highways:  Sunrise Lane:  Mr. Squires said he has not completed the letter to the Sunrise Lane Homeowners Association as of the meeting but would do so before the next meeting.

Road Salt:   Mr. Squires explained that every year the Town has agreements with at least three road salt companies in case they run out of salt. He said so far he has a formal proposal from Cargill for $79.50 per ton, delivered, with a 400-ton maximum, which is $3 per ton decrease from last year. Ms. Browning made a motion to approve proposal from Cargill for $79.50 per ton, delivered. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Winter Sand:    Mr. Squires said he has a proposal for Winter Sand from Peckham Industries dated September 10, 2019, for $13.95 per ton delivered, which is a twenty cent per ton increase from last year. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve the proposal from Peckham Industries for Winter Sand for $13.95 per ton, delivered. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed.

Ball Mountain Road Update:    Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant C – 6, dated 9/23/19, for $47,728, of which Contech will receive their final payment of $16,400, and to Herrmann Construction for $31,328. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

Water Department: Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve WD Payroll, # 9B, in the amount of $222.48, for Keith Squires in his duties as Water Commissioner. Mr. Williams seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires abstained. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant WD#20, from the Operating Account in the amount of $7017.08, of which $2309.73 was spent on a fire hydrant job. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.  

Warrants and Orders:    Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant # R 2019-5, from the Reappraisal Account, in the amount of $210.00 for postage. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant # 19-1, in the amount of $2309.73, for invoices #7,8, and 11, to BCRC for the Rec Park Sidewalk. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Squires explained how it is difficult to track grant money coming to the Town from the State and that these were older invoices that had gotten lost in the shuffle.  Mr. Harvey made a motion to approve Warrant # 20, in the amount of $28,618.59, from the General Operating Account. Ms. Browning seconded. Motion passed.

 Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Harvey seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Barry, Recording Secretary

Meeting video taped

Cc: files, Town Clerk

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