Special Select Board Meeting Minutes 11.19.20


Special Select Board  Meeting

November 19, 2020

Members Present: Dan Harvey, Cynthia Browning and Todd Wilkins, in person, Matt Bykowski via telephone.

Members Absent: Tim Williams

Also Present: Town Administrator- Nick Zaiac, Water Department Supervisor- Burr Snow, in person and Bruce McDonald and Rich Lederer on the telephone

The meeting was called to order by Matt Bykowski at 7:03 PM

Public Comments:  Mr. McDonald said he was a new resident and called into the meeting to see what transpires.

New Business:   Covid Procedure Update – Town Hall:  Mr. Zaiac explained the need to close Town Hall, except by appointment only, to be in compliance with the Governor’s newest Executive Order.  Ms. Browning made a motion to return to appointment only procedure as previously defined. Mr. Wilkins seconded.  Motion passed unanimously. The Governor has also requested all municipal employees that can work from home to do so effective immediately. Mr. Zaiac said he will confirm with Town offices that the staff have what they need to be able to work from home. Ms. Browning asked if she could be allowed to have a small BKWA meeting at Town Hall on December 5, 2020. She said only 6 people at most would be in attendance and would wear masks and socially distance. Mr. Zaiac requested all attendees know the newest Executive Order and give information for contract tracing.

Ms. Browning said when Select Board meetings were held remotely this spring, she had trouble hearing and being heard, and asked if she could still attend the meetings virtually, but from Town Hall so that Mr. Zaiac could assist her with the procedure. Mr. Zaiac said he would not feel comfortable doing that, as it would go against the Governor’s Executive Order to have zero inter-household interactions. It was discussed that the School Board has continued to hold remote only meetings throughout the entire pandemic, and they have still been effective, and that Manchester and Londonderry also hold their meetings remotely. Mr. Bykowski and Mr. Zaiac said they would help Ms. Browning to be able to attend virtually, either using the video platform or on the phone. Ms. Browning said she will try calling into Monday night’s meeting to see if she has better results than the video platform.

Benedict Crossing Bridge Closing: Mr. Zaiac spoke briefly about the recent closing of the Benedict Crossing Bridge to all traffic, including pedestrian. Damage was discovered at an inspection, that is conducted every two years by the State, and the severe extent of the damage was confirmed with contractors. Mr. Zaiac has already had barriers placed and will discuss the possible need for fencing as an additional barrier, at Monday’s meeting. He said it is a 100-year-old bridge, and would cost $300,000 or more to permanently repair the bridge, and even temporary repairs could cost $100,00 and only help for approximately two years. The Board will discuss the issue at Monday’s meeting.

Executive Session:  Ms. Browning made a motion that premature discussion of a personnel issue would cause the municipality to suffer substantial disadvantage. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried.  Ms. Browning made a motion to enter into Executive Session for discussion of a personnel issue, and to allow Mr. Zaiac and Mr. Snow to remain in the room. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:31 PM.

The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:03PM. No decision made as a result of the Executive Session.

Ms. Browning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Bykowski seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:04PM

Minutes taken by  Janet Barry

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